End of ten days

Chapter 763 The meaning of ants

"But that person seems to be very sharp." Qiao Jiajin said, "He can crush rocks with his bare hands..."

"Yes, Lao Qi." Chen Junnan also said, "Even if we all beat him together, can we beat him? It would be easy for him to crush our heads..."

"Wrong." Qi Xia said, "No matter how powerful his physique is, he can neither see nor hear. If they really fight with others, they will suffer a lot. A person without fighting ability is enough to play tricks on them. ”

"That's right." Chen Junnan pondered for a while after hearing this, and then nodded, "Hit them if you want, run if you want, you can even throw them to death with just a stone."

"So they will try to avoid fighting with other people." Qi Xia said, "This should also be the reason why they avoid people."

Qi Xia thought of the day when he and Lin Yu first met these "ants". They had no reaction when they first met, but when the torch was brought close to them, they would scatter away as if they sensed something. You should have felt the heat coming from the torch. This is an extremely dangerous signal for them.

The funny thing is that that day, everyone in the room was always worried that these "ants" would break in and tear everyone in the room into pieces.

If you think about it from the perspective of an "ant", you can understand... How could they break in?

Their sense of crisis and fear exceeds that of everyone here.

"This is simply like Locke's law - high goals that cannot be achieved should be lowered appropriately." Qi Xia said, "The rulers have quietly changed the goals of the 'ants'."

""Locke's Law"?"

"The goals of these people are being lowered every time." Qi Xia said, "It's not just the 'ants', it's the same for everyone else."

"What do you mean?" Chen Junnan asked.

"Think about it carefully... If ordinary "participants" find it very difficult to collect 3,600 "Tao", they will gradually change this goal and choose to become "Zodiac", so their goal will change from collecting 3,600 "Tao" Hundreds of "Tao" turned into "Killing", "Perhaps for many people, killing is easier to achieve than "Gathering Tao"."

"Then what does this have to do with "ants"?" Chen Junnan asked.

"Chen Junnan..." Qi Xia shouted, "A large part of the "ants" are the "zodiac signs" that have made mistakes."


Although Chen Junnan had already suspected it, he still couldn't believe it was true. Those seemingly humble "ants" were actually full of hope at a certain moment.

"Maybe they took off their masks, maybe they said their names, or maybe they just offended the 'Tianlong' and the 'Qinglong' on the 'train', so they became what they are now." Qi Xia said, "Their The goal continued to decrease from "gathering the road" and "killing people" to "turning back into a human being."

After hearing this, Chen Junnan and Qiao Jiajin's expressions gradually dimmed.

"And is "turning back into a human" such an easy condition to achieve?" Qi Xia added, "These "ants" must also have their own "promotion rules." The current goal may just be to search for countless corpses in the long night and find But when they really become "people", it is not considered "successful" at all. They just start everything over again. They still have to "gather here" as "people". "What a hopeless life this is?"

Chen Junnan nodded after hearing this: "Think about it this way, the two people at the top are really perverted, right?"

"It can only be said that this is indeed a very effective means of governance." Qi Xia turned to look at Chen Junnan, ""Tianlong" and "Qinglong" made everyone here busy with the matter in front of them, "Participant" If they are not careful, they will be severely punished. How many of them really remember...the goal of coming here is actually to "escape"? "

At this time, even Chen Junnan and Qiao Jiajin, who had always been cheerful, fell silent.

At the end of the day, the "upper" songs here are all safe.

People who are fighting each other, busy, or risking their lives on the edge of a knife are all "participants" in this song.

Even if everyone is allowed to complete their immediate goals immediately, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to escape.

“Participants” are still “participants” and “upper-level” are still “upper-level”.

"Liar..." Qiao Jiajin said, "In your opinion, what message did that person want to convey to you by crushing the stone in the end?"

After hearing this, Qi Xia thought for a few seconds, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and then slowly opened it in front of the two of them.

This is a folded map.

"What is this?" Chen Junnan asked.

Qi Xia didn't answer, but just let the two of them look at the markings on it.

There were eight words written in red pen on a very detailed map.

Chou, Mao, Chen, Si, Xu, Shen, You, Hai.

"These are eight "zodiac signs."" Qi Xia replied, "I suspect that these eight "zodiac signs" all know me."

Qi Xia deliberately concealed what "Qinglong" said. After all, "Qinglong" also turned on his "silence" when telling him these things.

"I know this "Shen"." Chen Junnan pointed to the location where the word "Shen" was written on the map and said, "Isn't this the big fat monkey?"

"Fat Monkey?" Qiao Jiajin also looked at the map and found that "Shen" was indeed the location of "Earth Monkey".

"Yes." Qi Xia nodded, "Looking at it in order, the remaining ones are "Chou Niu", "Mao Rabbit", "Chen Long", "Si Snake", "Xu Dog", "You Chicken" and " "Haizhu".

"Uh..." Chen Junnan looked at it for a long time, pointed at the "Rabbit" on the map and said, "I know this rabbit, he's not bad."


"Yes, I have met him, and I had a strange "first feeling"." Chen Junnan replied, "Although that big rabbit wanted to kill us, he is still a decent person. At least he did not use any dirty tricks to win. After that, he didn’t make things difficult for us, so overall it was pretty good.”

Qi Xia also heard Dihu mention that strange rabbit. He said that the rabbit seemed to have no motive, but it stayed in the "rebellious" room.

Now the identities of the rabbit, monkey and pig have been determined, but the others...

"So Lao Qi, does the map you took out have anything to do with the "ant" just now?"

"Yes." Qi Xia said, "Thanks to you two, I came up with an idea."


"If most of the "ants" are "zodiac signs"... then among these eight people, will some of them have become "ants"?" Qi Xia said, "And the people who became "ants" still remember me, so Try your best to come to me and remind me to be careful... "Dragon".


"Precisely because I am me, only I can receive this message, and no one else can."

After Qi Xia finished speaking, he looked at the two of them again: "So he is the "dragon"."


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