End of ten days

Chapter 1236 Ringo

Qinglong heard the woman slowly walk out of the door, and continued to rub his forehead with his hand.

Now everything seems strange, but he has no idea what the problem is.

On the surface, everything seems normal... If I were to say what the most unforgettable thing today is, it would probably be the game of "Cangjie Chess" against Qi Xia, and the Xuanwu who wanted to fight with him without knowing whether to live or die.

But is Xuanwu so strong? He actually made him lose so much faith.

After "Cangjie Chess", his brain began to be slightly confused, and even "Spiritual Smell" disappeared.

The current "train" looks no different from the past.

Considering the worst, it is just that Qi Xia brought various "participants" on the "train", and perhaps there will be Qi Xia's insiders in the "Zodiac", and these people now want to turn the "train" upside down.

Almost all the people gathered here for different reasons. Some of them were tired of oppression and wanted to resist at the last moment; some of them were dissatisfied with the management of "Tianji" and wanted to replace it; some of them wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Shuanglong and change the entire "Taoyuan" dynasty; and some of them wanted to save all the sinners for their hypocritical dreams or righteousness, even if they were torn to pieces.

Regardless of their motives, they were indeed gathered together now, making the whole "train" extremely chaotic.

But what can be done?

This is a "train" after all. As long as you can activate the "immortal method", the situation will not fall into an uncontrollable situation.

Qinglong slowly closed his eyes and groped in his mind for the trace of "heart-taking" that he had left behind. She should have been on the "train" too, right?

The chaotic brain made Qinglong feel that even his faith was stagnant. He spent almost several times more time than usual to finally find that person on the "train".

But her brain didn't seem to be much clearer than his own.

There were only three thoughts that kept repeating in her mind:

"It's time to drink water later."

"Is it time to eat something?"

"I want to go to the bathroom."

These three thoughts seemed clearer than usual and kept repeating.

Qinglong was about to withdraw his search, but a few seconds later he felt something was wrong.

Although these thoughts are the easiest for ordinary mortals to think of...

But as a participant on the "train"...is there no other thought in her mind?

There was no tension, no fear, and even no hope in her mind.

There was no "zodiac" or teammates in her mind, as if everything that happened on the "train" was thrown aside.

If this can still be called "normal"...the situation began to develop towards a weird situation.

Ringo, did she realize that she was being monitored?

But all the control she had over her happened almost subconsciously, and even her memory was carefully crafted by herself, so why did she notice it?

In order to give Qi Xia the motivation to keep moving forward in this place of reincarnation where memories cannot be preserved, he took great pains to set up an identity for Ringo from 2068, and added an old man who looked like Qi Xia in this memory.

Unfortunately, even Ringo had never seen the old man. If Qi Xia really asked, Ringo would only truthfully convey that "a friend had seen him."

Her subconscious would tell her that no matter how irrelevant the old man looked to Qi Xia, it must be Qi Xia who escaped from here.

Only with this belief, Qi Xia would overcome all difficulties and board the "train" and point the spearhead at Tianlong.

Why did the old man keep muttering "God's fraud"?

Qinglong slowly raised the corner of his mouth. The clues were buried in Ringo's memories, because this whole memory was fake.

This was just a joke about fate played by himself as a "god" and a "mortal" like a bug.

Why did Ringo appear in the room as a "psychologist"?

After all, only by having similar life experiences to Qi Xia, the egomaniac, can we start a better topic.

How can a master of psychology open his heart to ordinary people?

Qinglong slowly closed his eyes and tried to make Ringo stand up through "heart-taking" and then look at the scenery in front of him.

He had no way to get the scene in front of Ringo, but he could control Ringo's subconscious.

"What is in front of me?" Qinglong murmured.

"There is... a wall here..." Ringo's voice sounded in Qinglong's mind.

"Why is there no one?" Qinglong said again, "Where is the person in front of me?"

"The person in front of me..." Ringo paused, "There is no one in front of me..."

"I want to find them." Qinglong said, "I want to know who is around me, and I also want to know what they are going to do."

Digou and Xiaoxiao were behind Ringo, watching her stand up, and then began to bow their heads and keep silent.

The next second, they saw Ringo stretch out his palm and slowly cover his mouth and nose.

"There is no one around me..." Ringo said after a long silence, "I don't know where I am."

Qinglong frowned slightly at the brief sentence.

It seems that this strange informant is indeed problematic. She is either unconscious or has been won over by Qi Xia.

But if she was won over by Qi Xia... why wouldn't she know?

Countless questions made Qinglong's brain even more confused, but with so many rooms in the "train", he had no way to find Ringo to ask for details.

If something goes wrong with just one chess piece, how could it affect you?

"It seems that I am still not suitable for using "needle"..." Qinglong whispered, "I just need myself." "

Digou and Xiaoxiao saw that Ringo's side had become quiet, so they stepped forward to check on her condition.

"Are you okay?" Digou asked, "Are you talking to someone?"

Ringo put one hand on his chest and covered his mouth and nose with one hand, looking uncomfortable.

"It's okay...it just stinks too much." Ringo tried hard to control his emotions before finally letting go of the hand covering his mouth and nose.

"Stinky...?" Digou yawned lazily, "It's strange, you seem to have retained a lot of memories, but you still think this place smells bad?"

"Ha." Ringo chuckled, "Yes, even you understand the truth, but some people don't."


"I have been wandering here for seven years... but there is no way I can adapt to the smell here. I feel the stench is so bad that I have to cover my mouth and nose when walking."

Ringo waved his hand in front of his mouth and nose, as if he wanted to blow away all the air in front of his eyes.

"That's illogical...isn't it?"

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