Encounter the Goddess of the Second Element In Another World

Chapter 154: Obsessive-compulsive disorder wants to headline thief suffering

Although we talked late last night, the Muse and his party got up early the next day.

They packed up the cushions and quilts on the ground, and today they are about to end their stay at An Zhe's house.

An Zhe was also helping to collect things, and after three days of fun with them, he was actually a little reluctant.

But it was not something worth sighing about, An Zhe quickly adjusted his mood.

By the way, after sending the Guohuang several people onto the magic tram, he drove to the magic city school by himself.


Just stepping into the portal, An Zhe found himself in an attic...

This is...the principal's office...

"Oh, are you here."

The faint voice of Winter Qianshan sounded, the latter was just sitting in the office chair, closing his eyes and thinking.

"By the way, can we say hello in advance next time..."

An Zhe spoke helplessly. This guy directly teleported himself every time, without even saying hello.

"Well, I just chose the most convenient method." Lin Dong Qianshan smiled: "You were in the limelight yesterday. Many capable people in the academy are discussing your affairs."

An Zhe looked bitter...

"This kind of attention should be avoided...it's so troublesome...I just want to go to school quietly."

Speaking of which, if it hadn't been for Angus to ask him to come to the school, he would have been too lazy to come.

Lin Dong Qianshan couldn't help but smile when seeing An Zhe's expression.

This person is really weird...

"Then, let's talk about business. From today, you will transfer to the mecha class for training and study."

"Hey? Mecha class!?"

Hearing the words of Qianshan in Winter, An Zhe let out a bit of amazement.

"Well, it's the mecha class. This was approved by your father. And don't underestimate the mecha, or you will suffer."

Lin Dong Qianshan smiled and explained the situation of the mecha for An Zhe casually.

With the highly developed technology in this world, things like mechas are no longer uncommon.

Gathering a variety of cutting-edge technology mechas, any one has a combat effectiveness comparable to that of Tier 4 abilities!

Even if its driver is just an ordinary person!

This is the power of technology! Some top-notch high-end mechas are enough to play against Tier 6 or even Tier 7! Of course, that kind of existence is rare...

Therefore, the selection of qualified mecha is also one of the tasks of the Magic City Academy.

An Zhe raised his brows slightly.

He knew that the mecha was powerful. After all, his father had the idea of ​​letting him be a mecha pilot, but the result was still inappropriate.


A mecha that is enough to fight against the seventh-tier powerhouse? I don't know this...

In that case... the strength of the empire seems to be more than just the obvious point!

Everyone only knows that there are four great seventh-tier powerhouses under the Arthurian seat of the empire, but listening to the information inadvertently revealed by Lin Dong Qianshan, it is obvious that there are still many powerful forces hidden in the empire that have not been revealed!

However, this is also normal.

An Zhe nodded secretly in his heart, not to mention anything else, the Madu Academy, a behemoth not weaker than the Demon Hunter Headquarters, was actually serving the empire.

It's just that it's just an academy in name.

"Okay, take this, and report to your head teacher now."

Winter Qianshan took out a card and handed it to An Zhe, which was An Zhe's transfer permit.

Shrugged helplessly, An Zhe wanted to say that he could take a long vacation, but in that case, he would probably be rubbed by his father.

After all, Angus didn't know An Zhe's situation, and would think An Zhe had some strength and became slack.

Leaving the principal's office, An Zhe got on the trolley of the university and came to the Mecha School District.

The buildings here are more technological than other places.

Because the cultivation of magical energy is very helpful to get close to nature.

And here in the mecha zone, it created the forest of steel.

The area of ​​the mecha class is also domineering and broad. An Zhe looked around and came to the address given to him by his new head teacher.

Pushing open the door of this office, An Zhe saw a familiar figure.

Weaver Thousand Winter.

He froze for a moment, and thought to himself, is Zhiban Qiandong his head teacher?

"Are you here? Your name is An Zhe, right? I'm your head teacher Zhiban Qiandong."

Zhiban Qiandong looked at An Zhe, put aside the things on his hands, and said with a calm expression.

"Yes. From today I will be transferred to Class 1 of the second grade of the Mecha Class." An Zhe said, handing over the license in hand to Zhiban Qiandong.

"Well...I don't know your identity very well, but since Qianshan speaks, I will naturally help. But I won't go to class these days, so come back in three days."


An Zhe looked confused...

This is too... a bit random, right?

"Don't make a fuss. There are very few courses in the mecha class. Just like magic training, you have to rely on the students to work **** their own. Okay, I'm still a business, so I won't send you off."

Zhiban Qiandong said, and directly ordered to chase off the guests.

An Zhe: "Oh, oh..."

This class teacher is indeed the kind of cold-blooded Yujie Fan!

An Zhe was still muttering like this until he left the building.

However, even though he was transferred to the mecha area to hide his identity as the son of the duke, as a capable person, wouldn't he still be eye-catching in this place with many ordinary people?

Sighing, An Zhe knew that his situation was indeed a little more complicated, but there was no way to get the best of both worlds...

After much deliberation, An Zhe had no good ideas, so he didn't bother to take care of it.

He just wanted to avoid trouble, not afraid of trouble!

What's going on! He is not persuaded!

Inexplicably more than three days of vacation, An Zhe was also happy.

Pidianpidian returned to his residence, An Zhe opened Guangnao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and checked the situation of the website, and nodded in satisfaction.

Sasaki is still very good, and I heard that he also invited a professional maintenance team for the website. But he didn't know that the website was copied by An Zhe through the system, and there was nothing wrong with it!

I made a call to Sasaki, chatted casually about the development prospects of the website, and urged Sasaki to step up the production of anime. An Zhe squeezed Sasaki like an unscrupulous boss, but the latter was willing to do it...

After all, this is his dream too! And An Zhe gave him a chance to achieve it!

When the time came in the afternoon, An Zhe was sitting in the room drawing cartoons, while Zhen Bai stayed in her room, trying to update her work.

She doesn't have a complete storyline like An Zhe. Although she has superb painting skills, she has to spend a lot of effort to understand the plot, and she scraps the draft from time to time.

But anyway, with her love of comics, she has been working hard and has a lot of fans.

In this regard, An Zhe can only give her a small amount of help, and more often trouble her editor Iida Ayano.

At twilight, An Zhe, who was drawing a cartoon, suddenly heard the doorbell.

He opened the door and saw Qiandou Isuzu standing there alive.

"I am back."

Qiandou Isuzu saw An Zhe and said softly. After saying these words, her body inexplicably loosened, and the busy tension in the past few days suddenly relaxed.

Is it the reason for being here? Or because I saw the familiar smile on the corner of the boy's mouth...

This kind of body makes Qiandou Isuzu feel a little strange, but it can't understand it.

An Zhe stayed for a while, then smiled and took the package from Qiandou Isuzu.

"Welcome back, Isuzu."

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