End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 9 "Health-Preserving Inner Strength"


Lingyun can be directly added to the broad and large ability category, or it can be added to the branch ability alone.

But added to the broad and large [martial arts] ability, just one spirit will be diluted evenly by the extensive, profound and extremely complicated martial arts system.

If he had enough spiritual accumulations, he would naturally add them directly to [Martial Arts], but at present there is only one spiritual accumulation, think about it or forget it.

Adding a branch alone will be more valuable.

Following Fang Han's consciousness command, the words "Health Preservation" on the attribute panel became slightly blurred.

After a while of changes, a new typeface gradually formed.

"Health-preserving internal strength" (Consummation)

Before Fang Han had time to think about it, a sense of clarity emerged in his mind, and countless subtle information appeared with the changes on the attribute panel.

In a trance, Fang Han seemed to run the "Health Preservation Exercise" over and over again, gradually improving each time, adjusting the operation method of inner breath, qi and blood, eliminating the complicated parts, becoming more and more streamlined, but the effect is not reduced. increase.

Immersed in this kind of feeling like an epiphany, in the outside world, Fang Han has already subconsciously put in a cross-legged posture, and driven by the frequency of breathing, the internal force that has just been cultivated in the body gradually moves along with it.

I do not know how long it has been......

When Fang Han woke up from the epiphany and opened his eyes, the faint internal force in his body that had just been cultivated had grown into a tiny stream, although it was far from being strong, but at least compared to Before, it had to grow a hundredfold!

After Fang Han felt this, he hissed slightly and exclaimed:

"It's worth a year of hard work for me!"

The practice of internal force is not a simple superposition. It does not mean that one internal force can be cultivated on the first day and become two internal forces on the second day.

It is a step-by-step process, and it is quite complicated inside.

The internal energy of the human body, after being cultivated for a day, is not free from worries. If you do not practice diligently, it will gradually dissipate. Even if you practice diligently every day, this internal energy cannot be completely retained. The consumption during operation , or otherwise.

On the second day, it would be great to be able to leave 50%.

And there is another point to be noted, when the inner strength is weak, you can still do it delicately, but when the inner strength gradually increases, the difficulty will gradually increase.

At this time, although Fang Han's internal strength has only grown a hundred times, it is actually the strength of nearly a year of penance!

And most importantly...

These are just incidental.

Fang Han's gaze focused on the property panel.


"Health-preserving inner strength" (consummation): the method of inner strength operation! Health preservation is the main thing, and the most important thing is to adjust the internal breath, qi and blood!

Although the main idea has not changed, it is at least much more subtle than the previous "Health Preserving Exercise"!

This perfected inner strength is not like an empowerment, but rather like Fang Han himself continuously deduced and perfected it, but this process has been accelerated infinitely.

According to Fang Han's experience, if you really want to think about it according to the normal time, even if you spend ten years of energy, you may not be able to perfect it like this.

More importantly, the martial arts state of "health-preserving internal strength" is still at the (successful) level!

This means that Fang Han's mastery of the newborn's internal strength has reached the most perfect state.

Earn a fortune!

Only one aura gave him such a huge harvest and lean...

Not only has the martial arts been refined to a higher level, but also his own internal strength has also improved a lot.

confirmed the previous speculation.

Joint improvement of body and mind!

Although the [heart] part occupies the bulk, the [body] part seems to be incidental.

But that's pretty cool too!

Fang Han's eyes lit up completely, if the [Spiritual Rhyme] is more than a hundred times, he can't take off directly! ?

It's a pity that Fang Han was forced to wake up after taking a look at the 【Number of Simulations】to zero.

"There is only one simulation a year. It seems that we have to think about how to improve the simulation evaluation in the future."

The level of the simulation evaluation determines the acquisition of [Spiritual Rhyme].

Since the number of simulations cannot be increased, the only way to win is by quality.

If he can create a few auras at a time, he will earn a lot of money!


When I want to lose my liver, I actually can’t!


Fang Han closed his eyes and comprehended the "health-preserving inner strength". After running for a while to consolidate his feeling, he stopped.

The principle that too much is too much is still applicable, and it is not good for him to practice again.

After tidying up, he went out.

Linshui City is just a small city in the Song Dynasty, and the city is not very luxurious, but in terms of the size of the city, it is quite large.

Moreover, due to the strong economic strength of the Song Dynasty, businesses in various places were quite prosperous. The same is true for Linshui City, which seems to be crowded with people, bustling and noisy.

Fang Han set off from his home, walked for a while, and came to a medical clinic on Xinghuan Street.

It's not too big when you open the door, but although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.

This is also one of the achievements of Fang Han this month.

Re-opened a small medical clinic, with a long-term way of making a living.

In fact, relying on his [Life Simulation] experience, it is easy for him to get money, especially now that everything has been settled, but Fang Han is not keen on money. The restaurant is not for making money, it's only a few dollars......

The more important thing is to maintain a bright business.

They are all making a living, so he naturally chooses the one he is most familiar with and best at.

Firstly, it does not leave behind the special research of medical skills.

Secondly, he is also willing to treat and treat the common people.

At the same time, it can better integrate into this place and take root.

As for going out and traveling, wandering the rivers and lakes?


Fang Han doesn't have this idea now.

With [Life Simulator], he doesn't need to risk all kinds of dangers to go out and travel in reality.

Everything can be done in life simulation.

Whether it is to experience life, or to pursue the secrets of magical skills, put aside the simulation and get it in reality?

Isn't that stupid!

Anyway, he has already made up his mind. On the bright side, he will be stable and stable, just be a doctor in a medical clinic, and he will continue to carry out life simulations in secret.

The dream of the Tenlipo Sword God is ignited again!


Footsteps sounded, Fang Han stopped his thoughts and looked over.

(ps: The new book sets sail! I hope you will support me a lot, and ask for flowers, recommendations, monthly tickets, and comments~)


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