Encounter the Goddess of the Second Element In Another World

Chapter 1080: The Causality of the World Line

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Having obtained the information he wanted, An Zhe directly picked up the gun and shot each of them in the heart.

They were the murderers who killed Makise Kurisu, and An Zhe was full of pleasure in killing them.

It doesn't matter whether this is cruel, or whether it is a kind of gratitude, it doesn't matter, who caused these guys to hurt the people they value.

That was An Zhe's absolute inverse scale, and he would get angry if he touched it.

"Sorry, I let you see some bad things." Walking out of the room and seeing Makise Kurisu and the others waiting outside the door, An Zhe apologized calmly. He was still not stained with blood, but even then he still looked terrible.

"Ah...people are rumored that some things taught by Magic Academy are terrible, and now I have seen..." Nitosaya murmured, and every time he thought of the methods Anzhe used, he would unconsciously chill. trembling.

In response, An Zhe just shook his head faintly: "As long as you know, I didn't torture them just to torture them."

In the face of the unknown, you must use all means to obtain information that is beneficial to you. In a battle, controlling the initiative is more important than any conditions.

Masao Sakamoto agreed with An Zhe, after all, they all knew that An Zhe was not a cruel and bloodthirsty person.

"What about their people behind the scenes? Have you figured it out?" a person in the institute asked, and they all wanted to know who was watching them.

An Zhe frowned when he heard the words and explained to everyone after organizing the language.

"How should I put it, they seem to be an organization that...behaves radically, but is meant to maintain peace. That is, the time machine we invented is intended to disrupt the normal development of the world, an evil thing. ."

The truth is so absurd that they were all surprised by Sakamoto Masao, and they were speechless for a while.

"Because of this one-sided thought, they sent someone to assassinate? Confused!!" Masao Sakamoto's face was pale with anger, and the faces of other people around him were also unsightly.

An Zhe was also a little helpless. He was in a daze when he learned the truth. You must know that the time machine represents the progress of science and technology. It is a good thing at the scientific level. The only factor that determines its quality is how humans use it. Up.

It is indeed ridiculous to prevent the advent of the time machine for this reason, and De Anzhe doesn't know what to say.

Just because of this, Makise Kurisu almost died. It is precisely because of this that An Zhe's mood is not very good, and Makise Kurisu and the others can clearly feel it.

"By the way, can you show us the principle of the time jumping machine you mentioned?"

In order to divert An Zhe's attention, Makise Kurisu asked.

An Zhe returned to his mind and didn't think much about it. He directly wrote out all the detailed information and told a few people. Seeing everyone who had forgotten the previous thing in a blink of an eye, An Zhe could only shake his head.

"I'll study it with everyone. You don't seem to be in a good state. Let's rest first."

There was a trace of concern in Makise's eyes. After all, according to An Zhe, he had just jumped in time. Even if he didn't know how he felt, it would definitely not be a good thing.

With a slight look in his eyes, An Zhe looked at Makise Honglisu a little, only then showed a faint soft smile.

Sitting down on the sofa, An Zhe was about to take a break. Actually, he wasn't tired physically, but he hadn't rested mentally.

Just sitting on the sofa, An Zhe suddenly heard a sound. He didn't respond at first, but soon the sound got closer and closer, and An Zhe finally remembered what it was making!

It's a missile! !

Suddenly, An Zhe got up and saw that a missile had arrived in front of the Fanxing Hotel, and in the air in the distance, a stealth fighter also appeared!

That gang still has accomplices! ?

An Zhe was furious, he had no time to react, and watched the missile hit and exploded on the exterior wall of the hotel...

A few people from Hiya Dingzhenfan were far away, and they were blown out. All of them were injured and blood was flowing. Makise Kurisu and two other researchers, who were on the edge of the explosion, were directly in the explosion. Was killed.

An Zhe's eyes are splitting, he no longer knows what he is feeling now, he once again watched Makise Hongli die in front of him, but he couldn't do anything!

And not only that, the huge haze completely enveloped him, because such a thing seemed too strange to him.

The first time was a time machine accident, the second time was a sudden sniper, and this time it was an inexplicable missile attack...

An Zhe clearly remembered that the time machine that was supposed to self-destruct before is still intact!

He jumped three times, the course of the three times was different, but the result was the same...

It's almost like...like the whole world has reached an agreement to cause Makise Hongli to perch to death...

This situation made him feel extremely familiar, and he couldn't help but think of a terrible word in his mind, that is-the closing of the world line!

According to what Anzhe and Makise Hongli Habitat discussed at the beginning, countless parallel planes should not affect each other in parallel development, and the convergence of the world line will occur on a single cosmic plane among them.

To put it simply, it is a cosmic world. There will be countless possible branches in the course of time. This branch is called the world line.

According to the thesis put forward by Makise Kurisu at the time, An Zhe's mind flashed through Makise Kurisu's words at the time.

First of all, the converging is launched after an important point of divergence has been completed, in order to reach the future that must be reached.

Secondly, the world will hinder all actions that affect the results, and this is the convergence of the world line. Events that are "results" must happen.

The law of causality is to determine the priority of consolidation.

Finally, there is no limit to the form of converging. This is the law of the world, and all trigger events in the law will interfere with converging.

That's right...because of this! !

An Zhe's expression became very ugly. At this moment, he suddenly understood ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not that there was an error in his rescue operation, but because the rules of the world had been interfering arbitrarily!

Because of his foresighted memory, An Zhe is very clear about the concept of the "world line converging". The reason why he will fail one after another is only because the world rules are constantly adjusting the evolution of things, leading the development of the situation to the "predetermined" result'!

And this established result is the death of Makise Kurisu! !

The memory of Prophet Anzhe once again helped him, allowing him to discover this terrifying fact early, and at the same time making his heart very flustered.

The previous events have already told him that the death of Makise Hongli has become the point where the world line closes. No matter how the process changes, the result will evolve into the death of Makise Hongli. No matter how he acts, it will be like Everything he did before was all in vain...




(Cough cough...If you don’t understand, you can go to the stone gate. The drama, you have to be patient to see the back to understand the drip...)

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