End of ten days

Chapter 500 Enlightenment

Seeing Song Qi finish the conversation, Di Tu retracted his head again.

He knew that the team in front of him was unfathomable, and perhaps the number of "Echoers" was more than he imagined.

Usually, "Echoers" would rely on their own abilities when participating in the game, which resulted in poor coordination with others and would not use too many strategies.

But this team was different.

Not only did they have a large number of "Echoers", but they were also constantly trying various strategies. If he wanted to win this game, he would definitely need to think more carefully than before.

At this time, Di Tu happened to raise his head and looked at the wall opposite. Suddenly, he found something strange. Four words were written on the wall covered with mud. .🅆.

"Everyone be silent."

"Everyone..." Di Tu stared at the words on the opposite wall and found that these four words were very new. They should have been written just now.

"Wait a minute..." Di Tu felt that he had thought a lot, but still did not understand the other party's strategy.

Why was he pulled into this room by someone with a mysterious power?

Was it just to let him see the four words on the wall?

"Everyone is silent"?

If you think about it from this perspective... could the whispers he heard just now be one of the tricks?

These people wanted to disturb his sight and hearing, so they deliberately released smoke bombs?

Di Tu narrowed his eyes and thought for a while. The current situation is indeed not easy to deal with. If he wants to figure out the direction, he can only move to the "north" and lead to the room he thinks is "fourteen". As long as there is no "door" in front of the room he entered, it proves that the room he entered is at the bottom of the entire map. It has only three doors and there is a wall opposite.

So this room is likely to be "fourteen".

But why is there someone writing on the wall of the room in front of him...?



Di Tu suddenly thought of something. He lowered his head and quickly calculated with his brain. Although his game basically did not require any brains in previous games, this time is really different.

The other party is going to win by tricks. If he is not smarter, he will be played around by them.

"You bunch of idiots... I know the route you took back..." Di Tu held his forehead and kept recalling.

When he was eavesdropping at the starting point before, a woman once said: "We zigzag, from room "sixteen" through "twelve", "eleven", "seven", and then to "six"."

"You are kidding me..." Di Tu's thoughts suddenly opened up, and he suddenly thought of something.

The room he was in was not "ten" at all!

He was not in "ten" on the south side of room "six", but in "seven" on the east side!

This was indeed a very clever strategy. Once he pushed open the door that he thought was in the "north", he would see a wall anyway.

Because whether it was the southernmost room "fourteen" or the easternmost room "eight", each room had only three doors, and he could only see a wall.

"That was a close call..." Di Tu's lips trembled slightly, "What kind of weirdos are you... You actually wanted me to get lost in my own place? But you still miscalculated... I didn't expect that I had heard your route accurately and wrote it down... You didn't have a way to room "ten" at all, so how could you write in room "ten"? "

He touched his dizzy head and hurriedly sorted out his thoughts.

When these people formulated this tactic, they didn't know that their hearing was excellent.

That is to say, they were also unprepared when writing. Now even if they wanted to change to other tactics, they would not be caught.

After all, as long as he made sure that he didn't get lost, everything that followed would no longer be a problem.

His only goal was room "sixteen".

As long as he could block the way of all participants in advance, all the problems in front of him would be solved.

What about a united team?

The biggest problem of a united team is that no one will choose to escape. As long as one teammate is not out of trouble, they will always wait in room "sixteen".

"Since I'm in room "seven"... it's enough to prove that your whispers just now are also lies... I won't be fooled by anything you say next..."

Behind me is room "six", and I opened the door and walked to room "seven". As long as these two rooms are used as coordinates, all other rooms will be arranged in my mind one by one.

"Go forward, turn right, go forward." Di Tu drew a map of the route he was going to in his mind, "None of you will move faster than me."

At this moment, a bell suddenly sounded in the distance.

Di Tu only felt that today seemed to be the tenth day. The "echoes" appeared frequently on this day, and it seemed that something unusual was going to happen.

Di Tu took a few deep breaths, turned his head and said, "Song Qi, do you know?"

"What?" Song Qi asked.

"As long as all of your action points are not used up, this game will never start the next round."


"So what do you think?" Di Tu asked, "If you stand in that room all the time and do nothing, time will only pass by second by second."

"Isn't that good?" Reached out and stroked


Brushing his hair that was scattered in front of his forehead, he said, "I just hope my teammates have more time to think about tactics."

"Then you're not afraid of death?" Di Tu's voice gradually became softer. "Your left hand is injured like this. The bones are broken and the flesh is scorched. How long can you hold on?"

"It doesn't matter." Song Qi shook his head nonchalantly, "Hold on until I die or you die."

Earth Rabbit finally understood this man's character completely, so he could only change his words and said, "What about the kid?"


"That child is relying on "reverberation" to survive until now, right? Even if he can survive for a day...but what about his "faith"? If there is a trace of "I am really going to die" thought...he will directly Did he fall to the ground?"

Song Qi pursed his lips silently when he heard this. Although he knew that these words were Di Tu's plan, Di Tu was indeed right. If he delayed it any longer, Jiang Shi might die at any time, every second. time, he is one step closer to death.

But if you don't delay and want to use your action points...how should you use them?

"Yes..." Song Qi shook his head, feeling that he was thinking too much, so he smiled and said, "I will go into your room and close the door now, and then fight you to the death again."

Just as he was about to stride into the door, Earth Rabbit suddenly appeared from the wall and put his hand on his neck.

"Yo..." Song Qi's eyes turned cold, and he felt bad, but he immediately came back to his senses and said, "I stretched my hand over. Isn't it a foul?"

Ditu didn't say anything, but slowly increased his strength in his hands and locked Song Qi's throat tightly.

"I never said you can't extend your "hand" into another room, right?"

Song Qi's breathing became more and more difficult, and he tried his best to squeeze out a few words through his teeth: "But we are not in the same room... How are you going to kill me?"

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