End of ten days

Chapter 124 Yunyao’s Echo

The four people formed a temporary team and started heading into the city.

This team does look a bit weird.

Yunyao and Tiantian, two people who couldn't compete with each other, actually formed a team.

"Little sister, what did you do before coming here?" Yun Yao asked casually.

"I, I am..." Seeing Yun Yao's glamorous appearance, Tiantian was speechless for a moment. Her face was filled with the word "inferiority" and she couldn't even speak. 🄲

"She is working at home." Qiao Jiajin suddenly said at this time, "Didn't you see how little she wore? Those are pajamas."

"Oh? That's it." Yunyao nodded, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Yunyao. I am the lead singer of an idol group. Miss, you are also very beautiful. If you don't have a job, would you consider becoming an idol?"

"Ai... Dou?" Tiantian had obviously never heard of this word.

"Aren't you chasing stars?" Yunyao explained patiently, "idou is the transliteration of "idol", which means idol artist."

"I'm already this age..." Tiantian smiled bitterly, "and I'm not worthy of becoming an idol."

"Not worthy? Miss, you look very sad." Yunyao suddenly became serious, stared at Tiantian and asked, "Has anyone bullied you before?"


Qiao Jiajin patted Yunyao at this time and said, "Beautiful girl, you seem to like chatting. Why don't we chat and stop harassing her."

"Oh?" Yun Yao was attracted by Qiao Jiajin, "Then what do you do?"

"I'm sorry..." Qiao Jiajin smiled awkwardly, "When you ask me this, I don't seem to be working properly."

"What are you doing?" Yunyao looked at the two people in front of her in confusion, "Is your interview room an "unemployment session"?"

After saying that, she seemed to think of something again and looked at Qi Xia: "Qi Xia, what about you? Are you so


If you are smart, you should have a good job, right? "

Three questions confused three people.

"Do you want to change the topic?" Qi Xia said.

Now he finally understood why Xiao Yan and Jin Yuanxun couldn't deal with this woman. According to this way of chatting, it was estimated that only Qiao Jiajin could deal with her.

"Change the topic...?" Yunyao thought for a while and then asked, "What are you all good at?"

"I'm not particularly good at anything," Qi Xia said, "I just read more books than others."

"I can see that." Yun Yao nodded with admiration, "I like knowledgeable men."

"I'm not good at anything." Qiao Jiajin shrugged, "I only know how to fight."

"Fighting?" Yun Yao was stunned, "This is the first time I heard of this "specialty"."

"Uh..." Qiao Jiajin didn't know how to answer, so he could only laugh twice, "Then what are you good at?"

"Me..." Yun Yao suddenly stopped and turned to the three people and said, "I am very lucky."

Very lucky?

Qi Xia and Qiao Jiajin looked at each other.

"Your specialty sounds even more unreliable than fighting." Qi Xia said, "Are you going to use your luck to lead us to win the game?"

"Why not?" Yunyao smiled, "I have been very lucky since I was a child, so this is my specialty."

"There is a difference between blind confidence and expertise." Qi Xia said, "'Luck' is something that is uncontrollable anyway. Could it be that you..."

Having said this, Qi Xia was slightly stunned.

He turned to look at Yun Yao, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

"Yes, it's what you think." Yun Yao smiled and nodded, "You are indeed very smart, and its name is "Strong Luck"."

Qi Xia would rather not guess correctly.

Yunyao's "response" is actually "strong luck"?

Putting it this way... wouldn't there be nothing in the world that can stump her?

"I'm sorry...what are you talking about?" Qiao Jiajin was obviously confused, "What is "Strong Luck"? Whose name is "Strong Luck"?"

Qi Xia didn't answer, but the more he thought about it, the more he became afraid.

Compared with these people, I am simply too reckless.

These "Echoers" with superpowers carefully form groups to play games, but they have been gambling with their "zodiac signs" with their mortal power.

"So you can win every battle?" Qi Xia asked. .🅆.

"A hundred battles victorious?" Yun Yao glanced at Qi Xia doubtfully, "Oh, I almost forgot, you don't understand "reverberation" yet, so you may not know... It is absolutely impossible to win a hundred battles. "

"Impossible?" Qi Xia obviously didn't understand. He asked in a low voice, "If your super power is "Strong Luck", how could you lose? Even if you are facing a black bear, the black bear can also Died of sudden illness?"

After hearing this, Yunyao thought for a moment and replied with a serious face: "Qi Xia, who told you that "echo" is a "superpower"?"

"Isn't it?" Qi Xia said, "The things the Echoers do and the power they exert are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Isn't this considered a superpower?"

Yunyao nodded slightly after hearing this and said: "No wonder you think so... But the actual situation is a little different, Qi Xia, "reverberation" is not a "superpower", but


It is a "belief". "


This word is much more abstract than "superpower".

Qi Xia suddenly thought of Jiang Ruoxue's explanation. She also said that "echo is a very abstract thing."

"It's hard for me to explain this feeling." Yun Yao stretched out her hand and looked at it, and then said, "In short, my "echo" does not guarantee 100% success, and even... the probability of failure is not low."

"This..." Qi Xia blinked, "In other words, you may be able to activate "forced luck", but you may also fail?"

"Yes, that's what I mean." Yun Yao saw that Qi Xia understood this principle and nodded happily.

Seeing Yun Yao's happy expression, Qi Xia couldn't laugh at all.

He thought Yun Yao was crazy.

What kind of bullshit "echo" is this?

Sometimes you can "force luck", and sometimes you can't.

According to this statement, isn't he also an intermittent "forced luck"?

But Yun Yao did retain her memory, and she was indeed an "echoer".

It's hard to imagine that she would survive so brazenly with such a useless ability.

Qi Xia stopped thinking about this strange "echo" and asked Yun Yao: "What game are we going to participate in?"

"Whatever." Yun Yao smiled, "I feel that our team is very strong, and we can challenge anyone we meet."

"Okay." Qiao Jiajin also nodded, "Liar, I was tied up last time and didn't perform well, this time I will show you my skills."

Tiantian also said at this time: "If there are any more dangerous projects, I want to be the first to try."

Qi Xia slowly covered his forehead, he felt that this team was full of problems.

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