End of ten days

Chapter 453 Benevolence and Righteousness

The strong wind stopped, and everyone stabilized the car again and continued moving forward.

As the car gradually moved forward, it was getting closer and closer to the finish line. During this period, "Wu Qu" kept turning. Qiao Jiajin also kept moving his steps and turning his body along with "Wu Qu". One person and one box were like real opponents. At this moment, everyone is looking for the right opportunity to break the opponent's moves.

Qiao Jiajin knows that the high-speed flying iron ball is fatal to anyone. If he is slightly negligent, everyone in the distance will definitely be injured. This game seems to be "racing", but if you think about it carefully If you want everyone to survive, collaboration is even more important. Once someone starts dying, the team will begin to disintegrate.

"Brother Qiao... pay attention!" Ning Shiba shouted, "We will be there soon."

"Okay!" Qiao Jiajin moved his severely painful left elbow, feeling as if he had injured his muscles and bones, "It seems that just seeing with your eyes is not enough."

This time he improved his technique again. He kept reaching forward with his hand, reaching below the hole, so that no matter which direction the iron ball would fly, the first thing it would touch would be his palm.

"My reaction is faster than my brain..." Qiao Jiajin murmured in a low voice, "Instead of letting me think about how to deal with it, it's better to leave everything to my body and let my body decide everything for me."

Qiao Jiajin slowly closed his eyes and moved his fingertips closer to "Wu Qu".

"Everything in this world has its own heartbeat." Qiao Jiajin moved his fingertips slightly, pressing against the opening of "Wuqu", "The machete has the heartbeat of the machete, and the iron bar has the heartbeat of the iron bar. It's so complicated. The wooden mechanism must have its own heartbeat."

Sure enough, when his fingers touched the mechanism, Qiao Jiajin clearly captured the slight vibration inside.

This is a very complex mechanism, the internal sophistication is beyond imagination. With the slight trembling from the fingertips, the opponent in front of you seems to have come to life.

"Your heartbeat has accelerated." Qiao Jiajin opened his eyes and smiled, "Wu Qu, do you want to take action?"



At the same time as the voice fell, "Wu Qu" suddenly sprayed out a black iron ball. The iron ball touched Qiao Jiajin's palm the first moment it flew out. Qiao Jiajin also gave up thinking completely and just moved his palm with his feeling. After turning a hundred and eighty degrees, more than half of the iron ball's strength was instantly removed. Just as its momentum suddenly shrunk, Qiao Jiajin slashed downwards, knocking the iron ball almost out of its original shape. The ground was slapped on the ground.

"bump"! !

There was a crisp loud noise, the ice was broken, and the wooden floor was also cracked.

Standing at a high place, Ning Shiba had been so shocked that he could not close his mouth many times.

What shocked her was not that the man in front of her could block the iron ball, but that he seemed to be growing rapidly. Every time he was closer to the "Martial Arts", he could handle the iron ball faster.

"Wu Qu..." Qiao Jiajin took a deep breath and whispered, "I seem to have adapted... I have adapted to your moves."

The remaining people could only come to their senses and quickly turn around. They didn't know how many times Qiao Jiajin's strength could stop him, so they could only catch up with the time as much as possible.

"pay close attention!"

Everyone came to the end of the runway and began to work together to spin the car, and finally turned the car completely. Ning Shiba said again: "Brother Qiao, we..."

"No need." Qiao Jiajin interrupted, "Xiao Jiajin, from now on, sit in the car and don't say a word. The rest of you can just push the car."


"Didn't I say that?" Qiao Jiajin turned around and smiled naively at everyone, "Just pretend that "Martial Arts" doesn't exist. I will block it all by myself."

"Is it really possible?" Ning Shiba was a little unbelievable.

asked, "You are so close to "Wu Qu", even a blink of an eye could cause serious injury."

"It doesn't matter even if I close my eyes." Qiao Jiajin replied, "Guan Erye has given me enough face. His "martial arts" is just for me to compete with, and it will not kill me."

Everyone looked at each other in shock after hearing this. Although they were still worried, they could only squeeze out one sentence: "Brother Qiao, be careful."


As everyone moved forward slowly, Qiao Jiajin once again placed his fingertips on the wooden mechanism, and this time he felt the heartbeat more clearly than the last time.

The lines inside this mechanism, the rolling of the iron balls, and the pulling of the springs can all be felt.

"Come on..." Qiao Jiajin said, "Please take action."

He slowly closed his eyes and placed his right hand, palm up, under the hole.

"Qiao..." Ning Shiba saw that the distance was almost there, and when he was about to say a reminder, he was held back by Bai Jiu.

"Forget it, Shiba, leave it to Brother Qiao."

After hearing this, Ning Shiba could only nodded slightly worriedly.

When the fourth iron ball flew out, the angle was obviously different from before. Qiao Jiajin also immediately moved his hand one centimeter to the side, caught it again, and then repeated the same trick and flipped his palm again. , but this time it was obviously a few tenths of a second slower than the previous movement. The force of the iron ball was not relieved much, but flew towards Qiao Jiajin's body at an extremely fast speed.

Qiao Jiajin could only raise his left hand to guide the direction of the iron ball again before it hit his chest. He placed his hands up and down, turning into yin and yang, and rolled the iron ball a few times in front of his chest. circle, finally fixed it firmly, and then let go again and let it roll to the ground.

"Concession." Qiao Jiajin said.

As the dust settled, Qiao Jiajin once again reached out and placed his hand on "Wu Qu"


In front of him, this action made Di Ma feel hesitant.

Should I re-write the rules?

For example... no one is allowed to get closer than one meter to the "wooden box".

But soon she felt that she was a little ridiculous. Was this rule specially formulated for the man with the flowery arms in front of her?

Would anyone normally be this close to these wooden boxes?

When you know that there will be various "balls" flying out of the wooden box, shouldn't you stay away from it even more?

"Absurd... so ridiculous..." Dima gritted his teeth and suddenly thought of the time when he was still a "participant".

Many, many years ago, there was also a game in which a "participant" physically resisted the mechanism.

At that time, there was also a man standing in front of the agency and using a Muay Thai stance.

It's a pity that she was too scared at the time. She was only thinking about escaping and saving her life, and she couldn't remember the person's voice or appearance.

Why are there such people in "The End"?

The next three iron balls were all blocked by Qiao Jiajin as expected, and then they all fell in front of him.

It was a round with a high probability of death, but it was solved by one person without any injuries.

Qiao Jiajin lowered his head, counted the five iron balls under his feet, and then looked at the two iron balls in the distance, only to realize that the second round was over.

The cart team also returned Ning Shiba to the starting point without any injuries.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Jiajin turned around again, clasped his hands in front of "Wu Quxing", and then bowed respectfully.

"Second brother Renyi."

"Wu Qu" also trembled once as if in response, seemed to nod, then retracted its body and quietly returned to its original state.

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