End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 53 Refining Internal Strength! The Infinite Sword Is Destroyed!


Near a valley in Wuliang Mountain, there is a courtyard, quite quiet and quiet.

According to Zhong Ling, this place belongs to their family.

Originally, Mu Wanqing's master and apprentice came to visit and arranged for them to stay here temporarily.

At this time, it was appropriate to bring Mu Wanqing back to recuperate.

Cheng Lingsu went to help Mu Wanqing deal with the injury, and Zhong Ling, as Mu Wanqing's friend, naturally wanted to help, so he stood aside.

Fang Han took this opportunity to find a quiet room and meditate cross-legged.

Close your eyes and concentrate, breathing slowly.

In the Tanzhong acupoint on the chest, there is stored the internal energy of Zuo Zimu, the head of Wuliangjian Dongzong, together with more than a dozen disciples under his sect, as well as the dead of the Shennong Gang.

The internal energy of more than twenty people was absorbed and stored by Fang Han, which can be described as astonishing.

Among them, maybe none of them are the generation with profound internal strength, even Wuliangjian Zuo Zimu is actually not good at internal strength, but there are so many people, the internal strength of so many people is combined, it is also very strong .

Compared with Fang Han's own internal strength, I don't know how much higher it is in terms of quantity!

If you can gradually refine it and turn it into "Northern True Qi", Fang Han's practice of "Northern Divine Art" will undoubtedly be greatly improved!

In fact, even if it is not refined, the internal energy absorbed and stored in the mutton has been completely used by oneself.

But these internal forces are extremely mixed, mottled and impure after all!

It's fine if he doesn't move lightly, but if he uses a lot, it will inevitably not be as he wants, the control will be weak, and there may even be a possibility of internal conflict.

In the original book, Duan Yu absorbed a lot of people's internal energy, but he didn't practice the most basic "Northern True Qi Method". He himself didn't understand the essence of martial arts at all.

It was Duan and Tianlong Temple who used the "one yang finger" to sort out the mixed internal energy and clear the meridians, and taught him the essence of Duan's internal energy, transforming the internal energy into the internal organs. Later, by chance, he practiced "Six Meridian God "Sword", so that the six meridians are all connected, and there is no risk of internal force conflicts and madness.

But after all, it was a coincidence for him to do so. Since Fang Han has the "North Dark True Qi Method", he is naturally taking the right path of thorough refining!

In his mind, a small part of the internal energy stored in Tanzhong acupoint was pulled out by Fang Han, and slowly moved along the "Northern Darkness True Qi Method".

After one or two weeks, although the internal force gradually decreased, it washed away the spots and became much more refined. The internal force gradually transformed into "Northern True Qi", and after several more cycles, it finally completely transformed into "Northern True Qi". gas"!

Fang Han was quite cautious about this, and after running for several weeks, he refined the "Northern Darkness True Qi" into his dantian and merged with his own "Northern Darkness True Qi".

But things are far from over.

Fang Han absorbed the internal energy of a dozen or twenty people, almost more people than Duan Yu absorbed. At this time, only a small part was refined, and there was still a lot of internal energy that needed to be refined.

It will be completely successful in a short time!

These people are probably not the generation with deep internal strength.

It is much different from Duan Yu's object of absorbing internal energy.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will take more time and energy.

But Fang Han is not in a hurry about this at all.

When he is completely refined, the "North Dark True Qi" will be strong and profound. At that time, his strength will rise again!

In the face of more things, no matter what to plan or what to deal with, you can be more calm.

As Fang Han breathed out, his mind became more concentrated and concentrated!

With exercise and refinement, the faint heat gradually rises!



at this time.

Infinite Sword School, Sword Lake Palace!

The sound of shouting and killing resounded!

Fighting is everywhere!

It turned out that the Shennong Gang killed the disciples of the Wuliangjian Sect at the gate of the mountain.

However, the Shennong gang is good at using poison, first of all, the poisonous smoke is scattered everywhere, so that many disciples are recruited by countless disciples.

In addition, due to grievances and grievances in the world, Zuo Zimu, the head of the Dongzong, and all his disciples died one after another, and Rong Ziju, the second master of the Dongzong, died of poison.

At this time of crisis, when the people were already in panic, and there was no master in the faction, the Shennong Gang attacked and killed them in one fell swoop, causing chaos and countless casualties!

Until night, in Jianhu Palace.

Sikong Xuan, the leader of the Shennong Gang, knelt in front of several women in green robes with black eagle patterns embroidered on them, kowtowed respectfully and said: "I have seen the envoys! I have seen all the envoys! This Wuliangjian sect encircled and suppressed everyone, and welcomed the holy envoy into Jianhu Palace!"

Sikong Xuan was delighted in his heart, secretly thinking that what the envoy ordered was finally completed.

But he didn't know that if he followed the original trajectory, he himself would be bitten and poisoned by Zhong Ling's lightning mink, and his arms would be broken to survive, resulting in a great loss of strength.

And Zuo Zimu and even the masters of Dongzong are not dead, and if they unite with Xizong, the Shennong Gang will be unable to attack for a long time.

Waiting for the people from Vulture Palace to subdue the Wuliang Sword Sect in person, Sikong failed to accomplish his mission, so he jumped off the cliff and died in despair.

How can there be any success here.

The woman who was the leader and was called "Fu Sheng Envoy" heard his words, she was noncommittal, and only said: "I heard that the head of the Wuliangjian East Sect is dead?"

Sikong Xuan's joyful expression stagnated slightly, and he quickly said: "Yes! Because I said it was a grievance between Jianghu and Jianghu, my heart was shattered."

Speaking of this, Sikong Xuan was also secretly awe-inspiring.

It's not that Zuozi Muqi has never dealt with him before, he knows his immeasurable swordsmanship is exquisite, if he fights head-on, he won't be sure to win.

I am very afraid of the master who killed Zuo Zimu.

After hesitating for a while, he continued: "Thanks to this person, he eliminated a major enemy for our Shennong Gang! Only then can we take advantage of the situation and kill Jianhu Palace! However, it seems that several disciples of my Shennong Gang were also killed by this person. Messenger, look..."

The envoy Fu Sheng didn't answer, he pondered for a while, and suddenly said:

"Where is the immeasurable jade wall? Take me there quickly!"

This time he came from Tianshan Mountain, he was ordered by Child Elder to track down the matter of immeasurable jade biscuits.

As for those other trivial matters, what kind of stinky man was killed, what does it have to do with her Vulture Palace?

Naturally, I don't bother to pay attention.

Hearing the words, Sikong Xuan had no choice but to put away his small thoughts, and hurriedly said yes.

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