
Fang Han sighed secretly in his heart as he looked at this pretty, blue-hearted, and alert little girl.

"I really can't hide anything from you."

Cheng Lingsu's face was slightly pale, she was a girl with a lot of thoughts, but this time she couldn't help thinking wildly.

She wanted to ask the reason in detail, but she was afraid that things would be as she thought in her heart, making her feel even more uncomfortable...

It would be better not to ask.

Seeing her sullen face and not speaking, Fang Han guessed something.

He took the initiative to say: "I must go on a long trip. Lingsu, I have never regarded you as an outsider. Now that I am leaving, I want to discuss some things with you. You have always been smart, and your talents are not good enough. Vulgar, maybe you can give me an idea."

If it was some time ago, Cheng Lingsu would have been happy to hear what he said, but at this moment, he was full of Fang Han's leaving, and he didn't feel interested for a while.

Feeling flustered and uncomfortable, his face was sullen, but he still said: "Brother Fang, if Lingsu can do it... definitely won't refuse..."

Fang Han looked around the medical hall, and said in a deep thought: "Here, it's hard to get it up. Although we have to leave temporarily, it's a pity to close it here."

In reality, he really needs a safe place.

But in life simulation, it is somewhat different...

It's not tasteless, but it's impossible to stay here forever.

Unless he is willing to go through this life simulation in a mediocre manner.

Would Fang Han be willing to do this?

Naturally no.

It's time for him to get out!

In the world of martial arts, in his previous life, he was always wandering on the edge, with a little yearning but also a lot of hesitation.

But now, there is no need to worry about those.

Thinking of this, Fang Han looked at Cheng Lingsu and said, "I have known you for more than half a year, and I know that your medical skills are much better than mine. I also thought that when I left, I would entrust this place to you. A descendant of the medicine king sits in the town, but he is much more powerful than me, haha..."

Originally, he was thinking of joking and enlivening the atmosphere, but seeing Cheng Lingsu's silent and dim, slightly tearful expression, Fang Han stopped and sighed.

Cheng Lingsu raised his head slightly: "Brother Fang, I..."

what am i...

Rao was always smart, but she didn't know how to deal with it at this time.


Being able to help him was great, but she didn't feel happy at all in her heart.

But if you don't agree...

Brother Fang made such a solemn request, how could she refuse?

"I, I just listen to you..."

There was a slight tremor between the words.

Fang Han looked at Cheng Lingsu and groaned silently.

How could he not see the other party's affection?

Things are not so difficult to decide.

Do as you please.

Thinking of this, Fang Han stretched out his hand, stroked the slight teardrops at the corners of Cheng Lingsu's eyes, and said, "Lingsu, I've changed my mind."

Facing those eyes that were originally clear but now covered with a layer of crystal, Fang Han chuckled lightly and said, "I don't know how long it will take me to return when I go out, and I'm not used to seeing you all the time. Would you like to go with me?"

Cheng Lingsu's eyes widened slightly.

What did Big Brother Fang mean! ?

An indescribable joy surged from my heart.

Before he had time to think about it, he blurted out: "Yes!"

The clear voice was pleasant to the ear, and Cheng Lingsu reacted, his face was gradually stained with pink, but he still held back his shyness and looked at Fang Han eagerly: "Brother Fang's matter, I, I am naturally willing."

Fang Han nodded slightly and smiled: "Okay, since this is the case, you can pack up in these two days, and we will leave in three days."

Cheng Lingsu nodded hurriedly, looking cute and cute.

Immediately, as if thinking of something, he frowned slightly, and said hesitantly: "But, here in the medical hall..."

Hearing this, Fang Han laughed again, somewhat meaningfully: "Isn't there still Mr. Zhen?"

Cheng Lingsu blinked, laughed too, and nodded vigorously.

Poor Mr. Zhen, for no apparent reason, has recited a whole lot of things.



"No, you..."

Old Zhen looked at Fang Han and Cheng Lingsu in a daze, somewhat unable to react.

"Going on a long trip!? Do you want me to take care of the clinic?"

As his eyes wandered between the two, Mr. Zhen was both surprised and baffled.

"Why do you want to travel far away? Fang Xiaoyou, what's the matter with you?"

Fang Han said with a smile: "Go out and travel, and collect herbs by the way!"


There is nothing wrong with this.

Going out to harvest opportunities does not conflict with picking some rare herbs by the way.

So Fang Han is not a liar.

Just misses the point.

Mr. Zhen really didn't understand why this person in front of him suddenly had the determination to travel far away, and...

Looking at Cheng Lingsu, Mr. Zhen's expression became serious, and he said in an inexplicable tone: "Fang Xiaoyou, go out as soon as you go out. What do you mean by bringing Lingsu?"

Cheng Lingsu hurriedly said: "Uncle Zhen, this is about me..."

Fang Han stopped her words lightly, nodded slightly as a signal, and immediately said to Old Zhen: "This trip is high and the road is far away, and I don't know when I can return. I shouldn't have brought Lingsu with me, but it's not easy to leave her behind." Linshui, so... I thought about taking her out together."

Old Zhen snorted coldly: "Fang Xiaoyou, although I have friendship with you, Su also respects your benevolence and righteousness, but Lingsu is the junior in my family after all, and I always treat her like my own daughter. You said you want to take her out, But I don't know what identity to take her with?"

Mr. Zhen and Fang Han can be regarded as long-forgotten friends. After getting along for a year, it can be said that they are very close friends.

But Cheng Lingsu is his nephew after all.

Naturally, there is a closer relationship.

Friendship belongs to friendship.

He has no children, and on weekdays, he really regards her as a descendant of his own family, and treats her faintly as a daughter.

Usually, they match up both openly and secretly, because they feel that Deng is right, and they hope that they can get married and have a family.

But this time Fang Han said that he would take Cheng Lingsu with him when he went on a long trip, which was somewhat unexpected.

It didn't work out, the two of them went on a long trip together?

It's fine if it doesn't conform to the etiquette rules. Anyway, common people don't have so many complicated etiquettes.

What's more, an early quack like Mr. Zhen doesn't pay much attention to it.

But without a title, he really couldn't agree.

No matter how you have to be sure, let's talk about other things.

He was thinking like this, but Cheng Lingsu was ashamed and anxious when he heard it.

(ps: The new book sets sail! I hope you will support me a lot, flowers, recommendations, monthly tickets, comments~)


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