End of ten days

Chapter 730 My Paradise

I don’t want to run on my bike, and I don’t want to yell.

I want to travel far, I want to find that "huge idea", I want to find that "shocking smell", I want to find brother Gu Yu.

I want to find a way to save "Jade City", but I don't have much time. I have calculated that there are only twenty-two people left in "Jade City" plus me. If I don't do something quickly, Sister Sisi and Gu Yu will My brother will never have a home to return to.

So in the next reincarnation, I got rid of the subjects who had been chasing me asking about "ascension" and found the equipment I had hidden in advance.

I put on my crown, put on my sword, arranged my cloak, got on my car, and set off towards the place called "Daocheng".

Sister, I will take this cloak with me and go with me. I will take my broken heart and the swallow's body to find our paradise.

I also promise that you will be like a real eight-year-old child. I will call all men "brother" and "uncle" and all women "sister" and "aunty."

There was nothing I wanted to do except to be a real "hero".

This time I will embark on this journey alone. I will never trust anyone again, nor will I join any organization again, just to find a way to save us.

"Daocheng" is indeed a very strange place.

There are far more living people here than I imagined, and the smells on them are all kinds of wonderful.

Only a few hours later, I felt my nose was itchy.

But...are everyone here so enthusiastic?

The big man behind me has been following me for a long time. Although the smell on his body is not bad, I really don't want to join any organization. Why does he have to force me?

"I'll do it!" the big man said as he ran, "Kid, you're almost done, right? You have a bicycle to ride, but I don't. Let's decide whether you want to join us or not."

I squeezed the brakes of my bike, stopped and looked back at him.

"Uncle, are you Qing...are you an "Echoer"?"

"I do...I do." The big man bent down and gasped, "What's wrong, you too?"

"How long has your memory been preserved? Do you know what happened twelve years ago?" I asked again.

"Twelve years ago...?"

The big man straightened up and scratched his head. The muscles on his arms were also squeezed into a ball at this time. He seemed to be much more powerful than Zhou Zhenglong.

"Yes." I nodded, "It seems like something big happened here twelve years ago... Do you know?"

"Damn it... your "Echo" has been going on for too long..." He was stunned, "I don't know... How about I take you back and ask our leader? He likes to recruit "Echoers" very much. , although his memory is not long, but he should have left some notes or something..."

"Then forget it." I replied, "I don't want to join the organization, I'm sorry, uncle."

"You're quite a stubborn kid..." He sighed helplessly, "Although you have memories, you are still a child after all. It's a bit dangerous to wander around this place."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid." I said, "Thank you."

I'm tired of places where a bunch of people gather together, and I'm tired of the "leader" thing, whose scent I can find with my own nose even without their help.

I smelled it once and can't forget it.

If I could ever find him, I would follow him wherever he went until he told me why he called me.

I don't need anyone's help, I can do it myself.

I got back on the bike and headed deeper into the city.

"Oh, let's do it... It's getting harder and harder to recruit people in "Tiantiankou"..."

The big man's voice sounded behind me again, but at this moment I squeezed the brakes again.

I slowly turned around and asked softly: "Uncle, what did you just say your organization is called?"

"Heaven's Mouth." He said, "What's wrong? Have you heard of it?"

"Heaven..." I pinched the cloak behind my back.

As soon as I came to "Daocheng", this man was chasing me to join their organization... Could he be the "angel"?

He came to find the bodies of the heartbroken prince and the swallow, and wanted to take them into heaven together.

"Uncle, what's your name?" I asked.

"Zhang Shan." He said, "Have you known me before?"

I frowned slightly: "Zhang San...?"

My sister said to me before she died: "Maybe the people around us like Zhang San and Li Si... or a very inconspicuous person are angels."

Is that what you meant? It seems that it is destined...this man happens to be an angel?

"What Zhang San...?" He also frowned, "Mountains! Big mountains of mountains!"

"I'll go with you, uncle." I looked at him and said seriously, "Take me to "heaven"."

No matter what, at least the smell on this man's body isn't bad, so there's nothing to lose by going and taking a look.

"Go to "Heaven"..." Zhang Shan shook his head helplessly, "It sounds like I want to take you to die. We call it "Heaven's Mouth"!"

After he finished speaking, he was stunned, and then said: "But Chu Tianqiu seemed to have said... I used to have a two-character name, what was it called..."

I turned the bike around and rode next to him: "Let's go, uncle."

"Okay, I finally left you here." He reached out to touch my head, and I subconsciously wanted to dodge, but after thinking about it, I held back. "Strange boy, follow me." I nodded and slowly pedaled my bike to follow him. If I join "Heaven", will I find that special smell faster? If the owner of that smell is really many times stronger than me, I am even willing to take off my crown and kneel on one knee in front of him, just begging him to save "Jade City" and let my sister Thinking come back to me. Maybe I have to pretend to be a child all the time, but it doesn't matter, I will protect everyone. I am Zheng Yingxiong from "Jade City". I will start lying with the heavy smell on my body.

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