End of ten days

Chapter 1289 I don't believe it

"Win..." Qin Dingdong paused, "No one can guarantee that we will really win this rebellion... Chen Junnan, don't stay here any longer, quickly find a "door" and get off, if something happens Changes occur, so remember to preserve your strength. Your "memory" may be able to lead the next rebellion..."

"What the hell is that?" Chen Junnan was a little stunned after hearing this, "Sister Dong...what mentality are you carrying out this mission?"

"I...it's a long story..." Qin Dingdong reached out and grabbed Chen Junnan. Her fingers were very strong and her mood was extremely complicated, "Chen Junnan...listen to me, Wei Yang doesn't believe that Qi Xia will eventually lead us to escape. ...I don’t believe it either.”

"What..." Chen Junnan paused and quickly interrupted, "Sister Dong, tell yourself, do you believe that old liar or Lao Qi?"

"It's hard for me to believe either of them." Qin Dingdong whispered, then she took a step forward and whispered into Chen Junnan's ear, "Chen Junnan, Wei Yang inferred that Qi Xia was going to drive a "train" to escape... But don't you think Is it strange..."

"W-where is the strange thing?" Chen Junnan asked with some uncertainty.

"Wei Yang's mission is very strange." Qin Dingdong said, "He received the mission a long time ago. In addition to infiltrating the "aboriginal people", he also led them to destroy all the "doors" on the "train". Now he gives up. , so I took over this task. "


Chen Junnan paused, as if he knew where Qin Dingdong's doubts came from.

"Chen Junnan... you are much smarter than me. Tell me, if we break all the "doors", even if the "train" reaches the next stop... how will we leave? "

Qin Dingdong's question left Chen Junnan speechless for a moment.

"It's not just all the "zodiacs" who are trapped to death..." Qin Dingdong's eyes dimmed, "There are also all the "participants" involved in this rebellion. When everything is settled, none of us can leave. "

"Dong, Sister Dong...are you thinking too much?" Chen Junnan said, "After all, Lao Qi said before..."

"Chen Junnan...you can't trust Qi Xia too much. You should make more plans for yourself." Qin Dingdong said, "Although I seem to be sowing discord, this plan is really contradictory...I don't believe it. A man so smart would make contradictory plans."

Chen Junnan paused after hearing this, and soon discovered something suspicious: "But Sister Dong, you are destroying the "door" now... If you don't believe it, why do you need to do this? "

"I have my own reasons." Qin Dingdong said, "I want to find out who I am, and I also want to do one last favor for Wei Yang. Although I annoy him, he has saved me in some ways. So I have to come to the "train" to help him get this done. Only by being closest to the core here can I possibly find the secret about myself. "

After hearing this, Chen Junnan thought for a while and said, "Sister Dong, I don't know how to convince you. I have doubted Lao Qi before, but countless experiences have proven that he is right."

"But he has a purpose for approaching you." Qin Dingdong said, "Once someone approaches you with a purpose, you can't believe what he says. After all, everything he says and everything he does is to achieve something." Your own purpose. You are not a fool, you know this better than me."

Chen Junnan was silent for a while and said: "Sister Dong, Lao Qi's "purpose" has gone beyond selfishness in the secular sense. In other words, if he really has any "purpose", I don't need to worry about that "purpose" bringing harm to me. This "purpose" will not bring benefits to myself or him, nor will it bring any harm to me. loss. Because what he wants to do is beyond my cognitive scope. It is a more macro-level and transcendent human coordination. This does not require and should not be interfered by me. "

After hearing this, Qin Dingdong stared at Chen Junnan's eyes for a long time, and finally sighed and said: "Okay...Chen Junnan, even if I can't figure out his "purpose", what do you think about these "doors"? He did not leave a way for all "participants" to survive. What do you say about this? "

"My only answer is that I believe in Lao Qi." Chen Junnan said, "Since "destroying the door" was originally one of his plans, then I will help him complete this plan. Before, I was worried that doing this would cause a bit of chaos, but now your appearance has made me more convinced of this idea. "

"You...well, you are you and I am me. Whether you believe him or not, I still left a way out for everyone..." Qin Dingdong said, "I have no intention of really destroying these "doors", so We started destroying the "interview area" room, but left all the "work areas"..."

Before she finished speaking, Qin Dingdong paused because she found that all the nearby "doors" seemed to have been destroyed.

"You...Chen Junnan..." Qin Dingdong slowly opened his eyes, "You destroyed the "door" of the "work area"? ! "

"Yes." Chen Junnan said, "I didn't think much about it. As long as I felt I could help Lao Qi, I gave it a try."

Qin Dingdong felt as if he was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

Seeing that the two of them had finished their conversation, Jin Yuanxun came over with Di Niu and carefully asked softly: "Brother, sister, have you finished your affair?"

Jin Yuanxun's words made Qin Dingdong roll her eyes. She turned her head and looked over: "You look quite honest, why are you so humble when you speak? How can you say that the affair is over?"

"Hey?" Jin Yuanxun didn't understand what this sentence meant.

Di Niu was also amused by this young man and had to shake his head: "Who did you learn Chinese from?"

"I learned from..." Jin Yuanxun stretched out a finger, and before he could point at Chen Junnan, Chen Junnan rushed over and hugged his shoulders.

"Hey! Xiao Jin! Chinese needs to be improved!" Chen Junnan laughed, and then looked at Di Niu, "Sister Dong, please introduce him. This is..."

"I met him on the road." Qin Dingdong sighed, "Qi Xia not only gave this task to Wei Yang, but also to this Di Niu. He wants to destroy all the "doors" in all directions, and even thinks that the power of ordinary people is not enough, and the "earth level" needs to intervene. This is why I am so excited. "

"A "earth level" who is responsible for destroying "doors"...? "Chen Junnan looked at the Di Niu in front of him.

Her figure was lean and strong, and her abdominal muscles were faintly visible in her tailored short suit.

"Nice to meet you." Di Niu said, "No matter what questions you have about this plan, I need to execute it unconditionally. In order to buy myself time, I even betrayed all the "Di Level" participating in this event and asked them to delay the "Tian Level" for me, so I can't afford to delay. "

"You betrayed all the rebellious "Di Level" by yourself?" Chen Junnan felt that the Di Niu in front of him was also a ruthless person.

(Brothers, I have a birthday tomorrow, I want to take a break... I will stop updating for a day. I haven't rested for too long, and I am a little too tired. Thank you for your understanding.)

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