End of ten days

Chapter 455 Thirty Years

"That's because you don't understand the rules clearly!" Qiao Jiajin yelled, "You said we would be rewarded for catching the "ball", but who knew you would make lighted coal briquettes for us to catch?!"

"Can't you catch the briquettes?" Di Ma raised his eyebrows, "If you are not afraid of being burned, you can hold the 'ball' in your arms."

"Lost..." Qiao Jiajin looked very angry. He just felt that it was a good thing that the young people were not allowed to deal with "Lian Zhen" this round, otherwise they would have been more miserable than being hit by an iron ball.

"Brother Qiao, are you okay?" Bai Jiu asked with a worried look on his face while pushing the car.

"I can't say 'nothing'... I can only say 'not dead'." Qiao Jiajin shook his head, "You don't need to worry about me, just keep going."

No one knew whether what Qiao Jiajin said was true or not, but this time Qiao Jiajin had decided to stand in front of "Lian Zhen" and could only believe that he had a way to solve this difficulty.

"Everyone should be careful." Bai Jiu whispered, "We can't let Brother Qiao block all the attacks for us. We must be prepared for strong winds at all times. Seventeen on the chair must also protect himself. At the critical moment, he would rather You can’t get hit by the ball even if you jump out of the car.”

"Jump out of the car?"

"That's right." Bai Jiu nodded, "The rules just said that if the "car rider" is hit by the "ball", he will be eliminated, but she did not mention the problem of falling from the car. I feel that the worst case scenario That’s when we go back to the starting point and start again.”

"Okay!" Feng Shiqi agreed, "I understand."

Everyone looked in the direction of Qiao Jiajin with preparedness, but saw him take several steps back and stop only three to five meters away from "Lian Zhen".

He bent down and pressed his legs, then straightened up, bent the knee of one leg, and raised his hands to his temples on both sides.

"Such a passionate "Lian Zhen"..." Qiao Jiajin whispered, "Watch me kick you to death..."

"boom"! \u003c



"Lian Zhen" sprayed out black briquettes with thick smoke like an artillery fire. Qiao Jiajin determined the direction of the flight of the briquettes and then took a step forward, then leaned forward and put one hand on the ground. He swung his right leg wildly, slashed through the air like a tomahawk and kicked the coals towards him.

"Crack"! !

There was another crisp sound, and the briquettes were kicked to pieces again.

Qiao Jiajin rolled forward, dodged the sparks in the sky, and then squatted aside steadily.

"Malaysian girl, Malaysian girl..." Qiao Jiajin smiled slightly, "You really tested my fighting skills... "Wing Chun" is "Tai Chi" after "Tai Chi", and "Tai Chi" is "Muay Thai" after "Tai Chi"... This Is the game really not made for me?"

Di Ma in the distance slowly narrowed his eyes after seeing this scene.

This figure... gradually overlapped with a person in my memory.

The person in my memory also pushed him aside and said, "Tall-headed girl, be careful of getting hurt."

Then he put on a Muay Thai stance and kicked a flying spear.

How many years ago was that?

More than thirty years.

No, to be precise, thirty years have passed and he has become a local horse, but he is still a "participant".

What a tragic and ridiculous encounter this is?

During these thirty years, the "zodiac signs" did not go out, and neither did the "participants".

It seems that everyone is working hard, but the "participants" who have no memory are obviously more enthusiastic than the "zodiac signs".

"Is it really you?"

Di Ma gave a bitter smile and murmured in a low voice, "Almost all the mechanisms here are inspired by you... If you can really show off your magical powers, I wouldn't be surprised at all."

Di Ma slowly walked aside, found a large abandoned stone, and then chose the most comfortable position to sit down.

The next step is to watch this person's performance.

Thirty years have passed. Is he the same as before?

Is their leader Wen Qiaoyun still active?

Will he use his superb fighting skills to solve every problem here?

For the third burning briquette, Qiao Jiajin once again jumped into the air and kicked it away with a roundhouse kick. The exploding briquettes were like clusters of blooming fireworks in mid-air, not only lighting up this place where countless people had died. The dark place for people drives away the cold brought by the thick ice. .🅆.

The man in front of him was more like a sun, shining brightly in the fire.

Next comes the fourth, fifth, and sixth.

This flower-armed man didn't know whether it was fatigue or heat, his clothes were wet with sweat, but his posture did not relax at all, and he still stood ready to face "Lian Zhen".

It wasn't until he jumped up high and smashed the last briquette with a flying knee that he lifted up his shirt and wiped the sweat from his face. At this moment, everyone saw the scars and strong muscles all over his body.

Are there any talented people in this world? To be able to deflect all the "balls" here today, this man may have worked harder than anyone else.

"Huh!" Qiao Jiajin took a deep breath, "'Lian Zhen'! Accept the concession!"

"Lian Zhen" trembled as if she had given up, then lowered her posture and returned to her original position.

Qiao Jiajin also returned to several people at this time.


People looked at his body and saw that his clothes had been burnt with black spots and small holes by many sparks, and his arms were also covered with red spots.

"Brother Qiao, you don't look good..." Bai Jiu reached out and touched his arm, and found that the whole arm was covered in blisters caused by high temperature.

"It's not good?" Qiao Jiajin also looked down at his arms, "I can run, jump and do somersaults now, how can I say it's not good? I've also suffered injuries dozens of times heavier than this, it's okay. ”

Everyone didn't know what to say, but Di Ma, who was not far away, spoke first: "Are you going to let everyone live on your own?"

After hearing this, Qiao Jiajin turned his head slightly and looked at Dima's pure white cheeks, feeling a little funny: "What else? Are you going to guarantee our survival?"

"I can't guarantee it." Dima shook his head, "Actually, I have thought about this issue one day."


"I think... if that man comes to participate in the game, he will definitely carry it to the end." Dima smiled and said, "But I am already a "zodiac", and I need to put an end to this kind of personal heroism, so The two stars "Jumen" and "Greedy Wolf" were added at the end of this game, so that when encountering the strongest participant, someone must die. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jiajin obviously didn't understand: "What? What about "that man", what about "heroism"?"

"I'm just eager to share my creativity with you." Dima shook his head, "Whether you understand it or not, once I say this... I will feel much better after I have been holding it back for so many years."

"Aren't you funny?" Qiao Jiajin glanced at Di Ma, and finally stopped talking to her. He turned around and said to everyone, "The next round will go according to the original plan. The astrology girl just said that "Wenqu" might be "Ice Hockey" , I suspect this time will not be much different from the first round, I will take the car.”

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