End of ten days

Chapter 772 Ringing

Qi Xia put his hand on his forehead, and that familiar feeling came over him again.

"A ground dog... you said that person is a ground dog...?" Qi Xia murmured in his mouth.

"Brother Yang... what's wrong with you?" Digou was stunned for a moment, "By the way, you should have seen her when you were a "sheep"... but she broke the rules not long after you became an "earth level" Already..."

"She committed a foul after I became a "prefecture level"?" Qi Xia felt that she had finally grasped the key point.

"Yeah..." Digou nodded slightly sadly, "It's really such a pity... I still don't want to accept it."

"Do you know what rules he committed?" Qi Xia asked again.

"I don't know." Digou shook his head and said, "After listening to what you said, I even think...she may not have committed any foul at all, but the two dragons no longer need her, that's all."


"My teacher is clearly the most difficult person to deal with..." Digou said, "Although she is always doing things according to the rules, she will never please "Tianlong", so a foul will happen sooner or later. "

Having said that, Qi Xia always felt that the time period when the ground dog fouled was a bit special, and no matter how he thought about it, it should be inseparable from him.

He reached out and touched the table in the glass room. This table was originally used by Digou to cast lots during games. Although it looked a little old, it was still wiped clean.

Qi Xia's fingers touched the table, and then he reached out and knocked on it by mistake.

The moment he knocked on the table, many scattered memories began to appear in Qi Xia's mind. The owner of the voice seemed to have awakened in his mind, and the voice kept ringing in the depths of his mind.

"Xiao Qi, if you don't unite with everyone and deal with the outside world, I will beat you to death now."

"Xiao Qi, is this really possible? We are in the same group."

"Xiao Qi, teammates are everything to us."

"Stop arguing, Xiao Qi, I believe you."

"Xiao Qi, it's sister...don't you recognize me when I look like this?"

"Aries, are you Xiao Qi?"

"Aries, why don't you answer my sister's question?"

An electric current seemed to flash through Qi Xia's brain, and his whole body trembled slightly.

The figure holding a cigarette flashed past his mind, like a void dream. Before he even had time to see her clearly, his memory had already disappeared.

Qi Xia squinted at the table, then looked at the fingers that had just tapped the table.

He felt as if he had grasped some key point, and then reached out his hand again and knocked on the table.

"Dong dong dong".

Sure enough, at the moment when he knocked on the table, the woman's figure flashed in his mind again, but this time it appeared for a shorter time than the last time.

"So that's it..." Qi Xia slowly opened his eyes, then stretched out his hand to touch the table, ""Yu Nian'an said dong dong dong" was actually the secret code I set for myself..."

Qi Xia's mind flashed through every time he knocked on the table in the past. He didn't know when he started to develop the habit of knocking on the table at critical moments.

This seems to be a "subconscious mind" specially trained to record something.

Similarly, when you need to retrieve your memory, this small action can also help you get the reminder stored at that time.

"This is the "anchor point" I set for myself..."

"Dong dong dong".

Qi Xia reached out and knocked three more times, but no other memories flashed back. What was going on?

If you would gain memories when you knock on the table, theoretically, more or less memories would emerge every time you knock on the table, but this did not happen.

Is there any importance in the timing of knocking on the table?

"Gou." Qi Xia turned around and asked, "Did you design this game yourself?"

"This..." Digou shook his head after hearing this, "Brother Yang, you may not know me. Although I work more seriously than ordinary people, after work, I will be worse than anyone else. So I won't Designing a game that takes a long time to clean the place every time...it would make me work overtime every day and kill me."

"Oh?" Qi Xia nodded, "So you inherited this game venue from someone else?"

"Yes, you can indeed understand what I want to express first..." Digou replied, "This game venue was left to me by the "teacher", so I have been helping her maintain this place, this glass room." I will wipe every glass in the store carefully, and there will be no fingerprints on it.”

"In other words, this table..." Qi Xia stretched out his fingers and slowly crossed the table.

"It was also used by "Teacher"." Digou said, "Is there anything strange about this table?"

"So that's it..." Qi Xia didn't answer, but was thinking quickly about the principle of "dong dong dong".

It seems that there are restrictions if you want to read the "anchor point" you set - that is, you must ring a specific table.

"Brother Yang...what's wrong with you?"

After hearing this, Qi Xia turned around, calmed down her mood and said to Digou: "If I guess correctly, your "teacher" and I have a cooperative relationship, but now she has no way to fulfill her promise with me. ”


"So what did she tell you then?"

Digou thought for a while and said: "I don't understand what you mean by asking...but "Teacher" did once tell me that if one day she is gone, I must inherit her playing field and become "Teacher". "."

Qi Xia nodded after hearing this. It seemed that the plan he had set was going on in an orderly manner so far.

Although there have been casualties and some people were thrown out by the fast cars, there are still people who must move forward on this road.

"Last question." Qi Xia said, "How is your relationship with Teacher? How much are you willing to pay for her?"

The tip of Digou's nose twitched slightly after hearing this, and then there was a hint of defensiveness in his eyes: "Brother Yang... I am very grateful to my "teacher", but I may not necessarily die for her. After all, you also said... This place is out of this world." If you don’t go, the money-losing tiger has already started to act. If I continue to follow you, I will probably lose everything.”

"I completely understand." Qi Xia replied, "I also like people who are unabashed."

"Yes, so I may give the money-losing tiger some help, but I will never pay the price."

Qi Xia thought for a while and then said: "Gou, but you must also know that one song is regarded as the "zodiac sign", and death is only a matter of time."

Digou slowly lowered his head after hearing this. Although he knew that what Qi Xia said was quite reasonable, if he would die no matter what he chose, he would rather die later.


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