End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 100 Simulation Guessing! Gather!

Ordinarily, Fang Han's skill is so strong now, even if he no longer specializes in martial arts, it seems that there is no problem.

With what he can do now, not to mention invincible in the world, but he is definitely a top existence!

But Fang Han has always been very clear about what he is after~.

After all, skills are just skills. Once the life simulation is over and they return to reality, whether those can be brought back is another matter.

At least in the first round of life simulation, under the evaluation level of [Good], except for a [Spiritual Rhythm], and the knowledge, experience, and experience that seem to be relived, there is nothing else!

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, Fang Han never felt that he had strong skills and strength, so he would slack off in martial arts training.

Those are false.

Only the subtlety and attainments of martial arts that you have comprehended truly belong to you! Even if you return to reality!

It is also because of this that I practice diligently day and night.

However, for Fang Han who has practiced the "Beiming Divine Art", the amount of skill is not a big deal.

Even if he returned to reality and lost all his skills, it would be easy for him to regain his skills after he had comprehended the "Beiming Divine Art".

Fang Han thought about this, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

Chin up, thoughtful:

In other words, if the Sims’ evaluation is high enough, will there be other gains? Is it only [Aura]?

Although only [Lingyun] is also very buggy, but for such things as cheating, when it is your turn, everyone naturally wants to do as much as possible.

Fang Han also has a sense of anticipation of looking forward to Shu.

However, after thinking for a long time, there was still no result, and he shook his head slightly.

For [Life Simulator], he is actually not finished.

After all, the simulation experience is too little, and the things we know are limited, so we can only ponder and research slowly.

Use time to grind......

Maybe it will be clearer when his simulation in this world is over.

But it's too far to say that now.

Concentrating his mind, Fang Han got up and went to the library.

Entering it, you can see that Miss Cheng is already sitting quietly, holding on to the medical books and classics in her slender hands, reading them intently.

A faint amount of sunlight came from the outside, sprinkled on the whiter and more delicate and delicate face, a little bright.

Miss Cheng is now in her twenties, and she is no longer as young and thin as she was when we first met. Not only is she born more dignified and beautiful, but her stature is also gradually taller, but she belongs to the most standard figure. Slender and slender, yet graceful and exquisite, her temperament is as elegant as orchid, and she sits quietly and reads a book, as gentle as water.

As if being stared at and aware of it, Cheng Lingsu came back to his senses slightly, seeing that it was Fang Han, those clear and bright eyes immediately arched slightly: "Brother Fang, you are here~"

Fang Han came to sit next to Miss Cheng.

Miss Cheng also snuggled up to him, lightly flipping through the medical books: "The medical books here are so profound.

Fang Han said with a smile: "No matter how profound it is, we can't help Miss Cheng from our family.

Cheng Lingsu giggled when he heard this, and said sweetly, "Brother Fang, I learned the medical books here, and I will teach you later, okay?"

Fang Han heard the faint expectation in Miss Cheng's words, and his heart was slightly disturbed.

[Xingshan got the opportunity to send time h to transfer from the aspect of medicine to the aspect of martial arts.

Medicine is not completely abandoned, but it is not as good as it used to be.

Especially in the last year, the frequency of consulting Miss Cheng has gradually decreased.

No way, after coming out of Wuliang Mountain, he has gained a lot of supernatural skills, and he has to practice and spend time and energy on special research. There is only so much time in a day, and the time spent on martial arts increases. Naturally, it will decrease and it is difficult to take care of it.

Although Ms. Cheng didn't say anything, she might not feel a little disappointed in her heart. Fang Han thought about this, and said softly: "Okay, I will teach me after I have learned the Lingsu. With you, a master of medicine, I am stupid. , but presumably the medical skills will soon improve.”

Miss Cheng's eyes were bent into crescent moons, she was very happy, she giggled and said: "How can there be such a self, Brother Fang is not stupid~"

The two rubbed each other's ears for a while, and Cheng Lingsu couldn't help asking about the outside affairs, Fang Han said in a deep voice, "It's nothing, as long as Ding Chunqiu dares to come, it won't be a problem."

Seeing that he was confident, Miss Cheng was secretly relieved, but she still said: "I have recently read and understood medical books, and I have also developed some medicines." You can take it with you when the time comes.

Fang Han agreed with a smile, and naturally there was no reason to refuse.

The things developed by Ms. Cheng must be the best of the best, and it is also great to carry some on your body and use them at any time.

It is about tens of miles away from Leigu Mountain.

Two little girls, one red and one green, are moving forward with the support of each other, followed by two horses.

"Sister Ah Zhu, how are you doing now? Are you still feeling unwell?"

Abi looked anxiously at Azhu who seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, her palms were trembling, and she was very worried.

Some time ago, she was ordered by her master Kang Guangling to go to Leigu Mountain to meet her. On the way, she happened to meet Ah Zhu who had left from Shaolin Temple. The two of them were pleasantly surprised, and after a discussion, they both felt that Mr. Murong might not miss this event. If you go to Leigu Mountain, you might be able to meet them.

In this way, A'Zhu followed A'bi to go to Drum Mountain together.

Unexpectedly, it was fine at first, but as time passed, Ah Zhu gradually felt a little weak and weak.

At first I thought it would be good to rest for a while, but who knew that the more I rested, the worse it would be. At first, I just felt weak and weak, but now I need Abi's support to walk slowly.

She couldn't even get on the horse and walk, and she felt more and more uncomfortable when there was a slight bump, so she could only walk.

Ah Zhu's originally delicate and pretty face was now slightly pale and haggard. Hearing Abi's concern, she shook her head slightly and said, "I'm fine, just... just... I feel a little tired."

Having said that, I can't help but think back to the past.

This time she disguised herself and sneaked into the Shaolin Temple to search for the most precious Shaolin treasure "Yi Jin Jing", hoping to repay the Murong family for their kindness in nurturing them.

Things went very smoothly. Under her disguise technique, she successfully escaped the monks, obtained the "Yi Jin Jing" in the dark, and slipped away smoothly, leaving the Shaolin Temple.

Unexpectedly, when she had traveled one or two miles, a man in black suddenly attacked and asked her to hand over the stolen "Yi Jin Jing". A'Zhu didn't dare to admit it, but before she could speak, the man in black directly exposed her. Get up, and hit him with a palm from the air.

In the blink of an eye, another man in black appeared and blocked the blow. The two fought for more than a hundred rounds in an instant. The martial arts of the two of them were the most powerful that Azhu had ever seen. Even Mr. Murong is hard to compare.

Knowing that she couldn't stay, she thanked the man in black who helped her block the fatal blow, and fled in a hurry.

Naturally, A'Zhu didn't dare to leave blatantly, so he put on various disguises, walked and stopped, and traveled more than a hundred miles, but he was relieved when he saw no one was looking for him.

A few days later, I ran into Abi by chance, and discussed going to Leigu Mountain together.

If the son-in-law is here, she can give the Shaolin treasure "Yi Jin Jing" as a gift!

I don't know...

Such an accident happened.

She was originally a delicate girl, but at this moment, she didn't know that she had suffered a very subtle internal injury.

It must have been that day that the man in black had a sudden blow. Although there was a noble person to help him, he was slightly injured by the palm wind, and he was actually injured. It was not obvious at first, but as time went by, symptoms of internal injuries gradually appeared .

Thinking about it, A'Zhu pursed her lips, and said softly: "Abi, I'm walking too slowly like this, why don't you go to Leigu Mountain first...... I have a small package in my arms. And take it, if you meet the young master, give the package to him. Me, I'll come later, okay?"

How could Abi dare to let her go on her own, hey he said: "Sister Azhu, how can my little sister leave you alone!"

As if thinking of something, her eyes brightened slightly: "Sister Ah Zhu, if you persist, there is Uncle Xue on Leigu Mountain, let's go and ask him to cure you, and you will be fine!

It just so happened that her master and that Uncle Xue are close friends, and they are also called "Hangu Eight Friends". When she begs her master, she must be able to ask him to help.

The more she thought about it, the better she felt, looking far ahead, Abi said: "Sister Ah Zhu, there is a small town in front of you, if you hold on for a while, let's go there and find a carriage for you to sit in."

Hearing the words, A'Zhu seemed to be a little moved, and nodded slowly.

The two girls walked slowly and gradually moved away.

A little farther away, a small head popped out, it was a little girl, dressed in purple, with eyeballs rolling around, and a strange face It’s fun? Why do so many people run to it?”

The tone of what she said was a little weird, not quite like the accent of the Central Plains.

Seeing the backs of the two people in front of them gradually disappearing, they smiled and ran away without a trace.

Another seven days passed by in a hurry.

On Leigu Mountain, more and more people from the rivers and lakes came.

...asking for flowers...

Xue Muhua, together with the other seven Hangu Eight Friends, gathered people to build a manor on the hillside of Leigu Mountain.

Among the Eight Friends of Hangu, they are Kang Guangling, Fan Bailing, Gou Du, Wu Lingjun, Xue Muhua, Feng Asan, Shi Qinglu, and Li Puppet!

Corresponding to piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and medical artisan flower opera.

Ranked sixth, Feng Asan, known as the "Skillful Craftsman", did his best to succeed.

Although the place to stay is not so luxurious,

But in such a short period of time, it is extremely amazing to be able to achieve such a level.

The name of a craftsman is really well-deserved!

With a place, it is natural to receive people from all walks of life.

The appearance of the Eight Friends of Hangu would not make the people who came holding the post feel left out, but rather surprised.

It must be known that the reputation of the "Hangu Eight Friends" is well known to everyone in the Jianghu, but they only know that they are close friends with similar interests, but they don't know that they all come from the same school, and they are called brothers and sisters

"Shaolin sent Master Xuannan here!"

"Huashan sent the young hero Linghu here!"

"Master Jingxuan from the Emei School has arrived!"

"Wudang sent Yin Liuxia and Mo Qixia to arrive!"

"Hengshan School..."

Whenever a person from the sect came to the appointment with a card, a servant would shout in a solemn voice, please enter the village respectfully.

There are also those individual tourists from the rivers and lakes, it doesn't matter who they are, as long as they come, please come and settle down, there are good wine and meat to serve, all the high-ranking people in the rivers and lakes will be infected, call friends, drink and chat, and the atmosphere is lively.

Seeing this scene, the two heroes of the You Clan who had arrived earlier were very eager to see.

This appeal is really incredible!

Moreover, this is a bit hasty. If it had been prepared, I am afraid that more famous sects could also be invited, and it would be even more enthusiastic!


Xue Muhua went around to meet the martial arts people who came to the appointment, although his attitude was not respectful, but he was very enthusiastic and expressed his gratitude.

After Linghu Chong, the eldest disciple of the Huashan Sect, left, he quickly went inside, got some wine and drank it in big gulps.

Behind him was a young woman with a pretty appearance. It was Yue Lingshan, a junior sister of the Huashan School. Seeing Linghu Chong like this, she was very dissatisfied and said: "Brother, why are you drinking again! Don't get drunk!"

Linghu Chong laughed loudly and said, "It's good to be drunk! It's good to be drunk!"

Yin Liting and Mo Shenggu of the Wudang sect, each with a few Wudang disciples, also entered it.

A handsome man with a dignified appearance behind him glanced for a while, and then froze in one place, his eyes dull.

This Song Qingshu of the Wudang School's [Yumian Mengchang] seems to have lost his soul.

"Qingshu! Follow up!" Yin Liting's voice came from afar.

Song Qingshu let out an ah, and hurriedly followed, but his eyes still couldn't help but look away from the Emei faction opposite.

Master Jingxuan was followed by several female disciples, all of whom were young girls, quite attractive, especially the youngest one, who had a beautiful and elegant face, gentle and delicate.

Not to mention Song Qingshu, even the people from all walks of life who came to the appointment, many disciples from various sects secretly noticed, blushed, and admired him.

At this time, basically everyone in sevens and eighties has arrived.

Some of them came early, and even lived there for several days. Xue Muhua and the others couldn't afford to keep procrastinating without giving a clear explanation.

Then he went out of the crowd and bowed his hands to the crowd, saying: "Everyone can come to Leigu Mountain for the appointment, Xue is very grateful! In the future, I will ask for something, if I can do it, and I will not violate my will, Xue will never refuse!"

When everyone heard the words, they all cheered together!

Among them, most of them came here because they wanted to make a good relationship with Miracle Doctor Xue.

Seeing Xue Muhua come up and make a promise now, he is naturally very happy.

Master Xuannan held the Buddha ceremony and said: "Master Xue is spreading the hero iron this time, please come here, and he said that he wants to get rid of a big villain! But I don't know who this person is?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone gradually quieted down and listened intently.

They also have a lot of speculation in their minds about this matter, and there are different opinions, but they can't be sure.

Xue Muhua even returned the salute one or two, then looked at the crowd and said:

"I don't know everyone, but have you ever heard of the name Xingxiu Haiding Chunqiu?"

As soon as these words came out, it froze immediately!


Someone's wine bowl fell to the ground, making a piercing sound, which woke everyone up.

Master Xuannan's originally calm face was extremely solemn: "The villain that Miracle Doctor Xue wants to deal with is that old man Ding from Xingxiu Sea?"

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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