End of ten days

Chapter 133 Accident

Gun Youliang became even more anxious when he saw that I was indifferent.

"Brother Jin! There is no place for you in the gang anymore. The person talking now is Fei Tong. He has always had issues with Master Rong and will kill you!"

I picked up a bottle of Coke from beside me and opened the cap.

"Gun Youliang, let's go."


"What happens next is between Tong Ye and me. If you stay here, it will cause trouble for you."

I took a sip of Coke. It was room temperature and did not taste good.

Gun Youliang was silent for a long time before slowly standing up.

He paid the shop owner, then turned around and bowed to me: "Brother Jin, you have helped me before. If you need me in the next life, just tell me..."

"Okay, let's go." I waved my hand.

Gun Youliang thought for a while, then took out a folding knife from his pocket and put it in front of me: "Brother Jin, it's for self-defense."

"I never use knives in fights." I shook my head, "Take them away."

"Take it, Brother Jin, there's nothing I can do to help you."

Watching him walk out of the noodle shop, turning his head three times, I still couldn't calm down.

I'm so stupid, what happened?

The old noodle shop man and I stayed together quietly, while he washed the dishes and I drank Coke, and no one spoke.

Twenty minutes later, the sound of cars came from the street outside the door, and a dozen cars were parked outside the house in a dark crowd.

A large group of serious-looking people rushed in.

I have never met most of these people, but I know the man leading them.

Brother Chong, the white paper fan in the gang.

There is a long and narrow scar on his face from the left forehead to the right chin, which is very conspicuous.

Brother Chong came to me, sat down slowly, and picked up another bottle of Coke.

"Normal temperature." I said.

"It doesn't matter." He bit open the bottle cap with his teeth and took several big sips.

He bit his lip and seemed to have


Words of suffering.

"Brother Chong, do you want such a big fight to see me?" I looked at the dozens of people crowded in the room, my face expressionless.

"Four years ago, the most ferocious Red Stick, you were able to knock down thirty-seven people with your bare hands. How could you do it without this formation?"

"So...does Mr. Tong have something to tell me?"

Brother Chong thought for a moment, then turned around and said to everyone: "You go and wait on the street. You are not allowed to come in without my order."

"Yes, Brother Chong."

After everyone left, Brother Chong sighed deeply.

"Ah Jin, why do you want to come back?"

"This is my home, why can't I come back?"

Brother Chong grabbed my collar and said in a suppressed voice: "Ah Jin! Master Tong and I both wanted to let you go, but you came back so arrogantly and beat someone up. How do you want him to come forward to deal with this matter? You are the traitor’s confidant!”

If Brother Chong wants to let me go, I can understand it. After all, he took good care of me in the past.

But what reason does Mr. Tong have to let me go?

"Master Rong is not a traitor." I said, "There must be some misunderstanding."

Brother Chong sighed helplessly after hearing this. He let go of his hand, and then took out two things from his arms.

On the left is a plane ticket, on the right is a motorcycle key.

"Ah Jin, make your own choice. Go to Thailand, Tongye will do some errands for you, and I will ensure that you will not starve to death for the rest of your life. Or you can ride on the motorcycle at the back door and leave, and don't show up again in the future."

It seemed like it was the first day Brother Chong met me, and he actually let me choose.

"I don't choose either thing, Brother Chong, I'll take your car." I stood up and walked out the door.

Brother Chong shook his head, put away the things on the table, and followed.

Just about to go out, I

Remembered something again.

"Brother Chong, I don't have any money. You should pay for the two bottles of Coke."

There are no changes in the gang, except that all the mazai who pass through the hall have been replaced by Tong Ye's people.

I know that Mr. Tong is moody and he has always been at odds with Mr. Rong, and I am undoubtedly the biggest thorn in his side.

"Master Tong, Ah Jin is here." Brother Chong knocked on the door.

"Let him in."

Brother Chong nodded, stood outside and opened the door, and I stepped into the room.

The light inside the room was very dark and smoke filled, and the faint sound of twisting Buddhist beads could be heard.

"Master Tong, Ah Jin." I said.

"Place incense for Second Master." Master Tong's deep voice came from the shadows.

I nodded, walked to the statue of Mr. Guan on the side, raised three sticks of incense above my forehead, and bowed respectfully three times.

"Come." Tong Ye sat in the dark and waved.

I came to sit in front of Mr. Tong and called, "Master Tong."

"Well, Ah Jin..." Tong Ye sat back on the sofa with a big belly, twirling the bracelet in his hand, "I heard about you when you were working under Du Guirong, you were very popular."

"Master Tong is flattering me. I, Ah Jin, am just a reckless man who only knows how to fight."

"Nonsense." Tong Ye coughed weakly, "I heard that Du Gui Rong sent you to learn the most popular fighting techniques in the world. If it hadn't been for these four years of hard work, you would be a professional boxer now. ”

"Yes, Master Rong taught me how to eat. He was my benefactor. Ah Jin will never forget him."

After hearing this, Tong Ye paused while twirling his fingers on the string, and then said: "But Ah Jin, gambling on Gui Rong broke the gang rules. What do you think...how should we settle this account?"

I nodded and said, "I don't believe Master Rong stole the money. Two million is not a small amount. He wouldn't be that confused."


After hearing this, Master Tong snorted coldly, threw the bracelet in his hand on the table, and then stood up from the shadows, revealing his bloated face.

"Ajin, it's not "stealing money", but "owing money". He asked me for two million, and ran away when it was time to pay it back." Master Tong gritted his teeth and said, "That sausage didn't take the gang's money, it was my money..."


Master Tong looked very angry. He took a few deep breaths before slowly calming down. Still gritted his teeth and asked: "What do you think, how should it be settled?"

"Can my life be used to pay for it?" I asked.

Master Tong didn't say anything, but just picked up the bracelet again and continued to twist it with his eyes closed.

I waited for a few seconds, Master Tong still didn't speak, I think I understood what he meant.

"Thank you Master Tong for your help."

I stood up, took out a folding knife from my pocket, stepped back two steps, and put it against my neck.

But before I could cut it, two people suddenly rushed out from behind me and pressed me to the table.

I didn't expect that there were others hiding in this room.

"Good boy, you are really brave." Master Tong nodded, and then he laughed dryly for a few times and then immediately frowned, "Ah Jin... But what's the point of me taking your life? Where's my money?"

"Master Tong, I'm useless and can't take out two million." I was pressed on the table and said with gritted teeth, "How do you want to settle this account? How can you let Master Rong go?"

"Ah Jin...Ah Jin, you are really stupid." Master Tong stretched out his hand, and the person next to him handed him a cigarette and lit it, "You have been in the kiln for four years for the gambler Rong, and you still have to help him block the knife after you get out. Why do you do this?"

"I said, Master Rong has done me a favor."

"But he has always used you as a gun and never cared about your life or death." Master Tong took a puff of cigarette and asked seriously, "That fanchang named Gun Youliang is neither my man nor yours, why did he bring you to Mong Kok?"

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