End of ten days

Chapter 153 Distractions

"I want to control the 'subconscious'." Qi Xia whispered, "I need to make Han Yimo not think about certain things."

Lin Ye thought for a moment and said, "Qi Xia, close your eyes and I will do an experiment with you."

"Okay." Qi Xia nodded and closed his eyes.

"Qi Xia, please don't imagine a black cat." Ringo said.

After hearing this, Qi Xia closed her eyes and frowned silently.

"Now, please don't imagine that black cat looking at you."

"And don't imagine it has beautiful brown eyes."

Qi Xia was silent.

"Now, please don't imagine that black cat slowly walking towards you."

"I..." Qi Xia's brows slowly relaxed and she listened quietly to Lin Yu's story.

"And definitely don't imagine that the black cat rubbed your leg as if it was hungry."

"What you don't realize is that the black cat has very soft fur."

"You don't know, but it actually likes you."

Seeing that Qi Xia's expression had completely calmed down, Lin Yu slowly asked:

"So Qi Xia... look around, where are you standing now?"

Qi Xia frowned slightly after hearing this. He looked around and saw that he was standing at home.

"If you are very tired, you can rest in bed for a while." Ringo said.

Qi Xia slowly turned around and found a bed behind her.

But he never sleeps in bed.

He froze for a moment and opened his eyes instantly.

The dull expression on his face disappeared, replaced by coldness and despair.

"Ringo, are you hypnotizing me?"

"It's not hypnosis, it's just mental relaxation." Lin Ju smiled and nodded, "Qi Xia, you look very tired and very depressed inside. You won't be able to hold on like this."

"It's not necessary." Qi Xia shook his head, "Let's discuss something more important."



Ringo nodded, "Actually, I've already given you an example."


Ringo nodded: "Have you noticed? Humans can't understand "negative words"."

As Ringo said, when she keeps telling herself "not to" think about something, Qi Xia will shape it very clearly in her mind.

"This is a very typical psychological phenomenon. People are happy to use "Don't do something" to persuade others, such as "Don't be too tired" and "Don't care too much about other people's opinions." In other people's ears, It will become "you are tired" and "you care about other people's opinions", and the persuasion effect will be counterproductive. "

Qi Xia nodded after hearing this and said melancholy: "So we can't interfere with other people's thoughts?"

"To be honest, we can't even control our own thoughts, so how can we interfere with others'?"

The problem is indeed very difficult. It is difficult for Han Yimo to break through this road. The key point may still be Officer Li.

Qi Xia could only ask again: "Then if I want a person's subconscious mind to believe something impossible, can it be done in this way?"

After hearing this, Ringo blinked and asked, "Do you know the "Echoer" that this aunt called me?"

"Yes." Qi Xia nodded, "Officer Li."

"Is he the one who can take out the money?" Ringo asked again.


"That's difficult to do..." Ringo said, "The reason why people are called "people" is because we all have basic cognitive abilities. Moreover, when most people are not sure whether they have cash in their pockets, they first One thought is "There may be bills in my pocket" rather than "There must be a pile of bills in my pocket." According to the aunt, the first case will fail. "

Qi Xia nodded: "Then there is no way to influence him?"

"There are two ways you can try." Ringo said, "The first is

The first is long-term brainwashing, which is similar to hypnosis. Although it will waste a lot of time, it will also make the other person think that there is money in his pocket forever. However, this also has disadvantages, that is, it may affect the other person's normal logical thinking. He will think that there cannot be anything else in his pocket except money. "

Qi Xia nodded again: "What about the second one?"

"The second is..." Ringo swallowed in embarrassment and said, "Let this person completely lose his normal cognitive ability and fall into a state of confusion or confusion... This way he will always believe in himself."

"Does that mean he becomes a madman?" Qi Xia asked.

"That's right." Ringo nodded, "You will find that all the people called "madmen" in this world are very pure, including mental patients. They have a strong sense of belief and will not believe in some strange things. suspect."

If you look at it this way, aren't the "Ultra Dao" people just a bunch of lunatics?

The probability of them activating "Echo" is very high precisely because they are so pure.

And the Aunt Tong in front of her, who believed deeply in the "Mother Goddess", didn't look normal either.

But why does Ringo know so much?

"Ringo, you..."

Qi Xia had something to say, but after thinking for a while, he still didn't say it.

Some things are not convenient to say in public, maybe it would be better to say them when the two of them are alone.

When several people came to their senses, Aunt Tong had finished explaining the concept of "reverberation" and started talking about the opportunity of "reverberation".

According to her, "echo" usually only requires the help of opportunities in the "initial stage". When a person feels "echo" many times, it means that he has completely gained the favor of the "Mother Goddess" and can take the initiative to send out "echo". , thereby gaining supreme power. Of course, there are some people whose "response" is too special, and they always have to take advantage of opportunities.

"Then how do you turn off the 'Echo'?" Qi Xia raised his hand and asked.

"Close?" Aunt Tong stared at Qi Xia, "Why close it? This


Who in the world would take the initiative to give up the reward of the "Mother Goddess"? "

"It's possible that what your 'Mother Goddess' gave you was not a reward, but a curse." Qi Xia said, "There will always be people who want to turn off their own 'echoes'."

"Child, you can understand "reverberation" as a kind of sound wave. You can only hear it when it covers you, but the sound wave will disperse."

After hearing this, Qi Xia paused and asked, "Are you saying that the 'echoes' are all temporary?"

"That's right." Aunt Tong nodded, "We never need to actively turn off the "echo", we just need to wait for it to slowly dissipate."

Qi Xia glanced at Han Yimo casually.

He had been "echoing" all day.

So...how long will his "echo" last?

Will it be ten days?

Next, Aunt Tong began to promote the greatness of the "Mother Goddess".

Because the "echo" she showed was so weird, several people believed her words.

For some reason, Qi Xia felt deeper despair in Aunt Tong's propaganda.

When a world can only pray to "gods" to save itself, it proves that the "people" living in this world have absolutely no choice.

Can they really escape from here?

Can I really ask the "god" here to return Yu Nian'an and hug her again?

"I just wanted to give her a better life..."

Qi Xia's eyes became lonely, and her heart was extremely painful.

Aunt Tong continued to say to everyone: "As long as we get rid of the "remaining thoughts" in our hearts, we will surely be favored by the "Mother Goddess" and eventually gain the power of the "Mother Goddess"!"

Qi Xia frowned, feeling very uncomfortable, and couldn't help but ask: "Auntie, we usually say "get rid of distracting thoughts", but why do you always say "get rid of residual thoughts"?"

"Child, don't you understand? "Yu Nian" means "distracted thoughts."" Aunt Tong said slowly.

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