End of ten days

Chapter 468 The first confrontation

"A fair and just duel..."

After hearing these words, Di Ma could only calm down and concentrate on the problem at hand.

No matter what the venue has been turned into, no matter whether anyone will hold it accountable, we can only try our best to deal with this group of participants. If this game not only loses all the facilities, but also makes the participants completely injured Retreat, that would be really difficult to explain.

"I did not lose the mechanism... I believe Suzaku will forgive me..." Dima slowly moved his fingers and took out the second ball from the bamboo tube beside him, "As long as you kill everyone as usual... …He will definitely forgive me.”

From a distance, the ball in Dima's hand seemed to be made of ordinary material, just an ordinary wooden ball.

Everyone looked at each other and saw that there were no mechanisms around the track. As long as they could withstand the next "ball" from Di Ma, the game would be won.

But who on the field can withstand the "ball" thrown by Di Ma?

Everyone's eyes turned to Qiao Jiajin at this time.

"I'll do it." Qiao Jiajin narrowed his eyes slightly and waved to the people behind him, "It's just that this Malaysian girl only attacked once, and I haven't gotten used to it yet..."

"That means you can adapt to it sooner or later." Bai Jiu nodded, "Then I'll be relieved."

"Ha..." Qiao Jiajin smiled bitterly, "I hope so."

The few surviving participants have now placed all their bets on Qiao Jiajin.

If he can block it, everyone can survive. If he cannot block it, everyone will receive "sanctions" according to the rules.

Di Ma weighed the wooden ball in his hand, then slowly raised it above his head and waved suddenly to everyone.

"boom"! !

What no one expected was that Qiao Jiajin waved his hand almost at the same time as Di Ma, when the wooden ball had not yet left Di Ma.


When he raised his hand, he had already swung the stick in his hand.

Qiao Jiajin tried his best to predict the landing point of the ball based on Di Ma's movements. Because the speed of the wooden ball is so fast, if you can't start swinging the bat in advance, you will definitely not be able to block it.

He felt like a goalkeeper standing in front of the goal waiting for the opponent to take a penalty kick. Luck far outweighed his strength.

Fortunately, Dima is a complete layman when it comes to pitching. She doesn't have any fake moves or feints, and she doesn't use her whole body's strength to increase the intensity of her pitching. She just threw the ball like a piece of trash.

But despite this, the ball is still very fast, faster than the limit that humans can accept.

Qiao Jiajin tilted his body to the right in advance and swung the bat toward his lower right side.

What everyone didn't expect was that the wooden ball seemed to be flying towards Qiao Jiajin's lower right side. If he was lucky enough, he should be able to just block the ball.

But why can he predict so accurately?

Qiao Jiajin gritted his teeth and swung the bat. He could not see the trajectory of the ball at all. This attack was purely gambling.

"Crack!" !

In a flash of lightning, Qiao Jiajin's bat collided with the wooden ball. The collision between the wood and the metal bat actually wiped out faint black smoke.

Everyone thought the ball had been blocked, but only Qiao Jiajin knew that he didn't hit it completely - he just brushed the edge of the wooden ball.

But for something traveling so fast, the slightest friction can completely change the direction it's heading.

"Boom"! !

A loud noise rang in everyone's ears, and the wooden ball actually hit the ground far away from the "Wooden Cow and Flowing Horse". In an instant, huge cracks were created on the ice, and the wooden ball also turned into flying objects at this time. of sawdust.

It wasn't until the voice fell completely that many people around him gradually came back to their senses.

In less than a second just now, Qiao Jiajin really used his own body to fend off an attack from the ground level.

This is probably unprecedented in the entire "Final Land".

"Qiao...Brother Qiao..." Bai Jiu looked at him in disbelief, "You...have adapted?"

Qiao Jiajin sneered, raised his head and said to Di Ma: "It's exactly as I predicted... The first one will attack the astrology girl, and the second one will attack the flash girl... You street monster only knows how to attack the injured, right? ?”

At this time, everyone noticed that if Qiao Jiajin had not blocked the wooden ball, Feng Shiqi, who had injured his leg, must have been penetrated through his body.

"Ha." Di Ma laughed in the distance, "So what? These injured people are a burden to all the teams. I am merciful and let you get rid of the burden."

"What...?" Qiao Jiajin gritted his teeth and said, "Who told you that teammates who fight side by side are a burden?" .🅆.🄲

"Take off the mask." Dima shook his head, "Each of you thinks so in your heart, but you just have no way to say it. After all, telling the truth goes against the "human nature" you insist on, so I am really helping you. ”

After hearing this, Qiao Jiajin slowly took three steps forward, getting closer to the horse.

"I am now very happy to have liberated "Martial Arts" in your venue." Qiao Jiajin said, "Now I can't hear the mournful cry of the star."

Di Ma frowned and looked at Qiao Jiajin, wondering why the other party dared to continue in this situation.


Keep moving forward.

She thought for a while and looked at the bat in Qiao Jiajin's hand, and found a clue.

A stream of bright red blood slowly flowed out from Qiao Jiajin's palm, spreading along the bottom of the metal bat to the top, dividing it into gray and red.

"Heh..." Dima saw this and took out a crystal clear ice ball from the bamboo tube, "Showing off..."

Qiao Jiajin knew that the hooks in his hands were all cracked. The momentum of the ball was so strong that it was simply wishful thinking to catch it unscathed.

He stretched out his left hand, moved it to his collar, pulled hard and tore his clothes to pieces, then tied the metal iron rod to his right hand like a bandage, and finally bit the cloth strip with his teeth, and fiercely Tie a tight knot.

In this way, even if the hand is broken, the weapon will never fall out of hand.

Di Ma slowly tossed the ice ball in his hand several times and looked at Qiao Jiajin with a hint of teasing.

The current situation is almost like humans versus gods, but the man in front of him has resorted to street fighting to deal with it. What's the difference between it and seeking death?

Qiao Jiajin held the metal bat with both hands and calmed his breathing as much as possible.

Just now I bet on the landing of the wooden ball, but what about this time?

At this time, Saturday slowly walked to the side and sat down. Seeing this, Luo Shiyi, Wang Ba, Qiu Shiliu and others also found the abandoned huge stone and sat down.

"Qiao Jiajin." Saturday called, "No matter whether you succeed or not this time, 'Cat' will send you off with the highest funeral ceremony. You are already a strong person recognized by us."

"It's not very auspicious." Qiao Jiajin shook his head, "If I can succeed, there will be no need for a funeral. I just need you to give me a bottle of good wine. If I can't succeed, there will be no need for a funeral either. Just let me die on the street. ”

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