End of ten days

Chapter 1210: Dead End

Earth Monkey stared at Earth Tiger, his expression extremely complicated.

It seems that everything is the same as Qi Xia said, except that this "man of destiny" Dihu is too reckless.

The floor was arbitrarily divided into two halves, and the cracks continued to spread forward.

Dihu turned back to look at Yan Zhichun, pointed at a figure far away and said, "Have you seen that big, dark, stupid guy?"


"Come, go find him. I'm here to watch. I'll see who dares to touch you." After Dihu finished speaking, he turned back to the people behind Dihou and said, "Everyone who wants to go, please go if it's late." No chance."

"Thank you." Yan Zhichun said.

"Brother, I'll treat you to a drink when you're done." Lao Sun also said.

"Okay, let's go." Dihu waved his hand, "Tell that black sheep that I will deal with a troublesome person before meeting him."

Upon seeing this, Lao Sun, Yan Zhichun, and Jiang Ruoxue glanced at each other, escaped from the crowd, joined their teams, and hurriedly ran towards the Black Sheep's location.

After seeing off the "Ji Dao" team, Dihu looked at the many unknown "participants" in front of him and said: "I don't care what you are here to do. It seems that you don't have a leader. Now listen to my command."

After hearing this, everyone could only calm down and stand on both sides of the corridor and stare at him quietly.

"Those who want to rebel, line up and go forward." Dihu pointed in the direction of the black sheep, "There are both "ants", "heavenly" and "double dragons" there. "

After hearing this, everyone looked away and couldn't make a decision for a while.

"You regret it, you want to leave..." Dihu pointed in the opposite direction again, "From the other end, keep going forward, don't stop when you see anything, there is a dragon guarding the door at the top, He can’t guard so many of you by himself, do you understand?”

In a few words, Dihu straightened out the alignment of everyone in front of him. The scene was no longer chaotic and gradually became orderly.

"No matter which way you want to go, I won't stop you." Dihu said again, "But don't gather here and delay us from doing our business."

After Dihu finished speaking, he looked back in the direction of the so-called "exit". A disgusting figure slowly walked over with many "human-level zodiac signs".

"Dilong..." Dihu sneered and said to the many "participants" around him, "Those who want to leave should stay on both sides. If there is a problem in the middle, I won't care."

Seeing Dilong coming with a group of "zodiac signs", Man-Monkey also stood behind Dihu with many "human-levels". Without exception, these "human-levels" were all students of Dihu.

The momentum of both sides is at war with each other, and there is bound to be a war.

"Dihu...are you crazy?" Dilong's lizard-like face forced out an angry smile, "Do you know what you are doing? Aries is no longer here, how dare you..."

Before Dilong finished speaking, Dihu had already shot out and kicked Dilong hard in the heart. Dilong had no time to dodge and was actually kicked away by the kick amidst the huge noise. go out.

"What a shame." Dihu said with a frown after landing, "When you bullied us in the past, Brother Yang stood up for us, but have you forgotten that I am now an "earth level"? "

Not long after Dihu was promoted, Dilong indeed ignored this problem. He only felt a dull pain in his chest while lying on the ground, feeling that the problem was a bit difficult.

Since both of them have "brute strength", it's natural to see who has stronger strength.

"Stand up for me, don't pretend to be dead." Dihu said, "Brother Yang gave you enough face before, but I have low emotional intelligence and can't give you that much face. If you don't stand up again, I will go over and kick you in the head. ”

Black Sheep stood in the corridor, clearly hearing Dihu's rebellious slogans, and couldn't help but frown.

One wave after another, Black Sheep was still waiting for Tianhu to join him, so the two tried to find a way to liberate the "ants" before going to kill Tianhu.

But now Dihu seems to have started fighting someone in the distance, and the situation is getting more and more irritating.

The old man stood next to the black sheep and found that the black sheep was even angrier than before. Naturally, he and the people around him were too scared to speak.

"Damn... If things get so bad, one day I will kill him..." Black Sheep said.

After hearing this, the old man lowered his head and looked at the dead men and horses. He knew that what the black sheep said must be true and that he had reached the point of killing people. He must have had a bad relationship with the loud-voiced tiger.

If these "zodiac signs" themselves are so divided, is there any way for the "ultra" to survive?

Just as he was thinking about it, he noticed three "Jikaku" teams coming from a distance. At this time, there were already four teams in total.

"How many teams are there in total?" Black Sheep asked.

"Eight teams." The old man replied. After he finished speaking, he seemed to feel that something was wrong, so he changed his words and said, "Seven teams. I heard that one team will definitely be wiped out."

Black Sheep also remembered that someone once raised the issue of "a door of death", which meant that the "Zodiac" had already been reduced in number before the battle on the "train" started.

Who can be attrited?

Di Zhu heard Di Hu's voice in the corridor and turned around to look. They were still far away from the crowd, but the battle had already begun.

"You guys go ahead." Di Zhu turned around and said to the members of the "Cat" team, Officer Li and Su Shan, "It's useless for me to follow, so I won't cause any trouble."

Everyone turned to look at Di Zhu, knowing that his physical condition did not allow him to continue participating in the battle, so they could only nod in agreement.

"Then you should be careful. Your body has been replaced and cannot be discovered by others." Officer Li said, "It will be very chaotic outside. Go back to your room to rest. Don't come out no matter what happens."

"Okay." Although Dizhu nodded in agreement, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

What a powerless feeling this is?

Everyone has been planning for this for many years and has always been forbearing. Dizhu has grown his nails long to conceal the fact that he has "spiritual touch".

But now the plan has begun and everyone has started to act...

But he encountered Suzaku at the moment of the action and lost his body with "brute force".

What is the use of this skin with "spiritual touch" now?

If Dizhu were to choose, he would rather Suzaku had killed him, so that from his own perspective, his life would at least be "brilliant and brilliant".

"Then you must pay attention..."

Dizhu raised his head and found that the whole team had run away quickly.

Yes, now he is in a hurry, how could anyone say goodbye to him in tears?

He moved his lips in disappointment, and squeezed out two words that no one heard:

"...Be safe."

The ground pig waved his hand slightly stiffly at the backs of several people.

Then he turned around and walked towards his own door dejectedly. When he was about to push the door open, a hand with white feathers blocked the door.

He turned his head and saw a male ground chicken standing on the side.

"Be careful!!" The ground chicken said in a loud voice, "Is it a traitor?! Ah ah!!"

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