End of ten days

Chapter 719 The Collapse Begins

But what did I know at that time?

After meeting Brother Gu Yu and Sister Siwei, I told them the idea that the "Executive Officer" sister gave me.

As long as we can kill all the "participants" in two rounds, we still have the last hope of liberation.

This may be my last chance to free myself before I become the "Happy Prince".

But they told me that it was unrealistic.

Now there are thousands of family members in the whole family, and there are only three of us.

Among those thousands of people, there are even a large number of "Qingxiang" who are suitable for fighting and self-protection. Even if the three of us are holding machine guns, we may not be able to kill everyone.

Not to mention that we have to kill everyone in two consecutive rounds, not to mention that we don't have machine guns.

They said that this shuffling method of killing everyone at once may not even be done by the earth-level "Zodiac".

According to the classification given by Brother Gu Yu, the three of us are auxiliary "Qingxiang". Not to mention killing people, even escaping is a problem if we really fight. Those people are living people. Although they don't seem to have any opinions now, they will never be slaughtered when their lives are at stake.

So, the last way given by the "official" sister was no longer possible.

I really became the "Happy Prince".

Sister Siwei told me that she was willing to become a swallow, and Brother Gu Yu was the sword in my hand.

Although Brother Gu Yu could not help me conquer the West like a real sword, his existence was a kind of deterrence.

For many years, we have been running for this family and trying our best to help everyone I can see. Although none of us know how to get out, I just hope that my family can live happily.

My family still habitually participates in the "human-level" game, but we no longer collect "jade" from everyone.

Everyone keeps the "jade" they earn by themselves, and can use the lockers in the office building for storage. Because there are many rooms and many "participants", Brother Gu Yu arranged ten people in one locker. These ten people supervise each other. Because embezzling "jade" will be dealt with by family rules, no one dares to take this risk.

I always remember the "Happy Prince" my sister told me, and I always remember the "Big Brother" Xu Jiahua told me. These two people are the direction of my efforts.

I often think of the shocking smell several years ago, which is almost a year ago. The days began to become boring. One day, I suddenly found that the newspapers and daggers folded by my sister for me had begun to turn yellow.

Unknowingly, I have been here for eight years, and I feel that my sanity is already problematic.

After I figured out many problems, I really felt how ridiculous this place was.

What kind of "prison" is this?

After catching a group of people together and letting them fend for themselves, is this a "prison"?

Even if it is really a "prison", I should have been released long ago, but why has no one come to release me?

How long will I stay in this "prison"?

Why does everyone need to rack their brains to get "fragrance", but why can I smell the smell as soon as I land?

I never need to work as hard as others to get this rare ability. In the entire "Jade City", I have never seen other people's ability to recognize "fragrance".

This may be the way my life will always be. I entered a fairy tale. In this world, I am a "hero" loved by everyone. I lead my subjects to live in dire straits. Ten days later, I can return to the real world and see my parents and teachers who never need me.

Is this kind of life really normal? Are there other people like me in the world?

I feel like I am really going crazy. Is the path I chose really right?

Once, in order to play the role of the "Happy Prince" in my mind, I tried not to eat anything for ten consecutive days, and shared my food with all my subjects. Finally, I starved to death on the sixth day.

But I still didn't regret it, and I still couldn't find my sanity that was about to be lost.

After all, my memory will never be lost, even if I die in the interview room, the result will be the same.

One day about nine years later, a small episode occurred in our "family". At first I didn't care, but later I thought about it, and I was afraid that it was the fuse that caused the final disaster.

But even if there was no fuse, would our "family" not be destroyed?

A team that was keen on participating in various games came to the basement of the office building in high spirits one evening and opened their locker.

The locker that they were about to store 57,600 "jades" was empty, just like what happened to Uncle Wan many years ago.

This matter reached my ears. I didn't have time to inform Brother Gu Yu and Sister Siwei, and immediately got up to check the situation. I thought I could calm everyone down like last time, but I didn't expect that I would be grabbed by the collar as soon as I entered the basement.

"Damn..." the man shouted, "Where is our "jade"?! Why is it gone again?!"

I was shocked when I saw his look. I never thought that one day I would be grabbed by the collar and pulled up from the ground.

My crown fell to the ground at this time and rolled weakly.

There was a large group of people around, but no one of them tried to stop it.

"I...how do I know?" I said with a trembling voice, "Don't get excited yet, I'm here to solve the problem..."

"Do we still need to solve the problem?!" the man shouted, "Isn't it obvious?! You and Wan Cai have the same idea, you are both coveting our "jade"!!"

"How is it possible?!" I yelled, trying to break away from his fist, but my body was just that of a child after all, and I didn't have that much strength at all. "I have been doing my best to help you collect "jade". Why? Possibly embezzlement at this time? Not only me, but everyone in this family..."

Before I finished speaking, I was suddenly stunned.

Did I overlook something?

Is there really no one in this place who would hide those "jades"?

"Why don't you say anything?" the man yelled viciously, "We trust you so much, do you really think you are a "hero"?! You are just a useless little..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened, and I also saw with my own eyes a transparent hole in his chest.

He grabbed my hand and slowly released it, turning around in disbelief. I also took this opportunity to turn my head and see that Brother Gu Yu was holding a transparent object in his hand and piercing the man's chest.

He came from nowhere and happened to save me.

The man didn't have time to say a word and slowly fell to the ground. Several of his teammates were also stunned at this time.

"Have you taken the courage of a bear and a leopard?" Brother Gu Yu asked, "Who allowed you to grab the hero by his collar and question him?"

It seems that Sister Si Si is right, he is my sword.

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