Encounter the Goddess of the Second Element In Another World

Chapter 188: The boy smiles so beautifully

The night in the game was almost approaching. An Zhe thought that the first day of the imaginary world would pass by without a trace, but he did not expect to meet the person he most wanted to meet at this time.

The experience of this day has become no longer ordinary because of her appearance.

"Ya, Asuna-sama!?" Keita couldn't help but whispered.

"Hey? You know me?" Asuna pointed at herself with some doubts, and looked at Keita softly.

Qi Tai nodded, quickly explained and introduced herself by the way, and also said An Zhe's name.

Asuna, as the deputy commander of the Knights of the Blood Alliance in SAO, her beauty and strength are well known, so it is not surprising that Keita knows her.

And now Asuna's character race in the game is a water elf, with a smooth aqua blue hair, pointed ear tips, and a faint smile on the dusty face, which is undoubtedly very attractive.

There was another girl standing beside her, Keita also knew.

Her name is Liz Bethe, the former Blacksmith in SAO, and the current character race is the chosen Leprechaun, which also looks very cute.

Although An Zhe heard what Qi Tai said, he naturally knew the two of them. In fact, there is no need to listen to his introduction...

At this time Asuna was staring at An Zhe, with a glimmer of expectation in her eyes, once again explaining her intentions.

"That... An Zhe, right? Sorry, I really need the pine mushrooms you just collected. Can you sell half of it to me?"

An Zhe was very happy, but with a rational personality, he would not show any unusual behavior.

He looked at Asuna and Lisbeth, pretending to be surprised.

"Hey? Can these ingredients be sold separately?"

Qi Tai thought that An Zhe was really not sure when he first entered the game, and quickly explained: "Look at your backpack, it should be a group of 20 or so."

"Oh...really..." An Zhe nodded, divided the A-grade ingredients in half, and put them directly into the trading panel.

Anzhe smiled and looked at Asuna: "Come on, here you are."

"Hey? Thanks, thank you!"

Asuna felt a little strange, this person is so refreshing! Doesn't he know the value of A-grade ingredients?

As she thought about this, her fingers suddenly stiffened...

That's right...A-level ingredients are quite expensive. In order to raise those high-level ingredients, I have already spent almost all of my funds...

"That... Liz... do you have any money with you?" She whispered to Lisbeth quickly, "I don't have enough money to buy those A-grade ingredients."

"Hey? Even if you ask me, I will..." Lisbeth couldn't help but stunned, and said helplessly that she didn't have any money.

"Hey? Why is this... Song Mushrooms are refreshed only once every fifteen days, so it will be too long to keep up with the party..."

Asuna murmured a little disappointedly, looked at the trading panel in front of her, and sighed helplessly.

Seeing Asuna's sad expression, An Zhe tilted his head.

"Do you really need this thing?" he asked with a smile.

"Hmm... I said that I would use all A-grade ingredients to entertain my friends. I have been preparing for that party for a week. Pine mushrooms are very important condiments, and I came here early..."

An Zhe was funny in his heart, it was a coincidence...

"Is that so... Then I'll send you directly."

An Zhe smiled lightly, and directly selected half of the ingredients and chose to give it away.

All three of them were stunned by his behavior.

"An Zhe...that's an A-grade ingredient... For pine mushrooms, it is equivalent to two hundred and one mainland currency..." Qi Tai thought An Zhe didn't know, and could not help but softly explain.

"Hey? Such an exaggeration?"

An Zhe was stunned, his casual picking was equivalent to making four thousand yuan? ?

Looking at Anzhe's stunned look, on the side, Lisbeth and Asuna are also nodding their heads...

Asuna glanced at An Zhe's level, only... Twenty?

She couldn't help but froze for a moment. So low, is it a life player?

No, how can life players not know the value of Song Mushroom?

This person...is it the first time to play this game...

The three of them were puzzled, but saw An Zhe shrugged.

"Well. That's nothing to care about. It's just something I got by chance, and Miss Asuna really needs this thing! After all, both girls came to this kind of forest on purpose."

"But... this is a very valuable thing?"

Lisbeth couldn't help but emphasized.

"Okay, okay, don't worry about this little thing!"

An Zhe smiled and waved his hands gently: "Compared to this, Miss Asuna's thoughts are priceless, right? Going so for the gathering of friends, I don't want to be a bad person who destroys this beautiful mind. Oh."

Upon hearing Anzhe's words, Lisbeth and Asuna couldn't help but glance at each other, and then thanked Anzhe happily.

"Well, no need to thank you, we also have friends waiting, so let's say goodbye first."

An Zhe smiled and said, Kai Tai also arranged the package, waved goodbye to the two, and flew towards the mountain top Tiexiong and the others.

Seeing Anzhe and the two disappeared from sight, Lisbeth suddenly said softly: "This boy, how do you say... so considerate..."

Asuna looked at the A-grade ingredients in her backpack, remembering An Zhe's indifferent smile, and nodded: "Yes, his eyes are really clean..."

"Um... and very temperamental, and... he seems to be very, rich..."

Obviously that Kai Tai told him the value of Song Mushroom, but he seemed to be as if nothing happened except for the initial surprise...

"Well! Your focus is very strange!" Asuna couldn't help but nod Lisbeth's head: "Sure enough, are you used to being a blacksmith business? It depends on everyone who has to pay attention to whether others have money..."

"Hey? Um...Where is it..."


In the night, the two beauties disappeared into the night with a laugh.

An Zhe and Qi Tai returned to the barbecue area. After seeing the A-grade ingredients that An Zhe had brought out, the crowd was about to flow out.

"Wow... such an expensive thing... don't you really sell it?"

Dakar couldn't help but say so.

"It's An Zhe who wants to sell it. Why are you excited?" Qi Tai couldn't help but ask.

An Zhe smiled: "What are you selling? Just cook it! Look at your appearance as if the ingredients in this game are all delicious? Is it that exaggerated? It's obviously a virtual thing!"

"NO! You are wrong to think that way! This is a delicacy that directly affects the sense of taste!!! Otherwise, why do you think it can be sold so expensive!!"

"Dakar! Don't just raise money in a few sentences! Tacky!" Fortunately, she could not help but speak softly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but her pretending to be angry will only look cute.

An Zhe smiled and gave all the ingredients to Tiexiong's hands. Then, in the eyes of everyone's expectations, a pot of delicious mushroom broth was completed...

Slowly entering the night in the game, a group of people laughed heartily on the top of the mountain.

After the meal, several people all leaned on the grass.

An Zhe looked up at the night sky in the game, the endless stars were shining, and the breeze was gently blowing his black hair.

I... I have made new friends again.

On one side, Xing tilted her head slightly, and she sat diagonally across from An Zhe.

The moment she turned her head, she happened to see that the corners of the boy's mouth curled up with a faint arc, the starlight was reflected in his eyes, and a happy smile appeared in it...

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