End of ten days

Chapter 136 Floating

"I don't have to take this road." I replied, "As long as I can follow you, I can take any road."

Master Rong's expression changed and he said angrily: "Ah Jin, I don't need anyone to follow me anymore. I have enough money to spend until I die of old age! You are dragging me down, do you know?!"

"I..." I was made uncomfortable by Master Rong's words.

Maybe I drank too much, since I've never felt this bad before.

Master Rong no longer needs me, and neither does Jiuzai.

I became a fist floating in the air, without a body or a brain.

Where do I fall? Where should it be placed? 🄲

"I understand." I nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable in my eyes and nose, "Master Rong, I won't cause you any trouble. I'll leave at dawn tomorrow."

Back at Master Rong's house, I lay on the sofa and couldn't fall asleep.

What happened?

Why has everything changed?

If that stupid "brain" and "fist" are not there, won't he run away?

Why do you want to catch yourself?

Where have all the usual ingenuity gone?

Damn it, I see you are not a "brain" at all, you are just a fool.

The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I became. The night got deeper and deeper, but I could no longer calm down.

As soon as I close my eyes, Jiuzai's face appears in front of my eyes.

I remember his fart-like nonsense now.

"Ah Jin, what would you do if you didn't have a "brain" like mine?"

"Ah Jin, you should smile more usually, but now you look like a piece of wood."

"Ah Jin, learn from me "I throw"! It's more powerful to say "I throw"! Don't you like it? How about "Xianjia Shovel"?"

"Ah Jin, remember to put on your shirt! Why are you coming out like this again?"

"Ah Jin, protect me! Throw me away! If your "brain" is damaged, you will become stupid!"

"Ah Jin, if one day I am no longer here, you can find another "brain"."



Ah Jin, if you can't find the "brain", just smile more, or at least be a laugher. "

I touched my cheek, and something was dripping down, and it was cold.

"I lost..."

I smiled bitterly, it was really difficult to live in this world.

Thinking of this, I stood up, took a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, opened the door gently, and came to the rooftop.

"Ajiu, are you smiling all the time because you already knew how hard life is?"

I sat on the edge of the rooftop with my feet dangling outside.

Looking at the bright neon lights downstairs, I felt like I was stepping on the entire city at this moment, and I felt an indescribable freedom in my heart.

He took a sip of wine and poured another sip of wine on the ground.

The early morning breeze made me feel cold, and I forgot to put on my shirt again.

"Jiuzai, let's have a good drink today."

"Hey!" Suddenly there was a scream behind me, which scared me so much that I almost jumped off the building.

I stabilized my body and turned around, and saw an aunt sitting slumped on the ground. She was holding a broom in her left hand and a stack of yellow paper in her right hand.

She looked at me tremblingly, as if she had seen something extremely terrifying.

I felt bad, so I immediately rolled over and went to check on her: "Auntie, are you okay?"

"You...you..." The aunt frowned, but her expression quickly calmed down, "Young man, are you going to scare me to death?!"

"I...? I don't quite understand. I'm just sitting here drinking. How could I scare you?"

"You!" The aunt pointed at me angrily, "Your tattoo! Who asked you to get it tattooed like this?!"

I seemed to realize something and said, "Don't worry, Auntie, I have a tattoo, but I'm not a bad person."

"Who said this?" The aunt stood up and patted the dirt on her body, "You said you have tattoos?"

What's wrong, if I didn't get a line of tattoo, I'd think I'd seen a ghost. "

Something suddenly flashed through my brain.

"Auntie...have you ever seen other people with a line of writing on their backs?"

"Isn't that right..." The aunt squatted down and spread out yellow paper on the ground, "There used to be a young man with a tattoo on your back who looked very similar to you. He jumped off a building here last week. If you two didn't look different, I would I really thought I had seen a ghost.”

"What did you say?!"

"What? Did I come here to lie to you in the middle of the night?" The aunt carefully spread out the yellow paper, and then took out a lighter from her arms, "Today is the first day of that young man's day. Although I am a garbage collector, I should You still have to talk about the rules.”

I saw her lighting up the yellow paper, clasping her hands together, and silently chanting: "I'm just a sweeper, I don't mean to disturb you, don't offend me, don't offend me..."

The flickering firelight swayed in the early morning, reflecting my eyes like a pool of stagnant water.

"Auntie, don't burn it." I turned around expressionlessly and showed her the tattoo on my back. "Look carefully, are you sure it looks like my tattoo?"

The aunt glanced at me impatiently and said: "It's similar, of course, it's just that the words are different. Yours is "Heaven and Earth" or something, and his is "Wind, Flower," with more words than yours. ”

Hearing this sentence, my heart completely died.

"Hey, the police said that the young man didn't live here at all. You said he was perfectly fine, why did he jump off the building here? It made me..." After finishing speaking, the aunt knew she had made a mistake and slapped her mouth three times. , "Bah, bah, bah! You said the wrong thing, don't blame me!"

I finally understand.

Jiuzai jumped off the building here seven days ago.

So Master Rong lied to me.

I turned my head and looked towards the edge of the rooftop, and seemed to see Jiuzai's shadow standing there.

He was bare-chested, and there was also a line of cursive writing on his back——

"The wind, flowers, snow and moon are leisurely, but those who disturb themselves become redundant."


"But why did you jump off the building?" I asked.

Jiuzai's shadow smiled bitterly and said, "Ah Jin, you can live with my smile."

I blinked and the shadow disappeared.

I don't know if I drank too much tonight, or if Jiuzai Touqi is really back. At that moment, I seemed to really see him.

He looked very sad.

I know Jiuzai. If he was hacked to death, he wouldn't show such a sad expression.

He would only arrogantly ask me to help him take revenge.

But why is he so sad?

Because he doesn't want to die at all.

I imitated Jiuzai, smiled that heartless smile, and tried to think from his perspective.

"This time, lend me your brain."

In the past, with Master Rong and Jiuzai here, I didn't need to use my own brain at all, but it's different now.


What is the purpose of Mr. Tong chasing Mr. Rong?

It’s about money.

Therefore, it is impossible for Mr. Tong to kill, otherwise he will lose both his life and money, and he will be the biggest loser.

What's more, the matter of "hunting" was left to Brother Chong, and Brother Chong wanted to take me in for Master Tong.

Because even if he found out the location of Master Rong, he didn't send anyone to kill Master Rong directly.

Therefore, the matter of "hunting" does not exist at all.

It is even more nonsense that Jiuzai was hacked to death.

I raised my head and looked at the moon and asked, "Out of moral or other considerations, you want Master Rong to return the money to Master Tong, right?"

The sky was extremely quiet.

"Not only did Master Rong not listen, he also thought you were going to rebel against him, right?"

I asked the moon again, but no one answered.

"You didn't even know that Master Rong wanted to kill you, so you followed him to the rooftop without any precautions, right?"

The moon looked fluffy, hidden in the early morning mist.

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