End of ten days

Chapter 1214: Earth-level hesitation

"Soft feet...!" The chicken's sharp mouth moved slightly, and even the sound could not come out.

"It will be much quieter without you, right?" Di Ma said, covering his completely broken right hand.

"Tie up... kill...!"

The ground chicken slowly knelt down, then fell to the ground, its sharp beak inserted into the ground, and there was no movement at all.

After the dust settled, Di Ma raised his head and looked at the Diji students and asked, "What did you say?"


"Don't cause trouble." Dima said, "We are doing something to liberate the entire "train". Now go tell all the "human-level" people that as long as they do nothing, they can wait for liberation. "

The few "human-level" people in front of them obviously felt that something was not right after hearing this. One of them stood up and said hesitantly: "Do nothing... but if the higher ups take the blame..."

"The higher authorities will not blame "people who do nothing." Di Ma replied, "Little Human Tiger, even if they blame us, they blame us. What does it have to do with you ordinary "human-level" people?" "


Renhu felt that what Dima said was reasonable. At this moment, "doing nothing" was the safest. After all, being a "rebel" would lead to death, and fighting against these "rebels" might also lead to death. There was no other option but to do nothing. Are there any better options out there?

"Tell more people this news." Dima said, "We don't ask for anything, we just ask that you don't die for no reason, okay?"

After hearing this, several "human-level" people nodded and then dispersed.

"Is this really good..." Di Zhu said, "One day they make a comeback... What if they come to you to avenge the murderer?"

"There won't be that day." Dima shook his head, "Now is the time when everyone is in danger. After all, all the "human-level" people don't quite understand what the specific situation is now. In other words, they are divided, and we are united. of. It’s not certain whether we will survive until tomorrow, let alone “make a comeback.” "

"We...'unity'...?" "After hearing this, Di Zhu lowered his head again, feeling that he might be the biggest liability in this team.

"You go back and rest." Dima said, "Remember not to die."

"Where are you going?"

"Kill Tianma." Dima took a deep breath and said, "'Confrontation and kill.' Isn't this the tactic we have discussed? "

"Those attacks of yours..." Jizhu pointed at her hand, "If you use it once, you will lose one, right...?"

"Yes." Dima said with a heavy expression, "My teacher stored two hundred "Earth-level" attacks on me, and now I have saved one hundred for Tianma. "

"But your hands..."

Di Zhu pointed, Di Ma's left hand was pierced by a dagger, his right hand was completely fractured, and now there were injuries on his feet. It seemed that he had no means of attack at all.

"It doesn't matter even if you hit her with the head." Dima shook his head, "As long as I can catch Pegasus, I have a way to let her die."

"Compared to you..." Di Zhu sighed, "Now I am really..."

"You have a long memory, right?" Dima said, changing the subject.


"The teacher told me that if there is ever going to be a full-scale rebellion, at least one person with long-lasting memories should be left on the 'train'. Di Ma said, "Now that I think about it, everything is just right. This person can only be you. You must remember all of us." "

After hearing this, Di Zhu frowned and looked at her: "What do you mean...what are you talking about? My long memory...what does it have to do with me staying here?"

"I don't know." Dima shook his head, "I'm a very stupid person, and I often can't guess what the teacher says, but I completely believe in her decision. She told me that people with long memories must survive."


"I'm leaving." Dima waved his hand, turned and walked away.

"Then you must pay attention..." Di Zhu looked up at her.

"I will."


More and more "zodiac signs" began to gather in the corridor. Now everyone is really in a dilemma. They found that there are already "zodiac signs" at war with each other, but what is the situation now?

In the distance, an earth tiger was fighting fiercely with an earth dragon, and their "human-level" were also fighting each other.

In addition, there were almost "participants" on both sides of the corridor, and the scene became chaotic in an instant.

Looking further away, it seemed that there were other "zodiac animals" fighting, and the corpses of "zodiac animals" gradually began to appear on the ground.

Who said "Rebel" just now?

Whose rebellion is being created? Who is the enemy?

Combined with the sentence "Tianji comes out to die"... If the "rebels" just want to kill "Tianji", then why should they help stop it?

Which "earth level" here doesn't want the "heaven level" to die?

Many "prefecture-level" people stood together and looked at each other after going out. After all, they had retained their memories for too long. As long as people were not crazy, they would naturally know that this resistance war was completely beneficial and harmless to them.

There are other "earth-level" people who risk their lives to resist the "heaven-level", and I can watch the fire from the other side. Isn't this a great thing?

As long as Qinglong and "Tianji" don't speak, there is no need for them to act.

So the "rebellion operation" has been going on for a while now. Almost every "prefecture level" saw "participants" after going out, but very few took action to kill them.

A fat rabbit that looked extremely tall and large ran forward with Aunt Tong, and he felt more and more panicked the more he ran.

There were already a large group of "zodiacs" watching the excitement nearby, but why did no one pay attention to him?

While running, the door in front of him opened, and a female earth bull also came out with a group of "extremes".

She stretched out her hand to push away the "participants" in front of her, and began to run in the corridor.

"Hey!" The earth rabbit waved and shouted behind him, "Hey! Who is that!"

The earth bull ignored him, but just led Lao Deng and his group to move forward quickly.

"Hey hey!" The earth rabbit shouted again, "Sister Niu! It's me!"

The earth bull still didn't look back.

"Oh my!" Aunt Tong said to the earth rabbit while running, "You are so rude, calling people "Hey hey", such a big guy calling people "sister"? "

"But I don't know how to call her..." said the earth rabbit.

"You don't have a partner, kid?" Aunt Tong asked again, "You don't know how to chat. "

"Auntie, run well." Di Tu replied unhappily.

Di Tu ran to Di Niu in two or three steps, followed her breathlessly and said, "Niu Mei, it's me."

Di Niu turned his head and looked at him, and said softly, "Oh, it's you."

"What a coincidence?" Di Tu said, "The corridor is really lively today!"

Di Niu frowned slowly. The corridor was lively, but she always felt that they were a little too safe.

So many "zodiac signs" on both sides just stared at them, and no one stopped them.

In almost the blink of an eye, the two teams came to the black sheep unimpeded.

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