End of ten days

Chapter 1243 Void

The Earth Monkey on the side was frightened when he heard what the Earth Tiger said.

He openly provoked everyone and revealed everyone's long-hidden rebellion plan.

But is there a better way than this at this moment?

All it takes is one battle and one word to make all the "earth-level" and "human-level" people choose to take sides.

"You even want to kill Tianlong..." Dilong looked at Dihu with some fear.

"What's going on?" Dihu smiled disdainfully, "I've already made such a big fuss. I hit the "zodiac sign", smashed the "train", and shouted the slogan of rebellion. Do you mean the last one? If I don't kill Tianlong at the critical moment, will he spare me? "

After hearing this, Dilong lowered his eyebrows and felt that the situation was more serious than he imagined.

"Since he can't spare me no matter what, let's just kill him." Dihu said, "Although I may not be the one to do it, it's all a matter of course."

The students next to Dilong saw their teacher being silent for a long time and couldn't help but ask: "Teacher... what did you say...?"

Dilong thought for a long time after hearing this, and finally waved his hand and said: "What else can I say? Everyone has seen it, right? I have already stepped forward to suppress it as soon as possible. It's a pity that I was defeated, seriously injured, and can't fight again. What's next? Leave the matter to others.”

After saying that, he turned around and left the scene step by step with the support of his students.

Dihu watched Dilong's back and felt that the situation was going well.

In this way, the "train" is not as scary as imagined. As long as we can find a way to make a gap here, even if it only appears for a moment, it is enough to insert a big plan.

It's just that the way to temporarily unite these thousands of "zodiac signs" with evil intentions is too difficult for most people to think of.

Dihu looked down at the crack he had made earlier. The fight with Dihu made too much noise, causing a large area of ​​the floor to shatter, seemingly revealing the "train"

He slowly squatted down and dug out a piece of the floor with his hands.

Under the "train", like the previously shattered wall, it looked like some kind of extremely dark starry sky.

Dihu took out a "Tao" from his pocket and threw it into the crack in the floor. The "Tao" seemed to fall into a bottomless abyss, walking farther and farther into the crack until it was submerged in darkness.

He frowned slowly, and then quietly covered the floor back.

"Teacher..." Manhou squatted next to Dihu and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

"It's hard to say..." Dihu said thoughtfully, "I can understand if the other side of the wall is void... but the floor

"What?" Manhou also frowned when he heard what Dihu said, "'Train' floating in the sky?" "

"Although I am uneducated and don't know much scientific knowledge..." Dihu continued, "But such a big thing... with so many people living in it, is it too unreasonable to float in the sky?"

Countless questions exploded in Dihu's mind, leaving him without any answers for a moment.

If "train"

Everyone said that the "train" was floating above the head of "The End", but now it seems that the two spaces are not related to each other.

In order not to cause panic among others, Dihu could only put the floor in place, pretending that nothing had happened, and could only look forward to asking Qi Xia for his opinion when he saw him. Otherwise, when everyone starts to wonder why the "train" is floating in the sky, this rebellion plan will start to go astray.

"What should we do next?" Man-Monkey asked again.

"Next..." Dihu paused after hearing this, and then looked at Man-Monkey, "No... why are you asking me? Don't I usually ask you?"

"Oh..." Man-Monkey smiled sheepishly, showing his white teeth, "Teacher, after seeing your generous speech just now, it changed my view of you a lot. I think you should have a plan now."

"The "plan" has been implemented. "Dihu said, "Kick the door and shout, "Come out and die at the Heaven Level". That's all my plan. Next, I have to find a way to defeat the "Tian Level", but Lao Hei..."

Dihu stood up and looked in the direction where Black Sheep was standing just now. There was no one there anymore. It seemed that Black Sheep had already begun to take people into action.

Although I want to find the "Heaven Level", what should I do now...? Should he go to find Tianhu alone, or wait for the black sheep to come back?

He shook his head, turned around and was about to talk to the Man-Monkey, when he heard an exclamation from the Man-Monkey——

"Teacher, be careful!!"

Dihu suddenly raised his head, only to find an invisible object flying quickly towards his face. He wanted to reach out to block it, but he couldn't avoid it at all.

He only felt something pounce on his face, knocking him away violently. The force was so strong that it was unimaginable, and even his neck was almost broken at this moment.

The Dihu and the thing rolled around on the ground several times, cracking countless floors and smashing several walls, before finally stopping in the distance with billowing smoke.

Seeing that something was not going well, Manhou and several other students wanted to run forward immediately, but Dihu lay in the distance and drank them up.

"Don't come here!!"

He stretched out his hand to pull the thing off his face, raised it in front of him and looked at it, and couldn't help but stand on his head.

This little thing with a strong smell of blood and milk... is clearly Tianhu.

"Hehe..." Tianhu was held in front of Dihu, showing a dimple-hiding smile, "Eat you..."

Dihu was horrified to see the child's face covered with dried blood, and even his milk teeth were stuffed with bloody meat.

At this time, Tianhu was held in Dihu's arms like an ordinary child, and lifted in the air. The scene looked warm and weird.

"Go find Lao Hei!" Dihu grabbed Tianhu and shouted to the monkey in the distance, "I don't need you here!"

"But... but Mr. Black Sheep..."

"Go tell him "no need to rush." ​​"Dihu laughed angrily, "Let him take his time, I can still hold on here."

"Okay... I know..."

"And... that fat monkey!" Dihu shouted again.

After listening to Dihou, although he felt that he was talking about himself, he didn't want to admit it.

"Don't pretend you didn't hear it! Who can't see that you are a monkey? !" Dihu gritted his teeth and said, "Go find a colorful quail! What's the point of just watching the fun? "

As soon as the voice fell, Tianhu broke free from Dihu's hands, jumped to the side, stretched out his bare feet, and kicked him out fiercely. Dihu's figure knocked open a door and fell into the room, which was the room where he and Yan Zhichun broke the wall before.

Tianhu followed in with a smile on his face, and the two disappeared in the corridor.

When the people outside the door saw this scene, they felt that this "rebellion plan" was not as simple as it seemed...?

Even if they could force Dilong back, there were still a group of "Heaven Level".

Dihu, who was able to pin Dilong under his body and beat him, was knocked down by Tianhu almost the moment they met, and his overwhelming combat power was revealed in an instant.

The monkey knew that in this kind of battlefield, the "human level" could not help at all, so he could only wink at Dihu's students and quickly go to the direction of the black sheep.

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