End of ten days

Chapter 451 Wu Quxing descends to earth

"I know..." Bai Jiu frowned and replied, "But is there such a possibility... There are a total of seven wooden boxes in front of me, and each wooden box contains seven "balls". Among these seven, seven and forty Among the nine "balls", only one has a reward? "

Bai Jiu's idea shocked the Qiao family.

Yes, if there is really only one ball with a reward, it should not be considered a lie in the rules. After all, Dima also said that a small number of "balls" will have rewards.

If there was only one...

"I don't care." Qiao Jiajin said, "I'm not as smart as you. I have been stubborn since I was a child. If I say I can catch it, I can catch it. Even if there is only one ball with a reward, I will admit it."

After hearing this, everyone didn't know how to persuade him, so they could only nod.

In the second round, everyone chose to let Ning Shiba, who was only slightly taller than Bai Jiu, sit on the "Wooden Ox and Flowing Horse". Since the first round went very quickly, everyone saved a lot of time.

"Brother Qiao, I feel that your strategy is right." Bai Jiu said, "Having two people specifically to block the ball seems to be the best choice."

"No..." Qiao Jiajin slowly shook his head at this time, "I have a new plan this time."

"New plan?"

"Astrology girl," Qiao Jiajin said, "Tell me which one the second mechanism is."

Ning Shiba, who was sitting on the "Wooden Ox and Flowing Horse", was slightly stunned, then pointed to the end of the runway and said: "It is the farthest "Wu Qu", close to "Po Jun"."

"Okay." Qiao Jiajin nodded, "The angry man can take a break this round. After all, he also caught a lot of ice balls."

"I, I rest?" Qiu Ershi didn't understand, "What will you do if I rest? Do you want to protect this car by yourself?"

"No, no, no..." Qiao Jiajin shook his head, "I think guarding the car is not an option at all. I'm going to... fight Wu Quxing in a duel."



"Oh..." Everyone nodded after hearing this, but soon realized that this sentence was particularly ridiculous, "Huh?!"

Singled out? !

Qiao Jiajin ignored everyone and walked straight along the straight runway. Finally, he came to the end of the runway, stepped over the broken glass, and stood opposite "Wu Qu".

"I heard that you are a "yin gold"..." Qiao Jiajin smiled, "I wonder if you are harder, or am I?"

"Hey!!" Di Ma also felt bad, "You can't destroy the game props, otherwise the "rules" will be invalid and it will be considered a foul on your part!"

"Destroy the props...?" Qiao Jiajin shook his head, "No... destroying the props is too unethical. These mechanisms were carefully crafted by you. Even if they are destroyed, they should be destroyed by you, not outsiders."

"Hmm...? You, you..." Di Ma didn't understand Qiao Jiajin's motives. Since he didn't intend to destroy the props, what was he going to do standing in front of "Wu Qu" now?

"If we agree to challenge each other, we will challenge each other." Qiao Jiajin was only one meter away from the "Wu Qu". He slowly raised his hands in a challenge posture, "I will block all the "balls" here. No one can Nothing will happen."


This time, not only all the members of the "Cat" team, but also Dima were stunned for a moment.

"No, it's not...Brother Qiao..." Ning Shiba, who was sitting on the chair, almost turned over, "What, what are you talking about? You are too close to that agency! This time it may be the "Iron Ball" "ah!!"

"I know." Qiao Jiajin nodded seriously, "It is precisely because this task is difficult that I need to do it."

"This!" Bai Jiu said nervously at the side, "This is not a difficult question at all... No one can do this kind of thing!"

"Astrology girl!" Qiao Jiajin shouted nonchalantly, "Can you roughly deduce the launch timing of the "ball"?"

"Yes, it is."

"Remember to remind me in advance." Qiao Jiajin said, "I can't see you behind me at all, and I don't know when the "ball" will be launched, so I still need your reminder."

Ning Shiba felt that just a "reminder" was a bit too far-fetched. He could fend off seven iron balls traveling at 80 kilometers per hour with his bare hands from a distance of less than one meter. What level was this?

Even blinking at this distance would be a fatal flaw.

Qiao Jiajin slowly strutted his horse wide, and placed his left and right hands back and forth in a yin-yang pattern. His whole body swayed slightly with the air, like moving clouds and flowing water.

"To overcome strength with gentleness... four ounces can move a thousand pounds." Qiao Jiajin muttered in his mouth, "Second Master Guan, I heard that you are a martial arts star who has descended to earth, and I shouldn't have fought with you... but you have traveled thousands of miles alone to escort important people. I believe you can understand me. If I didn't stand here, those young people behind me would die."

The cold wooden mechanism in front of him slowly rose with the sound of machinery just like the previous "Pojun", as if responding to Qiao Jiajin's words.

"They are all standing here because of me. Any injury to one of them is my responsibility." Qiao Jiajin slowly stepped forward and lowered his focus, "So this is my "moral duty" "As a "Wu Qu star", you must understand."

Seeing Qiao Jiajin minding his own business and talking to the wooden box, everyone in the "Cat" team could only waste no more time and walked onto the track again after standing in formation.



r\u003eAt this time, only more than a minute has passed, which is quite enough for this game.

"Brother Qiao, be careful, we are leaving!" Ning Shiba shouted on the "Wooden Cow and Flowing Horse".

"I understand..." Qiao Jiajin turned his right hand into a palm and slowly placed it in front of the hole in the wooden box, only a few dozen centimeters away. "'Wu Qu', I'm offended."

After saying this, everyone pushed the car forward cautiously.

Although the "ball" in this round would be blocked by Qiao Jiajin's body no matter what, everyone just felt very nervous.

This feeling was even more tense than when they were standing in front of the wooden box.

Ning Shiba roughly calculated the distance traveled, raised his head and said, "Brother Qiao! Pay attention!"

Qiao Jiajin's eyes turned cold and he stared at the hole tightly. He heard a "touch" and a black thing came out like a living thing.

Qiao Jiajin immediately adjusted the position of his palm and looked at the bottom of the black ball. In an instant, the black ball rolled a few inches along his forearm. In a blink of an eye, Qiao Jiajin moved his arm and changed it. In the direction of the black ball, when the black ball was about to leave his arm, he suddenly shook his whole body. With a large swing of his arm, he threw the hard black iron ball directly to the ground not far away.

"boom"! !

The black iron ball made a small crater on the wooden floor not far away.

This brief scene made everyone present open their mouths.

Isn’t it true that the scene just now can only appear in a movie?

A character like Qiang Ruodima is also a little confused. Although her body has been strengthened and can be hit by an iron ball at such a close distance without being injured, she knows that she can never change the iron ball at such a close distance. direction.

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