End of ten days

Chapter 488 Blinded

This time Ditu walked up to Jiang Shi and opened the door directly.

This is naturally a correct countermeasure. After all, Jiang Shi's direction is closer to room "ten" and room "fourteen". As long as he finds this direction correctly, he can naturally move in the direction of the participants.

When Jiang Shi saw his door being opened, he slowly stood up, turned around and said to Chen Junnan next door: "Leader Fool, do you want to lock the door?"

"Huh?" Chen Junnan looked at Jiang Shi doubtfully, "Don't you need me to cheer you on and cheer you on?"

"Are you sick..." Jiang Shi curled his lips, "He wants to come in and beat me up. What fuel are you going to give me? Do you want me to be beaten with high morale?"

"You kid doesn't know how to appreciate me!" Chen Junnan also curled his lips.

Chen Junnan naturally wanted to see the strength of "Immortal". This kind of close-range situation is most suitable for observation, but it also has obvious disadvantages. Once the Earth Rabbit finds that "Immortal" is very difficult to kill, he will naturally pay all attention to it. Put all the effort on yourself.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth slightly: "I'm here to watch you, please remember to behave well."

"I promise I will never cry." Jiang Shi said seriously.

Chen Junnan watched the large army move from room "6" to room "10", but they neither closed nor locked the door, as if they were leaving some escape route for themselves. .đź…†.

"Leader." Cui Shishi turned around and said, "The "magic weapon" is not at "Ten", we will continue down to "Fourteen"."

"I know." Chen Junnan nodded. Now he was no longer in the mood to care about the "magic weapon".

After all, Earth Rabbit has chosen the battlefield, and blood will soon flow here.

""Immortal"..." Chen Junnan couldn't help but feel a little nervous, "Let me see what you are..."

"The action of "Participant" is over, please start action of "Zodiac"."

With the wide


After the sound dispersed, Ditu walked into Jiang Shi's room with an awe-inspiring sense of oppression while squeezing his wrist.

At this time, Jiang Shi was still lazily squatting on the ground with his hands on his hands. He raised his head and looked at the unusually tall Earth Rabbit. Their disproportionate figures formed a huge contrast at this time.

"Boy..." Ditu slowly moved his neck, and the veins on his face gradually appeared, "Don't you always want to die?"

"Ah...yes." Jiang Shi nodded expressionlessly, "Please die...how do you want me to die?"


Ditu slowly raised his fist. Standing far away, Chen Junnan felt that Ditu's fist was almost as big as Jiang Shi's head.

Jiang Shi still squatted on the ground expressionlessly, then looked at the huge fist and muttered softly: "Am I... going to die?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sound of bells suddenly sounded in the distance, and Earth Rabbit's fist also swung down casually in response to the sound of bells.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Shi leaned up on the ground, turned around and supported the ground with his right hand, and turned around in an unusually beautiful posture.

This punch actually missed.

"Ah..." Jiang Shi stood firm and raised his hands on the ground again, "It's not that fast..."

"Why are you like a monkey...?" Ditu frowned and looked at the child. He couldn't understand that this child who looked only twelve or thirteen years old could actually have kung fu in his body.

But Chen Junnan vaguely discovered a problem.

I have seen the somersault that Jiang Shi did just now many times. It was not a "kung fu" thing, because this somersault was so standard and more like the martial arts skills in Peking Opera.

"Don't be angry." Jiang Shi raised his head and smiled, "As the saying goes... wine is a poison that penetrates the intestines, and sex is a steel knife that scrapes bones..."

Ditu ran forward a few steps, stretched out his legs and kicked down. This time he obviously increased his strength, but Jiang Shi used a backflip again and quickly distanced himself.

There was a muffled sound, and the ground seemed to be cracking, but this kick did not hit Jiang Shi.

After Jiang Shi stood still, he picked up his hands again and said slowly: "...Wealth is the root of trouble, and anger... is thunder, smoke and artillery."

"Is there something wrong with your kid?" Di Tu felt that this kid had a strange aura all over his body. He seemed to be older than himself.

Chen Junnan felt a little relieved when he saw this scene. Ditu's physical fitness was very similar to Zhang Shan's. Their muscles allowed them to explode with huge power, but they were not good at fighting skills.

The punches and kicks just now obviously had no routine, it was just like a street fight. He wanted to use absolute power to check Jiang Shi, but Jiang Shi was more flexible than ordinary children, and he also had some basic skills in singing, chanting, sitting and fighting. , I wonder if he will be killed in a while.

The dexterity of the two is much different, but "Zodiac" has more endurance than ordinary people.

There is no time limit for Earth Rabbit to kill participants, and Jiang Shi seems to have to use all his strength to turn around every time he dodges. Although he will not be injured for the time being, how long can he last?

As expected by Chen Junnan, Jiang Shi was already out of breath after doing seven or eight consecutive somersaults. He kept the distance between himself and Ditu as much as possible, but Ditu still gradually forced him into the corner. .🅆.🄲

"Kid, aren't you going to jump?" Ditu snorted coldly, blocking Jiang Shi's path with his broad body.

Jiang Shi swallowed slightly when he saw this scene: "It's a pity that I only learned Hou Kong


Flip...can't even roll forward. "

"Ha." Ditu was amused by Jiang Shi, "Then don't say that I bully children, I will let you die now."

Jiang Shi took a deep breath, took out the hand he was holding, and moved his little fingers.

"Three feet of dragon spring and thousands of books, what do I want from God..." Jiang Shi closed his eyes, "You can't serve the country and secure the world, and pretend to be a man... The last book mentioned that the huge rabbit demon in front of him couldn't help but force the hero into Hit the blind spot with your bare hands, only to hear the roar of wind and explosions, making people unable to open their eyes..."

Di Tu's eyes changed slightly, and he no longer paid attention to the crazy child in front of him. An unreasonable punch fell from above Jiang Shi and hit him directly on the cheek. With a crisp sound, Jiang Shi's head was seen shaking. The very terrifying posture was suddenly twisted to the side. It seemed that the neck had been completely broken, and now there was only a layer of skin connecting the head and the body.

Because the punch was so fast, many skin fragments on Jiang Shi's face were thrown to the ground.

A gust of wind blew by, and Jiang Shi became completely motionless.

"Hey... no, it's not..." Chen Junnan looked at the scene in front of him with some horror. He had long known that Jiang Shi would be hit, but he never thought that Jiang Shi would be killed with one move. "Kid, you Isn’t it “immortal”? You activate it!”

Jiang Shi's head slowly dropped to the side, and he sat on the ground without any strength.

Upon seeing this, Chen Junnan quickly turned around and looked at Cui Shishi in the distant room: "Sister Shishi, what's going on? This child won't move after being beaten..."

After seeing it, Cui Shishi reached out and smoothed his hair, thought seriously for a while, and then said: "Although I didn't see what happened, Brother Ten may have been fooled. It's okay, it's okay."

"Hit, beaten?!" Chen Junnan couldn't understand it at all, "The child's head was beaten to the wrong side! Huh? You think it's okay?!"

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