End of ten days

Chapter 1252 Who?

Seeing more and more "ants" starting to touch the ground in the square, Yan Zhichun felt a chill on his back.

They haven't lost all their senses, they still have touch and sense.

Now all the "ants" seem to want to figure out what's going on. After all, it's past the time they should go out to work, but no one has opened the door for them, so they can only touch the ground to sense the situation nearby.

Yan Zhichun feels that for these "ants", even if a corpse falls on them, they will only think that other "ants" accidentally touched them. Perhaps the "ants" have a convention to avoid this kind of situation. That's why they were scattered in every corner of the square, just to avoid running into each other and causing panic.

Taking advantage of the beetle's disappearance, Yan Zhichun took the strange hair and followed its guidance, quickly walked to the "ant" and squatted next to him.

From the appearance alone, Yan Zhichun couldn't tell any difference between this "ant" and the others. They all had snow-white skin, no facial features and no hair. He was also squatting on the ground at this time, with his hands spread apart, at a strange angle. Lean outward and touch the ground.

Yan Zhichun made a quick decision and stepped forward to pat the other party.

The other party was obviously startled, and turned his holed eyes to look at Yan Zhichun. The other party was a little confused, and Yan Zhichun was also a little confused.

Because Yan Zhichun didn't know how to communicate with this thing at all.

"Ant" decisively stopped touching the ground, and stretched out his dirty hands in the direction of Yan Zhichun.

Although Yan Zhichun stood on her head a little, she didn't retreat in a hurry. But gradually she found that the direction the other person's hands were stretching out seemed to be her own eyeballs. When there was no way to avoid it, she could only reach out and hold the other person's wrist.

At this moment, Yan Zhichun felt as if he was holding two ice rods, and the "ant" seemed to be burned, and his whole body trembled slightly.

The two were stunned for a few seconds. The "ant" hurriedly clasped his hands behind his back and used great strength to pull Yan Zhichun's palm in front of him. Then he used his fractured arm to move his wrist and twisted it crookedly on Yan Zhichun's palm. The Central Committee wrote one word——


Yan Zhichun knew that "ants" had reason, but he never thought that their minds could be so clear-headed, and they could even write on their own hands, so they must be able to communicate.

But this question is not easy to answer. If the answer written down is "Yan Zhichun" or "Jidao", there may be more explanations required.

So she thought for a while and wrote four words on the palm of "Ant"——

"The beetle-killer."

"Ant" held his palm and felt these four words. Although he couldn't put on any expression, Yan Zhichun felt that he was confused.

Black Sheep narrowed his eyes and saw Yan Zhichun and "Ant" starting to communicate from a distance. He quickly re-determined his tactics and said to the void: "Since you are not going to do anything, why not come out and chat? You are just "hiding" ”, not “silence”, right? "

The loud sound spread to every corner of the square, and everyone except "Ant" heard it.

"If you speak, your position will be discovered by me. You think you may not be able to defeat me, right?" Black Sheep said again, "When "hiding" doesn't work, the remaining two "immortal techniques" are more useful to you. It doesn't help, I'm a little worried about you. "

The black sheep said arrogant words, but his eyes were extremely cautious. He tried hard to feel all the airflow around him. As long as there was a sudden breeze blowing from any direction, it meant that the longhorned cow couldn't hold it back any longer.

"I'm worried that your majestic Tianniu will lose to a local sheep here." Black Sheep shouted coldly, "Speaking of which... why do you feel that the local bull is harder to kill than you? Are you really suitable for sitting in this seat?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Black Sheep felt the breeze surge on his left side. He instantly bent his hands to try to resist. He probably got used to the beetle's attack, and then raised his hands to his chest to protect his heart, but soon He realized something was wrong. This time the wind was stronger than before.

"It's not good...it's a "kick"..."

The beetle did not punch this time, but used a sweeping leg to sweep towards the black sheep's ribs. When the black sheep realized this problem, it was too late to resist. After all, he was fighting with a ball of air. He could only rely on a sense Apart from that, the remaining ninety-nine points depend entirely on luck.

The ribs were severely injured. Black Sheep coughed and felt a sweet sensation in his throat. A lot of blood poured into his mouth, as if his internal organs had been kicked to pieces.

But what's surprising is that he actually stood still and didn't move.

His left hand was bent downward, as if he was holding something.

"Ha..." The blood in Black Sheep's mouth gradually dripped, but a rare smile appeared on his face, "I've caught you..."

After saying that, he strangled the opponent's leg hard, raised his foot and kicked hard at the knee of the enemy's other leg in his impression.

Just when he was about to kick, he suddenly felt the beetle rising into the air, and he instantly lost all center of gravity and was quickly taken to the sky.

Before he could figure out the direction, the airflow in front of him shattered, and an extremely fist hit him hard on the nose, but Black Sheep never let go.

Since there was no way to restrict the opponent's actions immediately, Black Sheep could only change his tactics immediately and raised his hand to hit the invisible body.


There was a muffled sound, and Black Sheep frowned involuntarily.

Because this punch hit hard.

A barely perceptible groan came from the black sheep, further confirming his guess.

Although he controlled one of the longhorn beetle's legs, the opponent not only had three limbs that could move, but could even dodge in mid-air. Why did this punch hit?

The airflow in front of him was once again split by something, and this time it rushed towards the black sheep's neck. The black sheep immediately shrank back, only to feel that his chin was hit. He didn't have time to think, and then he stabbed again, and there was also a muffled sound. This punch obviously hit again.

"It works." The black sheep instantly forgot the pain on his body, and then launched a series of attacks.

The longhorn beetle seemed to know that it could not entangle with it, and immediately shook its whole body and moved at high speed in the air. The continuous injuries made it impossible for the black sheep to concentrate on controlling the opponent's legs. He was soon thrown away from the high altitude and fell straight to the ground.

The black sheep's whole body fell to the ground, but he did not stay for too long. He turned over and stood up, reaching out to wipe the blood off his face.

The two punches just now were really strange...

Every time I was hit, I fought back and hit Tianniu accurately.


"Tianniu can only use one hand...?"

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