End of ten days

Chapter 408 The Place of Despair

"I..." Sky Snake's eyes slowly became respectful, "I am "Sky Snake", and under the orders of "Celestial Dragon"... If necessary, I can kill anyone who gets in the way."

"What...?!" Bai Hu's hoarse voice burst out, "I was waiting for the two juniors in front of the giant clock, but I never expected that a big joke would come..."

"So, so..." Tian She lowered her head and said, "If I have offended you... I would like to apologize to you... I didn't know this was your territory..."

"Tianlong...did you really say that?" Bai Hu slowly approached Tianshen, forcing him to retreat repeatedly, "He said you can kill people at will...? He didn't even care about the master's words...?"

At the moment when Tian Snake's faith was shaken, the vines under the feet of the girls quickly withered, drying up and breaking within a few seconds.

They quickly gathered together and stood not far away looking at the strange two people.

Now it is neither possible for them to stay nor to run away.

"I don't know what the "master" is..." Tian She replied, "I only listen to the arrangements of "Dragon"..."

After hearing this, Bai Hu slowly raised his head and looked at the void above his head, as if he was looking for someone in the air.

"What are you doing?" he asked, "You can make 3,600 things called "Tao"... but then disobey the master's orders and kill people at will... Aren't these two things contradictory? Aren't you ready? Come down and explain to me?"

Unfortunately, the sky was quiet and Bai Hu didn't get any answer.

Tian She kept her head lowered respectfully, neither daring to speak nor to look up at him.

"Tell me about it..." Bai Hu lowered his head and looked at Tian Snake. "Why did Tian Long give this order? Why can you, the heavenly ones, kill people at will without activating the "game"?"

"I don't know the specifics..." Tian She whispered nervously, "One night, "Tian Long" was awakened by a huge bell. From that moment on, he couldn't sleep at night or eat in the sun... Order We have to find the person who triggered the bell."


"The huge bell...?" Bai Hu frowned, and the wrinkles on his face became deeper, "I have an impression... I have an impression..."

"Senior, do you know?" Tian She raised her head and looked at Bai Hu's expression, "Do you know who the "Echoer" is? Do you know what his abilities are?"

Bai Hu was about to speak after hearing this, but then slowly closed his mouth.

He stretched out his hand and slapped "Sky Snake" hard.


The sound of this slap was extremely loud, almost like firecrackers exploding in front of my eyes.

Tian Snake's head twisted to the side under the influence of this slap, but he quickly recovered and lowered his head again.

"Who are you?" Bai Hu sneered, "If Tianlong has a problem, let him come and ask me face to face. Are you looking down on me by sending you here?"

"Yes...yes...Senior, you are right..." Tian She's eyes turned cold, and she seemed to have kept this hatred in her heart, "I will inform "Tianlong"..."

"Go away." Bai Hu said, "Remember that you are the "zodiac sign", and the purpose of your existence is not to kill innocent people indiscriminately. I am waiting for "Tianlong" here. If he wants to come, I will be waiting for him at any time."

"Yes, yes..." Tian She bowed respectfully to White Tiger, "I'll leave now... I won't disturb you..."

Tian She turned her face, looked at several girls with cold eyes, then turned and left.

But for a few people at the scene, they can't let go yet. After all, there is still a "white tiger".

What is his position?

"Aren't you leaving?" Bai Hu asked.

"Ah...?" Yun Yao was stunned for a moment, "Yes, we are leaving too. Thank you very much this time."

"No thanks

I. "Bai Hu waved his hand, "You are "participants". Your ending can only be a tragic death in the game...or be reincarnated here forever. This is the only way..."

This short sentence caused cold sweat to break out on the backs of several people.

"Old man." Zhang Chenze boldly stepped forward to talk to him at this time, "Excuse me, our "participants", how can we get out of here?"

"Get out of here..." Bai Hu's eyes gradually became lonely, "Maybe only he...only Qi Xia can do it..."

"Qi Xia...?"

Zhang Chenze and Lin Biao felt quite strange. Ever since they woke up today, everyone seemed to be looking for Qi Xia.

What did he do?

"Only by becoming a "god"..." Bai Hu coughed a few times, then stretched out his hand to scratch his disheveled pale hair, "As long as a "god" is created in this "paradise"... everyone will be liberated..."

"What...?" Zhang Chenze didn't feel like he believed his ears, "Old man, if we don't want to become "gods"... can we escape?"

"Escape... out?" The old man was startled, "Where are you going to escape to?"

"Back to the real world!"

"Ha..." Bai Hu cracked the corner of his mouth, and there was only one tooth hanging in the empty mouth, "Silly boy... where is the real world for you? You are destined to live here and die here."

Ringo also lowered his head silently at this time, with an equally sad expression.

"What do you mean...?" Yun Yao was a little stunned, "Didn't you just say that if someone becomes a "god"... we can be liberated?"

"Haha..." Bai Hu said with a smile, "Some people here have begun to find out the truth... Because someone told a huge lie... How can anyone escape..."

Zhang Chenze's lips trembled: "Then what do you mean by "liberation"..."


think? "

"Liberation... Yes, you will be "liberated"..." Bai Hu nodded, "As long as someone passes all these tests and becomes a "god", you will no longer have to suffer the pain of reincarnation... you will be able to live forever. Die and forget all this forever..."

"What did you say?!" Yunyao felt that her faith had collapsed. "What do you mean the real world no longer exists... What do you mean we are suffering from reincarnation...?"

"No...I didn't say "the real world is no longer there"..." Bai Hu shook his head and said with dull eyes, "It's just that your real world is no longer there, so you must relax...your family members are all here. From now on, You are the only ones disappearing in the world, don’t worry, don’t worry.”

"Then...but, but..." Yun Yao obviously wanted to ask something, but was obviously overwhelmed by the news. She could only stay in place, unable to say a word.

"Every time he "shuffles" the cards, the next person will be full of new enthusiasm..." Bai Hu smiled, "You should have realized it a long time ago. This is what I call the "suffering of reincarnation". Instead of preserving it, The memory has always been painful here, it is better to forget everything and let yourself live well, the pain will be reduced every day..."

"That's not right..." Zhang Chenze was stunned for a moment, then looked at Bai Hu, "Old man, you just said... "Only Qi Xia can do it". What do you mean? Is he the only one who can get out here?"

"He...?" Bai Hu scratched his head after hearing this, his dry hair swaying back and forth at this time, "He can't get out either. The only thing he can do is to liberate everyone and let this end."

"You mean..." Several people present thought of something at this moment.

"Yes..." Bai Hu nodded, "He is closest to "God". On the day he becomes "God", all of your existences will lose meaning, and you will be destroyed along with this place."

Hearing these words, Zhang Chenze and Yun Yao felt a thump in their hearts.

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