Mrs. Wang was pleasantly surprised, and immediately felt that the majestic internal force that helped him cultivate was slowly retreating.

For a moment, my heart was very empty.

But it also woke me up.

Opening his eyes, he looked at Fang Han with some confusion.

In fact, she did not expect that the other party would really help her practice the "Small Wuxiang Gong.

It can be said to help her get through the most difficult initial pass!

In the future, you can't say that you can't say that you are flat, but you can do it slowly, so that it won't be the same as before.

It's over before it even started.

But after thinking about it, - suddenly I was terrified again.

Although she is not very keen on the way of martial arts, she also knows the truth that magical skills must never be passed on to outsiders.

Naturally, this "Little Formless Skill" does not belong to the villain, but he snatched it arbitrarily, fearing that in his heart he would fiercely think that it belonged to him.

The reason why he helped her practice was just to confirm the authenticity of the practice of "Little Wuxiang Gong".

At this time, if the confirmation is successful, wouldn't it be necessary to kill himself, so that he can monopolize the magical skills?

Thinking about this matter, Mrs. Wang couldn't help but turn slightly pale, and her hands and feet trembled slightly.

Suddenly, she felt something strange in the palm of her hand, and when she looked around, she realized that the other party was still clasping her wrist and did not let go.


He wanted to scold, but he was afraid that he would really anger the other party, so he just told him to kill him in anger.

I couldn't help being stunned, not daring to speak.

Fang Han lowered his eyebrows, as if thinking.

He was indeed realizing the feeling just now.

Use your own inner strength to protect others.

Fang Han could not do this before.

This involves the subtle use of internal force, it does not mean that you can do whatever you want by pouring your internal force directly onto others.

A person's meridians, veins, and acupoints are complicated. If you don't know the details, you can transfer your internal force to others at will, especially if his extremely strong internal force enters the Mingmen acupoint of the human body, then it is directly accumulating internal force. Hurting, it really doesn't make any difference.

Although Fang Han is well versed in medicine, he also knows the effects and influences of meridians and acupoints, but after all, he has never been involved in this kind of situation before, using karma to protect others.

Only after he practiced "Yi Yang Zhi" and comprehended the mysteries of wound healing recorded in it, as well as the fine use of internal force, did he gradually understand it.

Now, it can also be used to do some things.

For example, helping Mrs. Wang practice the "Small Wuxiang Gong".

Not only can he understand the situation of the other party practicing the "Small Formless Kung Fu" in detail, but when he becomes more proficient, he can also use this method to teach girls how to practice this "Small Formless Kung Fu"!

The internal strength of these two girls is actually not fishy.

Ms. Cheng is better. Although the inner strength of Yaowangzhuang is not a high-quality study, after all, she has practiced "Lingbo Weibu" for several years, and her inner strength has accumulated more and more. vulgar.

As for Mu Wanqing, she has practiced well in fighting and assassination skills, and has sufficient experience in fighting people, she is straightforward and neat, but the martial arts inherited from Qin Hongmian cannot be said to be superficial, but it is not very strong , the cultivation of internal strength is also quite average, although he has also practiced "Lingbo Weibu", but the time is still short, and the accumulation of internal strength is not much.

Previously, Fang Han only had the "Northern Darkness Divine Art" which is a unique skill.

I don't want to let him pass it on.

But can not pass.

Practice is too difficult.

For other martial arts, although there are external skills that can be cultivated both internally and externally, most of them need strong internal force as a support.

Otherwise, ordinary people may not be able to reach high depths in a lifetime if they want to practice special research.

Like those eminent monks in Tianlong Temple, their "one yang finger strength" was only able to match the "fourth rank" when they were old. The realm of "Three Grades".

Not to mention the magical skills of "Six Meridians Excalibur" and "Flame Knife". If the internal skills are not enough, you can't even learn the superficial.

As for the three Shaolin fingering skills......

He remembered from afar that to practice the seventy-two unique skills of Shaolin, he needed to practice meditation and Buddhism, otherwise the more he practiced, the more he would become angry, until he got mad, so naturally it was not suitable for Miss Cheng and the others to practice.

When I arrived at Mantuo Mountain Villa, there were many martial arts secrets in the Langhuan Jade Cave.

But at this time there is a piece of "Small Wuxiang Gong" which is also a magical skill of the Xiaoyao School.

Fang Han naturally hoped that the two girls could achieve this success.

Use it for protection!

Therefore, just let Mrs. Wang follow the practice, not only to confirm whether what she said is true or not, but also to help her achieve this skill.

Without him, get proficient first.

……ask for flowers…

At that time, he will be more calm in supporting Miss Cheng.

Of course, he is really sure, that's why he asked Mrs. Wang like this, and he won't force others to practice because he is really not sure.

After sorting out the experience and feelings just now, Fang Han regained his senses slightly, and looked over as if he had sensed something.

Mrs. Wang looked ashamed and angry, but she dared to stare at him angrily.

Her beautiful eyes were sullen, and on her extremely beautiful face, there was a bit of blush from anger.

The outstretched soft and bright wrist was so delicately white that he firmly grasped it in his palm.

Well, very slippery.

Fang Han's expression remained unchanged, and he let go of his wrist silently.

Tsk, it's really not his fault. When thinking about something, it's normal to subconsciously grab something comfortable, isn't it?

Mrs. Wang only felt the warmth on her wrist loosen, and she breathed a sigh of relief, she immediately retracted her palm, and gently protected it with her other bare hand.

The apprentice, holding her hand and the time he just breathed out, must have been at least two or three quarters of an hour.

his apprentice


But thinking about what he just remembered, he was afraid that he would really kill people and silence him, so he didn't dare to speak.

Don't even dare to look at it.

Fang Han glanced at the sky outside and saw that it was completely dark, so he stopped thinking about continuing and stood up.

Seeing Mrs. Wang trembling in fright, she looked at him in shock.

Fang Han thought about it for a while, and then roughly guessed what she was thinking, and couldn't help laughing: "Madam, don't you think I'm going to kill someone to silence you? Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

Mrs. Wang cursed in her heart, this bandit! Evil thief! You came here so fiercely, you are not such a person, what kind of person are you!?

Fang Han put away the booklet on his own, and continued in a soft voice: "Madam, don't even think about it, what's the point of this, what's the matter, at least wait until you finish teaching?"

Mrs. Wang woke up slightly after hearing the words.

That's right, I haven't finished teaching him yet, so he probably won't kill himself.

But when she has taught almost everything she should teach, then she will be useless, maybe...

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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