Encounter the Goddess of the Second Element In Another World

Chapter 148: Ready to take action, reveal your identity

For the concealed person hidden in the dark, even the powerful detection methods of the academic institution could not find it, so the current situation is so passive. . For more latest chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ.

But there is no other way. An Zhe didn't even ‘figure’ what the latter’s purpose was.

In the center of the school district, in that invisible barrier.

Kamikaru Hoori was standing in the tower, looking at the situation outside the barrier through the window.

She could see the outside scene, but she couldn't find the trace of the lurker either.

Winter Qianshan came to her, frowning: "That half-devil...I am afraid I want to get you out."

There are so many hostages in the opponent's hands, even those with Tier 6 ability will throw the mouse bogey. No one can guarantee that the speed of saving people can be faster than that of the half-devil!

It is estimated that only the seventh-order Divine Cleft will make a move...

Shen Lihuo weaves his brows lightly, this is indeed a problem.

She clearly knows that the goal of the half-devil is the zero-time ‘mystery’, and that thing is now in the room behind her!

Therefore, it is not convenient for her to leave!

Even she can't sense where the half-devil is lurking!

Once she leaves, the half-devil has an opportunity to take advantage of!

But...the ordinary students must also be saved!

"Get ready, I will take action."

Shencrahuozhi groaned inwardly, and finally spoke.


"It doesn't matter, I have already set up a magic circle here, no one can easily take away the things here."

Kamiya Hoori said, he was about to leave. But seeing the'door' suddenly opened, Zhiban Qiandong walked in with a large box in his hand.

"Weaving spot? You are..."

Lin Dong Qianshan wondered about being'confused', looking at the box in the other's hand, that thing seemed to be...

Zhiban Qiandong wears a professional suit, showing his figure vividly, but the expression on his face is very indifferent, revealing the high-cold Yu Jie Faner.

"I have a solution to that half-devil."

She spoke in a calm tone, put down the suitcase and opened it, revealing the objects in it.

"This is a newly developed sniper rifle developed by the Frontline Research Institute some time ago. I asked the guy from the Research Institute for one."

Zhiban Qiandong took out a huge black'colored' sniper rifle from the box, and just gave a light explanation.

"Within five kilometers, you can kill a Tier 4 half-devil."

Both Shinritsu Hoori and Winter Chinzan were taken aback.

"are you sure?"

Kamikai Hoori asked softly.

At a distance of five kilometers, few magic can reach this point. Because if you want to kill a Tier 4 existence, you must use powerful magic power to do it!

In that case, the attack distance will naturally become a shortcoming!

Weaver Qiandong nodded: "Has been tried in actual combat. 4,643 meters, Tier 4 half demon, kills with one blow."

This is the power of technology, it can accomplish something that magic can't do!

"But... we are short of people who use this gun, so I came to you, Principal Lin Dong. In the academic database, there should be a suitable person to use this gun."

Lin Dong Qianshan looked at the sniper rifle with a headache:

"That's what I said, but those with abilities are all cultivating mana, how can guns be familiar with things like...especially advanced firearms like sniper rifles... shouldn't you go to someone in your mecha department... …"

Zhiban Qiandong shook his head, if she could find it, she would have found it a long time ago.

But this kind of sniper rifle is not something ordinary people can use at all, but the Mecha Department, including herself, are just ordinary people...

Their way of fighting is to fight with mechas, and using this powerful firearm with their own abilities will only hurt themselves.

Kamiya Hoori suddenly spoke softly: "In that case, immediately release a secret message to the capable people in the school, and look for the sniper!"


In the square, those capable people are stalemate with the half-devil.

The half-devil didn't know what his purpose was, and he hadn't moved since he appeared, just holding the hostages, completely confusing.

An Zhe was also observing the situation. He had thought about letting Bai Jingheizi teleport him to a nearby area and let him shoot and kill him, but there were too many accidental factors.

Once it fails, the half-devil will shoot the hostages, and An Zhe doesn't want that to happen.

He was suffering from a headache, and suddenly the eyes of the capable people around him changed slightly.

An Zhe was still a little strange, at this moment an old voice rang in his mind!

"Students, the institution needs the help of people with sniper experience. The following is information on firearms, please go to the core of the institution to send the ‘door’ immediately."

The old voice resounded directly in his mind, and Anzhe was suddenly shaken!

This is... the voice of the soul?

Before he could think about it, a piece of information suddenly appeared in his mind. It was a black sniper rifle with a cool appearance and detailed information!


An Zhe couldn't help screaming in his heart...

Half of it was astonishment at this magical ability, and half was astonishment at that sniper rifle.

The effective ‘shot’ distance of five kilometers? Is this Nima still a sniper rifle...

This thing is placed in the previous life, it is completely an artifact! !

When he was surprised, the capable people on one side had obviously received this message, and the target of that sound transmission was all the students in the school.

There was a low voice in the crowd, but no one acted.

Just as Dongdong Qianshan said, none of these capable people have any experience in using firearms.

"What? Suddenly looking for a sniper or something..."

Stella underestimated it softly, how could that kind of person look for among the capable.

"Don't talk too much."

An Zhe spoke softly. The academy's use of the special ability of Spiritual Voice Transmission obviously did not want to expose the plan.

An Zhe glanced around, and if no one took action, he could only go by himself...

Sniper rifle... he trained at home!

Time was running out, An Zhe didn't think too much, and ran to the core barrier to teleport the ‘door’.

"Hey...hey! Where are you going..."

Stella looked at An Zhe leaving with a little surprise, and couldn't help but speak out. Is An Zhe going to use that sniper rifle...

Those with abilities also saw An Zhe's figure, and they all looked at An Zhe who was running away with some surprise.

"I'll be back when I go!"

An Zhe's casual response came, and people had stepped into the teleportation'gate' and entered the heavily guarded core tower.

Seeing An Zhe had really entered the core area, those with abilities couldn't help but glance at each other.

"Who is that person? How come I have no impression at all..."

"I don't know... a Tier 4 ability person, it's normal if I haven't seen it before. Just don't know if he has the ability to use that stuff..."

The whispered discussion in the crowd ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Stella naturally heard it too.

But she believed in An Zhe, because An Zhe's very difficult arc gun made her feel An Zhe's marksmanship was very good.


After passing the identity check, An Zhe stepped into the minaret where he had seen Shencrahuozhi, and the people of Shencrahuozhi were already waiting.

An Zhe nodded in greetings to several people, but his eyes fell on Weaver Qiandong who was on one side, feeling a little stunned for a while.

He recognized Chindong weaver.

However, although he was surprised, his rational ‘sex’ personality provided a cover for him, so that his expression was not ‘wave’.

In the room on the top floor of the spire, there was another person, and An Zhe also unexpectedly knew that he was the year of Guan Gu Tang, who had a relationship.

At the moment of seeing An Zhe, the latter could not help but let out a soft cry!

"His Royal Highness An, An Zhe!!?"

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