End of ten days

Chapter 1106 Evacuation

Qinglong didn't seem to hear Zheng Yingxiong's words, and just looked at the sky in a daze.

Something seems to be wrong.

For some reason, a very strange memory appeared in my mind.

In that memory, he, Qiao Jiajin, and Zhang Shan were standing at the "front of the car", and the three of them were panting and talking.

The next second, Qiao Jiajin seemed to want to pounce on something. That thing was neither himself nor Tianlong, but something else.

But Qinglong didn't remember what Qiao Jiajin pounced on, he only remembered that he wanted to stop him.

Not far away, Tianlong was still sleeping. He stretched out his hand to gently support his chin, his expression as usual.

Qinglong quickly checked the whole story of this memory in his mind, but found that he still couldn't remember why he appeared at the "front of the car" with these two people. .🅆.

Is this some kind of illusion...?

Qinglong knew that it was not surprising that someone in the "Land of Ending" could control illusions. After all, there was a special "vision" on the train to continuously transform the eyeballs into "Tao".

But few people would pour illusions directly into their minds, which would be too suspicious.

Is there anyone around here who has activated "Echo"?

Qinglong turned around and looked around the huge room. In addition to the few motionless people in front of him, there were also two corpses.

One is Zhang Shan and the other is Earth Dragon.

The two of them were lying on the ground far apart, looking completely dead.

I probably know the "response" of everyone present... Then this illusion is...

"The "Heart Seizing Soul" has indeed disappeared!" Zheng Yingxiong took advantage of the Qinglong's power to shout again.

Only then did Qinglong come back to his senses, secretly saying something bad in his heart, and then regained his faith.

But it happened that at this moment, Xuanwu immediately stretched out his hand and pinched Qinglong's heart.

Qinglong's Faith

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The moment their hearts were pinched, they were greatly shaken, and then the "heart-stealing" energy on everyone disappeared instantly.

After regaining control of his body, Qi Xia quickly looked at the current venue. All the "doors" had disappeared, except for a few "escape doors" leading outside the venue.

Now that he cannot have a head-on conflict with Qinglong, he can only hand him over to Xuanwu for the time being.

In Qi Xia's view, it doesn't matter who Qinglong or Xuanwu is hit hard here, after all, this is just the beginning of the plan.

More attacks will continue to be launched against the two men.

Perhaps for everyone in "The End", the signal for the start of the plan is "the destruction of the giant bell".

But for Qi Xia himself, the signal for the start of the plan was the "death of the earth dragon."

Starting from the death of the earth dragon, everything officially enters the countdown. Then this giant ship of resistance officially starts to crash into the iceberg. Either the mountain is destroyed or the ship sinks. There is no way back for everyone.

"Get ready to evacuate." Qi Xia turned around and said to everyone.

Everyone understood and began to move towards the "escape" door.

Qinglong disappeared immediately before Xuanwu took out his heart, and appeared behind Xuanwu in an instant, as if he wanted to attack some weak spot.

Xuanwu was shocked and immediately disappeared and reappeared. She turned her body around in just one breath. She faced Qinglong and reached out to block the opponent's attack.

Seeing the two people fighting like gods, everyone could only suppress the anxiety in their hearts and keep moving towards the "door".

But Xuanwu and Qinglong were too fast. Before everyone could get close to the "door", Xuanwu had already taken a step back, stretched out his hand and shook hands, and an imitation star appeared in his hand.

The Buddha had been deprived of blood for a long time, and his heart had turned into a blue-black color.


Qinglong immediately spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground and slowly lowered his head.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but stop, feeling that the situation was somewhat unexpected.

Qinglong was actually killed by Xuanwu...?

Is this really not a dream?

It wasn't until Xuanwu crushed the heart in his hand and then threw it to the ground with a "pop" that everyone realized that this was really not a dream.

Qinglong's heart was taken out by Xuanwu.

"Lao Qi...did you...expect this situation...?" Chen Junnan asked.

Qi Xia's expression was still serious, and he hurriedly said to everyone: "Don't stop! Let's go!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Qinglong immediately raised his head, his facial expression extremely crazy, and then rushed towards Xuanwu like a bullet, using all his strength to strike out with a devastating blow.


Xuanwu used all his strength to block Qinglong's body, and flew out like a kite with a broken string, hitting the huge display screen.

Xuanwu passed through the wall, and the display immediately shattered, with countless debris and the "words" under the display flying around like fireworks.

The "Cangjie Chess" venue that originally looked relatively orderly became as desolate as a battlefield in an instant. Xuanwu flew towards an edge wall and then hit the wall hard, making a deep hole in the entire wall.

"Damn..." Chen Junnan said with lingering fear as he ran towards the "door", "What kind of structure does this old boy Qinglong have... can he still survive after his heart is taken away?"

Qiao Jiajin also kept looking back. It was impossible for anyone in this world to live without his heart. What happened to Qinglong?


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At that moment, Qiao Jiajin's foot was unstable and he seemed to have stepped on something. He slipped and almost fell to the ground.

He quickly stabilized his body and looked down. He actually stepped on a "word".


He lowered his head and picked up the "word" for some reason, and felt something lingering in his heart.

"Old Qiao! Run!" Chen Junnan said, "If the old guy reacts later, we will be dead."

"Handsome boy... this "word"..."

"Scholar?" Chen Junnan paused and looked at Qiao Jiajin's hand, "Is this the one on Zhang Shan?"

Qiao Jiajin knew what was lingering in his heart at this time.

It was the promise to look at the sky and the earth with Zhang Shan.

He put the "word" in his pocket and left without looking back.

Several people ran to the "door" representing "escape" and found a lonely "door" not far away.

There can go to the "Land of the End".

"You go first!" Qi Xia said, "I need to wait a little longer."

"What..." Chen Junnan was stunned, "What are you waiting for, Lao Qi, you can only wait to die if you stay here!"

"It's not the time yet." Qi Xia said, "You find a way to scatter, the entire "Land of the End" will be in chaos soon. Until you get back to the "train", don't easily believe any "divine beast" or "zodiac". We will meet at the giant bell."

"Don't believe any "divine beast" or "zodiac"...?" Chen Junnan obviously didn't understand, "Lao Qi... what do you mean?"

"Because I lied." Qi Xia said, "They were all deceived by me."

(The next chapter is being coded, a little later.)

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