Encounter the Goddess of the Second Element In Another World

Chapter 581: How to make up for the mistakes

Quietly, the sky was already bright, and the gentle morning sun shone into the room, and we could hear the chirping of early birds coming from outside.

An Zhe sat up, reached out and touched his lips, a trace of doubt in his eyes.

He has had that dream several times.

It seems to be a little different every time, and the impression of what I saw last time is a bit vague.

Some people say that dreams are a kind of feedback of memories, in which memories that people have forgotten unknowingly rejoin in their minds.

Once waking up, the dream will lose most of the impression again, leaving behind the confusion when waking up from the dream.

Is there anything else that happened to me? I have forgotten it...

In other words, is that the memory of the predecessor?

An Zhe frowned slightly, his memories from his predecessor were not fully integrated, only when things happened and the memories emerged, could he have the opportunity to refine the search.

Otherwise, a person has so many memories, even if he skips many unimportant things, it will take An Zhe a few years to read it.

Perhaps the girl in the dream is a very important person to her predecessor?

An Zhe thought to himself, and reached out and picked up the necklace on his chest. Whenever he picks up this necklace, his heart will throb slightly, this necklace must be something very important to him.

But neither his predecessor, himself nor Ling Zuo Yuanmu and others had any impression of this necklace.

Is there anything else in me that I don't know?

The pupils of his eyes turned, the sunlight in front of the balcony shone on the bed, An Zhe's black pupils turned slightly, and finally he could only shook his head.

This is a completely clueless thing. Before there is no opportunity, I can't get information at all.

No matter how much you think about it, there is no way to think about this kind of event that has no reference at all.

Well, why bother to feel uncomfortable.

An Zhe looked at the necklace in his hand, put it down with a chuckle, dressed and walked out of the door.

"Master An Zhe."

The maid had already prepared hot water and towels outside the door, and stood neatly in a row waiting there.

"Thank you."

An Zhe smiled and took the towels and other toiletries they had brought up, and walked into a bathroom comparable to a bathhouse next to him.

But he didn't think that someone was already in front of the vanity mirror inside, and An Zhe couldn't help being a little surprised because he saw Meya helping Shiina to comb her hair.

"Uh... Mom, it's white. Early..."

He greeted him quickly, causing the two of them to turn their heads, and Meya glared at him directly.

"Get up? You sleep so late, Thor doesn't even wake you up!"

Meya is a very particular person in daily life. Early to bed and early to rise is a health habit that she has always followed.

An Zhe scratched his head, thinking that he can’t be blamed, he was dreaming...

He hurried to wash his face, so don't talk to his mother any more at this time, just admit it.

The cool water hit his face, dispelling the last trace of sleepiness. An Zhe, who was wiping his face with a towel, suddenly saw Shiina Shibai walking over.

She was holding an unopened Baumkuchen in her hand.

"An Zhe"

The girl held the cake to An Zhe and looked at him quietly.

An Zhe tilted his head, chuckled and shaved the girl's face with his fingertips: "What's this for?"


When Shiina Masashi said this, De Anzhe's eyes were taken aback.

He couldn't help staring at Shiina Shiro, and couldn't help but tilt his head to look to the side of Meya, surprised.

Isn't it... so divine?

Make Zhenbai so sensible in one night?

How to do it, teach my son to teach me!

An Zhe muttered like this in his heart, startled by Meya's miraculousness. Seeing Zhen Bai was still waiting for herself, he smiled and took the cake in her hand, unpacked it and ate it in two bites.

"I've never been really white, don't worry now."

He smiled and watched the girl say so, who actually showed a faint smile...

This made An Zhe a little dazed. After having been with him for so long, he laughed very few times.

"Ahem, that's so white, are you willing to... wait for me at home?"

An Zhe asked cautiously, Shiina Masashi nodded slightly: "Maashiro will be obedient."

I'm going... My mom is amazing?

How did you persuade you...

This night, the things that have caused my headache for so long are resolved?

An Zhe was in a daze and couldn't help but walked up to Mei Ya and said in a low voice: "My son pleases you."

There was a sneer at the corner of Meya's mouth: "Come less, go and change clothes, today your dad will meet guests."


An Zhe obediently answered. No way, the mother is the mother at the end, even Angus can't help her, it must be convinced.

The people in the castle seemed a bit busy today, and Ling Zuo Yuanmu was constantly commanding, and he seemed very familiar.

Because today is the day when Angus meets guests, there is one day a week to meet the guests who have been waiting in the city of Anchides.

These people have some things to discuss with Angus, of course, generally speaking, there will be no major issues, otherwise Angus will have been notified through other channels.

If you have to explain it~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is some aristocrats who have nothing to do with their faces and are familiar with each other, and they call it liaison.

And Angus, as the Duke of the Empire, was bestowed by King Arthur to dominate a territory. It was a veritable high lord. Naturally, people came every week to get closer to Angus’s with some things that did not exist. relationship.

An Zhe stood on the rooftop, watching the maids and servants below who were constantly busy, and cast aside his mouth boredly.

He has changed into a formal suit, a well-fitting black dress with a collar at the neckline, and a well-proportioned figure, which gives people a very comfortable visual impact at first glance.

Different from Angus's exquisite aura, An Zhe is a very restrained and lofty man. Only when he shows his aura, people will find that he is looking down on sentient beings.

"Well, not bad. It really needs to be like this to look a little bit like this."

Meya's voice sounded, she also came to the rooftop, An Zhe turned around and spread her hands.

"You know I don't like this kind of occasion."

When he said this, his name has also changed. It is the same only when he is a family member, and naturally he cannot be so casual when he is about to face outsiders.

Meya smiled, and she understood An Zhe herself very well.

"I didn't let you receive those people, so just let your father handle them."

As Meiya said, she glanced at An Zhe: "I want you to change into a formal dress for something else. Haven't you been thinking about going to see the girl you regretted getting married and apologize to her? She is here today too. ."

When the voice fell, De Anzhe couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

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