End of ten days

Chapter 1281 Another Way

When Qiao Jiajin, Zhang Shan and Chu Tianqiu came to the front of the car, they found that there were two more passages extending from the left and right sides of the corridor, but now they were all in a mess.

There were many sounds of fighting on the right side facing the door, and it seemed like there were people fighting in every room.

There were a lot of corpses on the left hand side, and Chu Tianqiu saw Lao Lu among them at a glance.

He stepped forward and found that Aunt Tong was holding Lao Lu in her arms and singing a song in Shanghai dialect softly, but there was no blood in Lao Lu's body and it was impossible to hear it again.

Chu Tianqiu paused: "Aunt Tong..."

"Shh..." Aunt Tong stopped singing and put her hand in front of her mouth, "Keep your voice down."

Seeing Aunt Tong's red eyes and tears on her face, Chu Tianqiu swallowed all his words.

Naturally, he had countless questions in his mind. He didn't understand why Lao Lu appeared on the "train", and he didn't understand why Lao Lu died in the battle.

What was his last wish before his death?

Has his revenge been avenged?

"He shouldn't die here..." Chu Tianqiu said.

Aunt Tong continued to lower her head and said with a wry smile: "Chu Tianqiu...good boy, your huge "good deeds" are always there, and the "Mother Goddess" is blessing you. "

"The "Mother Goddess"... will lead us to victory? Chu Tianqiu asked.

Aunt Tong shook her head and said softly: "The Mother Goddess will lead us to the destined ending. "

After hearing this, Chu Tianqiu nodded meaningfully and glanced at the people nearby.

There are not only the corpses of the "participants" but also the corpses of the "zodiac signs". The few remaining people standing are also injured, and it seems that they have experienced a fierce battle.

"Aunt Tong, your battle is over." Chu Tianqiu said, "And our battle is about to begin."

"Go...good boy..." Aunt Tong held Lao Lu's body and said calmly, "I see the "good karma" is shining brightly, and it is guiding our final direction. "

Chu Tianqiu looked back at Zhang Shan and Qiao Jiajin, who were standing at the door of Qinglong's room with their eyes closed, as if they were about to face a storm.

They seemed to feel Chu Tianqiu's gaze and turned to look at him.

"Let's go." Chu Tianqiu said, "I will be there soon."

Zhang Shan nodded and reached out to push open the door. Qiao Jiajin followed closely, and the two entered Qinglong's room.

Chu Tianqiu took a deep breath. At this time, he did not feel nervous, but felt calm as never before.

"Aunt Tong, have you seen Qi Xia?" Chu Tianqiu asked.

"Qi Xia... no." Aunt Tong shook her head, "My child, you can wait here, the "Mother Goddess" will guide him to this point, no... the "Mother Goddess" will guide everyone who should come. "

Qinglong held his chin and looked quietly at the two people who opened the door to his room and came in.

"Oh...?" He paused, and then slowly frowned. These two people were exactly the ones who appeared in his illusion.

In that damn illusion, I was locked in a bitter battle with them, and then my "faith" completely collapsed.

How ridiculous is this?

Fate had tipped the scales to his side countless times, so how could it reverse it at the last moment?

He moved his ears slightly, and sure enough he heard bursts of "echoes."

Now even the "spiritual hearing" that has disappeared for a long time has returned, and everything is tilted again.

""Tianxingjian", "Breaking Ten Thousand Laws" and "Twin Flowers"...ha. "Qinglong chuckled, "It seems to have surpassed the "Heaven Level", which is considered a good strength. "

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhang Shan flexed his muscles, "Should we go directly, or should you choose a venue?"

After hearing this, Qinglong stood up slowly, stared at the two of them and said, "What if you can't win... then what?"

"Can't win?" Zhang Shan raised his eyebrows, "Fuck it, if you can't win, you'll die."

"Eh?" Qiao Jiajin was stunned for a moment, "Big brother, have you always been so frank?"

"Then what else can I do?"

Qinglong shook his head after hearing this: "How about I give you another way?"

"Another way?" Zhang Shan looked at Qinglong with some suspicion, "You are at the end of your rope now, what other way can you give us?"


Qinglong ignored the two of them and just walked quietly to another door in the house.

Qiao Jiajin and Zhang Shan looked at each other, did not act rashly, just looked at him quietly.

Qinglong stretched out his hand and gently placed his palm on the door. Then there was a slight shaking. The door shook off the dust and opened in front of the three people.

On the other side of the door is a huge and empty room. The scene that comes into view is extremely white. There is an inconspicuous tree standing in the central square, and there is a flight of stairs extending upward in the distance.

A man who looks exactly like Qinglong is sitting on the throne at the top of the steps. He is leaning sideways, leaning against his cheek, his eyes are slightly closed, and his expression is calm.

"Look..." Qinglong smiled and stretched out his hand, pointing at the person on the throne, "This is the person I have been protecting... Tianlong."

Hearing this name, Zhang Shan and Qiao Jiajin frowned instantly. The situation seemed to be beyond their expectations.

"This door has not been opened in my mind for decades." Qinglong said, "I will never let anyone get close to Tianlong... After all, he represents the apex of the entire "Taoyuan". Once he comes out, If something happens, the whole "Taoyuan" will change, so I have to protect him with all my life..."

Qiao Jiajin paused after hearing this: "But you opened the door now."

"Yes..." Qinglong nodded, "If someone with little strength came in, I would not choose to open this door. It would be too suspicious if Tianlong died in their hands, but you are different. You really have the ability to kill Tianlong."

After hearing this, no one of them said anything. After all, Qinglong's words sounded full of traps.

"So even if Tianlong was killed by you,...?"

Zhang Shan swallowed slightly after hearing this. Although Qinglong seemed to have made some cooperation requests, he just felt that the situation was so strange that it was hard to describe.

"Try... to kill Tianlong?" he asked.

"Yes!" Qinglong nodded, took a step forward and stepped into the door, "You may not succeed in killing me, but you will succeed in killing Tianlong. You can take his head steadily, and even I will help you."

Zhang Shan felt that Qinglong was crazier than he imagined.

"Come in quickly!" Qinglong said, "Don't stay outside... Tianlong is there!"

Zhang Shan thought for a while, and still walked into the house. No matter what, the battlefield inside the house is more suitable for fighting than this small house.

Qiao Jiajin also followed after two seconds of silence.

"Look, he has no ability to resist at all!" Qinglong laughed, "If you are really worried, you can even kill Qinglong and challenge me. I will wait for you here! Fight for the first place and the second place, right?"

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