End of ten days

Chapter 112 Memories that cannot be reproduced

"That's right, ten people."

Yunyao and Chu Tianqiu were silent for a while.

Chu Tianqiu suddenly raised his head and asked: "Since the room you are in is "ten people", how do you infer that our room is "nine people"?"

"Because when the nine of us walked out of the room, the "Human Dragon" actually said that everyone in our room was "all alive"." Qi Xia sneered, "It's really strange. If it was "all alive", we shouldn't Ten people come out?"

Chu Tianqiu nodded silently. Qi Xia was as smart as he imagined.

"But "nine people" seems reasonable to a certain extent. After all, all the escape devices in the room are for "nine people."" Qi Xia continued.

"There are nine tables and nine ropes in our room. If there are really "ten people" in the room, it will be difficult to allocate game resources."

"That is to say, our game is originally prepared for nine people. As long as nine people come out of the room, it will be regarded as "all people survive."" Qi Xia looked out the window with a serious face and asked in a low voice, "If that's the case, why are there ten people in the room?"

Seeing that the two of them did not answer, Qi Xia continued: "So I boldly infer that there is an extra person in our room. This person may have activated some special ability, or he may have bribed the "human-sheep" directly and violently. ", in short, the human-goat killed the real "participant" in our room in order to preserve her identity."

Chu Tianqiu blinked and asked, "Did you deduce such an accurate answer through these clues?"

"It can't be considered "accurate" because before I met you, I wasn't sure whether the person was a boy or a girl." Qi Xia said, "It's my turn to ask you next."

"Okay." Chu Tianqiu nodded, "What do you want to know?"

"Why do you know the staffing of our room?" Qi Xia asked, "Even


How did you learn about things that none of our clients knew? "

Chu Tianqiu slowly licked his dry lips and said, "I can't answer this question. It is almost the core secret of "Heaven Mouth"."

Qi Xia turned to look at Chu Tianqiu, showing doubt again.

Isn't the core secret of "Heaven's Mouth" that notebook?

In other words, this is what is recorded in the notes?

"Then let me change the question." Qi Xia asked, "What is the principle of "preserving memory"? Why can only a few people preserve memories?"

"You should have guessed it, right?" Chu Tianqiu said, "Qi Xia, the answer is "echo". As long as anyone hears "echo" within ten days, they can keep their memory in the next reincarnation."

"You said that only "Echoers" can retain their memories?" Qi Xia had also considered this direction, but he still felt confused. Han Yimo and Officer Li were indeed "Echoers", and it was normal for them to retain their memories.

But why do I remember everything?

Did he “response”?

Qi Xia thought for a long time and felt that there was only one answer. If he is really the "echoer", then the time of his "echo" should be a short period of time before his death. After all, it is far away from the square, and theoretically the bells cannot be heard.

But if I really "response", what will be the ability gained?

Yun Yao smiled and said: "Qi Xia... Judging from your expression, it seems that you don't know that you "reverberated"?"

This woman revealed Qi Xia's predicament with one word, making Qi Xia look at her differently.

It seems that those who can join "Heaven's Mouth" are indeed not ordinary people.

"I really have no impression." Qi Xia answered truthfully, "I was far away from the giant clock at the time. Maybe I missed this information."

"'Very far'?" Yun Yao pondered for a moment, "There are giant bells in the four corners of the city, southeast, northwest, so it shouldn't be impossible to hear them."

Qi Xia frowned and thought, so that's it.

There is not just one giant bell, but four.

But these four are all in the city. Could it be that Qi Xia didn't hear the bell because he reached the edge of the city?

"Qi Xia, if it is true as you said, you don't know when you will "response", things will be a little tricky." Chu Tianqiu said seriously.


"That's right." Chu Tianqiu nodded, "You don't know why you "reverberated" in the last experience, so you can't repeat it in this experience. In other words, you can't get the "response" stably. , and the memory cannot be maintained stably.” 🄲

Qi Xia touched his chin and pondered for a while, then said: "No wonder you said "I can't die now" when I wanted to crush your head just now. That's because you haven't had time to "echo" yet. If you die now , the previous memories no longer exist.”

"Yes." Chu Tianqiu nodded, "Of course I can't hide this little thing from you. But I still want to advise you to find the reason for your "echo" as soon as possible, otherwise you will get lost here."

The two looked at each other, and Qi Xia asked again: "If last time... a certain person got a brief "echo" when he was near death, if he wanted to repeat it this time, would it be necessary to let him enter the moment of death? ?"

"Theoretically, this is correct." Chu Tianqiu replied.

Officer Li's face appeared in Qi Xia's mind.


There seems to be a paradox in this.

If the opportunity for Officer Li's "echo" was "near death", then in theory it is absolutely impossible for him to lose his memory.

No matter if he dies in the game, dies in Annihilation, or is killed by "Zodiac" or "Manager", he will keep his memory. But looking at Officer Li, he only retained one memory.

This seems to confirm a problem from the side.

It is very likely that Qi Xia, Officer Li and others arrived at the End of Time very late.

They only went through two reincarnations.

"No, wait a minute..."

Qi Xia cautiously interrupted his thoughts.

Assuming that in the last reincarnation, Officer Li had already retained his memory, but he followed the instructions of the human sheep and concealed his memory... Is this possible?

Yes, and it's not small.

This also proves why Officer Li did not join Qi Xia's team at the beginning, but chose to stay behind.

Because he knew that there was no rush to collect 3,600 "Tao" stones.

But in the end he died trying to save others...

This is what Qi Xia calls the paradox.

If Officer Li really retains his memory, he should know that even if Lawyer Zhang drowns, it doesn't matter. He will be resurrected in a few days. Why would he choose such a painful way to take his own life?

Then again...

How many times did Han Yimo retain memories?

He also has a physique that is extremely easy to "reverberate". It stands to reason that as long as he comes to the "end of the world", he has a very high probability of retaining his memory...

Qi Xia became more and more aware that the situation in front of her was a bit scary.

How long has he been here?

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