End of ten days

Chapter 578 Sister

The two sat together quietly.

Tiantian was a little worried that Zheng Yingxiong's neck would be tired, so she stretched out her hand to support his raised head from behind.

Zheng Yingxiong never resisted from beginning to end. During this period, he just asked quietly: "Sister... civilian, can you do me a favor..."

"What 'sister commoner'?" Tiantian sighed, "Is it so difficult to call me 'sister'?"

I thought Zheng Yingxiong was a bit naughty and deliberately played the role of "hero", but what he said next made Tiantian completely confused.

"Can I?"

"Okay...?" Tiantian frowned and looked at him, "What is okay?"

"Can I call you 'sister'?"

"Is there anyone else who is not allowed to call me 'sister'?"

"Then...sister...can you do me a favor?"

"I really can't stand you kid, why are you so weird?" Tiantian smiled bitterly and shook her head, "We are both "life and death friends" and yet you are so polite, what help do you want from me?"

"I...my "crown" fell off..." Zheng Yingxiong smiled and said, "Can you help me pick up my "crown"?"

"Crown?" Tiantian turned her head and saw the folded newspaper crown lying quietly on the ground. She couldn't help but be curious, "Is this newspaper crown important to you?"

"Well, it was given to me by another sister." Zheng Yingxiong nodded, "The crown is not important to me, that sister is very important to me."

After Tiantian heard this, her heart was slightly touched, and then she bent down to pick up the crown on the ground, lightly dusted it off, and placed it on the table nearby.

This is probably the most outrageous crown Tiantian has ever seen. It looks like it was folded out of newspaper many years ago. Not only is the paper surface slightly yellowed, but even the edges of the folded corners are dyed black.

In about a minute or two, Zheng Yingxiong's nosebleed stopped. He slowly lowered his head and looked at Tiantian's hand.

Just now Tiantian pressed his nose with her palm in panic, and now it was covered with coagulated blood.

"Sister, your hands are dirty..."

"Leave me alone." Tiantian reached out and wiped it on her skirt, wiping away some of the blood. "Are you feeling better?"

"Well, thank you sister." Zheng Yingxiong smiled, but soon felt that it was not appropriate, and then put away his smile, "I'm fine."

"Stubborn child..." Tiantian shook her head helplessly, "I have a younger brother who is about the same age as you."


"Isn't it a coincidence that you have a sister and I have a brother." Tiantian reached out and touched Zheng Yingxiong's head, "I saw you last time at the "Heaven's Mouth" and I thought you were quite kind."

""Heaven Mouth"..." Zheng Yingxiong narrowed his eyes thoughtfully after hearing this, "Sister, there is also a person in the "Heaven Mouth", surrounded by a serious odor, and the "cat" person The stink is different, but they all stink..."

"Well..." Tiantian didn't know how to evaluate the boy in front of her. He always seemed to be talking about "smell", so she could only say, "Little brother, not only do the people here stink, but the air also stink. Why are you so entangled?" What about the smell of people?”

"No... everyone smells different." Zheng Yingxiong shook his head, as if he was talking to Tiantian about science, "Some people have a refreshing fragrance, while others have a foul smell."

"Ha..." He smiled sweetly. He always felt that the boy in front of him looked like his naughty brother. "Then tell me, what does my sister smell like?"

"You..." Zheng Yingxiong lifted his nose and smelled it, and found that there was no smell. "Your smell hasn't come yet."

"Not coming?" Tiantian could only shake her head when she heard this description for the first time, "Okay, little brother, do you have somewhere to go later?"

"I should go back to "Cat"." Zheng Yingxiong raised his head, "Sister, have you never heard of "Cat" before?"

Tiantian thought for a while, but she really had no impression of the name: "I've never heard of it."

"Then do you want to escape from here?" Zheng Yingxiong asked again.

"I..." Tiantian smiled calmly, "I don't want to."

"Come with me." Zheng Yingxiong picked up his crown and put it on his head again. "It sounds like a place that suits you very well. Since I am a "hero", I naturally have to arrange the place for every "civilian"."

"Follow you? Now?" Tiantian stood up and hammered her aching legs, "It's not impossible if I have a bicycle... Don't you want to rest again?"


Before Zheng Yingxiong finished speaking, the sound of someone talking was heard outside the building. They were both startled for a moment. They looked out the window and found three men approaching not far away.

The two middle-aged men were followed by a young man, and the three of them were walking toward the house while talking.

Tiantian stretched out her hand and silently pulled Zheng Yingxiong behind her. Although it was not surprising to see other people in this place, strangers always made people feel inexplicably uneasy.

"It's really rare for this black line to stop at some point..." one of the middle-aged men said.

"Damn, my feet are going to cramp... Find a place to rest quickly, I need to take off my shoes." Another middle-aged man replied.

"This place is really strange..." the young man also said, "all the buildings within a few hundred meters were destroyed, and only this house in front of me was left."

"Let's go, let's go. It looks like those black lines won't move for a while. Damn, I'm really going to die from exhaustion."

The three people approached the building and opened the door swaggeringly, only to find Tiantian and Zheng Yingxiong inside.

Both sides looked stunned.

"Ah!" The leading middle-aged man spoke first, and then slowly extended his hand, "Don't be nervous! We are not bad people!"

Tiantian protected Zheng Yingxiong behind her without saying a word. He had seen too many people.

In general, don't listen to what the other person says, but watch what the other person does.

The leading middle-aged man was wearing a black T-shirt and a gray suit. His hair was carefully combed, and he looked decent.

But the middle-aged man behind him only wore a shabby vest, exposing his bloated arms.

Behind the two of them stood a tall young man. He was thin and looked young. His eyes were a little childish, like a college student.

Tiantian didn't talk to anyone, she just stood up, pulled Zheng Yingxiong and said, "Let's go."

Zheng Yingxiong also nodded and turned around to get his bicycle.

"Hey! Wait! Wait!" The wretched middle-aged man in a vest stepped forward to block the way of the two of them. Tiantian saw this and pulled Zheng Yingxiong behind him, still expressionless.

"What?" Tiantian asked with a frown.

"Little girl, why do you just leave when you see us? Do we look like bad people?

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