End of ten days

Chapter 176 Yun Yao's Doubts

Chu Tianqiu selected the candidates for the battle, and Qiao Jiajin, Lin Zhuo, and Han Yimo just opened the door and walked in.

They didn't expect that there were more than ten people sitting in the room, and they were shocked.

"What's going on?" Qiao Jiajin looked around, his eyes stopped on Qi Xia, and hurriedly walked over to him and said, "Liar, did you hear it just now? The bell rang three times in a row!"

"Yes, I heard it." Qi Xia nodded, "That's why we got together."

"Your name is Qiao Jiajin, right?" Zhang Shan slowly walked over with Li Xiangling, "Tomorrow we will play a "fighting" game in teams of three."

"Huh?" Qiao Jiajin was a little confused about the situation, "Why don't you let me take my "brain" out? This is very dangerous..."

"Brain?" Zhang Shan was also stunned, "Who is your "brain"?"

Qiao Jiajin stretched out his thumb and glanced at Qi Xia beside him: "I cooperated with the liar, he is my "brain"."

"Interesting." Zhang Shan smiled and nodded, "If he is the "brain", who are you?"

Qiao Jiajin thought for a while and said, "If I have to say... I am his "fist"."

"That's right." Zhang Shan nodded, "Now your "brain" is in danger, whether you can solve it... depends on whether your "fist" is strong or not."

"Huh?" Qiao Jiajin turned to look at Qi Xia, "Liar, have you been flattened?"

"The situation is much more complicated than this." Qi Xia said, "Tomorrow's fighting game is related to me, but I can't participate, so you can only help me."

"Help you? That's easy to say." Qiao Jiajin stretched slightly, "The so-called "fighting" means that the opponent is a "human", right?"

"That's right."

"Don't worry, we can handle it."

Seeing this, Chu Tianqiu nodded: "Now that the selection is over, Qiao


Jia Jin is also back, then..."

"Wait a minute..." Yun Yao slowly raised her hand.

"What?" Chu Tianqiu asked.

“I would venture to ask, which of these three people “echoed”?”

The three of them looked at each other with unnatural expressions.

"Chu Tianqiu..." Yun Yao felt a little inappropriate, "None of the three people have "responses" now."

After saying that, she looked at Chu Tianqiu suspiciously.

"What is your arrangement?" Yun Yao felt that this strategy was very strange. "I told you...the opposite side is the "Jikakus", and those are three genuine "Echoers"."

"This..." Chu Tianqiu hesitated, "No problem, I believe the three of them."

"Xiang, believe it?!" Yun Yao thought she heard wrongly, "Tianqiu... what are you talking about? You appointed these three people... just because you believe in them? Are there no other tactics?"

Zhang Shan felt that the atmosphere was a bit subtle, so he patted Yun Yao on the shoulder and said, "It doesn't matter. I think Chu Tianqiu must have his arrangements. Besides, fighting and killing games are not difficult for me."

When Chu Tianqiu saw someone speaking for him, his expression relaxed: "In that case, let's adjourn the meeting and let the three of you get acquainted. After all, we will be teammates tomorrow."

"You three, don't leave yet." Qi Xia whispered to Yunyao, Zhang Shan, and Li Xiangling, "I want to explain something."

The three people nodded silently after hearing this.

When everyone walked out of the room, Yun Yao couldn't help but speak.

"Zhang Shan, don't you think

Is Tianqiu weird? ! "She looked very angry, "Yesterday his plan killed Jin Yuanxun and Xiao Jingyan, and today he arranged for the three of you to deal with the "Echoers"... No, it's not just this time, he was very strange last time..."

Zhang Shan smiled bitterly and said, "Yun Yao, have you forgotten? I didn't have an "echo" last time. My memory no longer has Chu Tianqiu's original appearance."

"This..." Yun Yao looked around and found that among the people present, she was the only one who seemed to know the original Chu Tianqiu. She was speechless and felt uncomfortable.

In her impression, Chu Tianqiu's strategies were always "steady" and he would never give such reckless strategies. .🅆.

The reason why so many people lost their memories in this round of "Tiantiankou" is precisely because Chu Tianqiu in the last round almost committed suicide in arranging for everyone to participate in the game in the last few days.

In Yun Yao's memory, in every round of the game according to Chu Tianqiu's arrangement, nine out of ten people in the "Tiantiankou" can get "response". After all, Chu Tianqiu knows everyone's "response" Opportunity.

But what happened in the last round?

Why did Chu Tianqiu suddenly change his tactics?

Is there something unexpected that I don't know about?


Yunyao slowly turned her head to look at Qi Xia.

Speaking of which... the biggest change in the last round was Qi Xia.

Qi Xia came to visit Chu Tianqiu, but Chu Tianqiu refused to see him. The next day after that, Chu Tianqiu seemed to be a completely different person.

"What exactly is going on……?"

Yunyao felt as if she had discovered something terrible, but she couldn't find the answer.

Everyone ignored Yun Yao, but was chatting with each other.



Zhang Shan crossed his arms on his chest and asked, "Let's introduce ourselves. What are you both good at?"

He looked Qiao Jiajin up and down and asked, "Have you ever practiced?"

Qiao Jiajin nodded and said, "Big brother, I have not only practiced, but I am also very good at it."

"Oh?" Zhang Shan became interested instantly, "I have practiced some Sanda. What do you practice?"

Qiao Jiajin stretched out his hand and counted his fingers and said: "Boxing, Sanda, wrestling, judo, Wing Chun, Muay Thai, grappling, Tai Chi, Jeet Kune Do, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu..."

"Stop, stop, stop..." Zhang Shan reached out and interrupted Qiao Jiajin, "Who asked you about the classification of fighting? I asked you what kind of fighting you practice?"

"I've practiced it all." Qiao Jiajin said confidently.

"Everyone..." Zhang Shan was stunned, "I'll do it, you bragging has to have a limit. You're not very young, how can you practice so many kinds of things?"

Qi Xia scratched his head and exchanged glances with Ringo.

Only the two of them knew how incredible this thing was, because what Qiao Jiajin said was actually the truth.

His expression was clearly written on his face, and he didn't hide anything at all.

"I have been practicing for more than ten years." Qiao Jiajin said, "I only know a little bit about it."

"You..." Zhang Shan was at a loss for words again. No wonder he almost suffered a big loss when he tried to tie up this man. "Then how long do you practice every day?"

"Since I was eleven years old, I have been practicing boxing day and night, as long as I can move one hand."

Zhang Shan swallowed slightly and asked again: "Have you ever been in actual combat?"

"Before coming here, I was engaged in actual combat every day, and never stopped for a day." Qiao Jiajin replied with a normal expression.

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