End of ten days

Chapter 777: Top of the Train

""Heaven Mouth"?" Wei Yang asked.

"Yeah." Qi Xia nodded, "It's really easy to talk to someone who can "read minds."

"There is a very spacious playground there." Wei Yang slowly squeezed out a wicked smile, "Can I hear the "Scarecrow" singing there?"

"This is a big project, but if you want, of course you can." Qi Xia nodded, "There are a lot of corpses there, and there will be more in the future."

"You are really a weirdo." Wei Yang said, "You have been with me for so long, but you haven't even asked a question."

"Perhaps I can also 'read minds'." Qi Xia replied, "Let's meet at the mouth of heaven."

When he saw Qi Xia and was about to turn around and leave, Wei Yang finally couldn't help it anymore.

He pointed at the black bead on Qi Xia's head and said, "Are you really going to run around with this bead on you?"

"Yes." Qi Xia smiled, "This is the best "lie detector", and even the "prefecture level" cannot disobey it. Not only that, you also personally showed me how to use it."

"You..." Wei Yang was stunned, "You're going to ask "prefecture level" questions during the "Sky Snake Moment"?!"

"Yes, you also said that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Qi Xia sneered at Wei Yang, "If I guess correctly, the next "heaven-level" moments will become more and more frequent."

Wei Yang nodded after hearing this: "Even if you can figure out everything that happened, there are only a few living people left here. What are you going to do?"

"No one will die." A faint smile appeared, and his eyes suddenly widened. "Even if those heaven-level people die from exhaustion, nothing will happen to the people here."

"What is your "eternal life"?"

"I haven't tested its upper limit yet," Qi Xia said. "This opportunity is just right, so don't be afraid of death, even if you turn into a corpse. It doesn't matter how tragic the death is."

Wei Yang pondered for a few seconds and then asked: "What will happen if your "Echo" fails?"

After hearing this, Qi Xia raised the corner of his mouth and said softly to Wei Yang: "You should have asked me this question just now when you were hanging that black ball. I would definitely die."

"So you don't even know the answer to this question?" Wei Yang asked with a stern face, "Aren't you afraid that this place will get out of control because of your ability?"

"It's best to lose control." Qi Xia said, "This is just short of a complete loss of control."

"Qi Xia, what are you going to do?"

"Stop wasting my time. Either go back to your farm and die, or go to the Mouth of Heaven and die."

After saying this, Qi Xia pushed Wei Yang away and walked out of the house.

Wei Yang stayed in the room and stared blankly at Qi Xia's back, feeling that he had vowed to come here, but his previous plans were all disrupted by Qi Xia, and he didn't know what to do now.

Maybe you shouldn't have cooperated with such a dangerous person from the beginning. All you want is a cooperation where one plus one equals two, but the other party is trying to use you to deduce the laws of the world.

Their levels seemed to be far apart from the beginning.

"So maybe it's a good thing that you're still crazy after all." Wei Yang raised his head and said, "Tian Snake, I will go to the "Heaven's Mouth" now. I will know everyone's plans. Just watch."

Qi Xia came to the street. At this time, all the black raindrops in the sky had fallen, and they should be hanging above the heads of every living person.

"There are many more people who survived than I thought." Qi Xia muttered to himself, recalling the "heavy rain" just now.

Is it because the lethality of the "Pegasus Moment" has weakened, or are there just too many living people here?

This place is as big as a city, but the living people are scattered and hidden everywhere. If you want to find them, you can only rely on "heaven-level moments".

After saying this, Qi Xia stretched out his hand to the top of his head, wanting to touch the bead on top of his head.

But it seemed to have its own life. Every time Qi Xia's hand came closer, it moved away one centimeter, always keeping a distance from him.

Qi Xia shook his head, determined the direction, and then walked forward.

This dark rainstorm rarely brought wind to the "Land of Ends".

When the sticky and smelly breeze blew past the door, making people unable to open their eyes, everyone finally realized that the breeze that could soothe the soul in the real world had become a blowing breeze when it came to the "end of the world". Bone steel knife.

They would roll up pieces of clothing from corpses on the ground, and blow red powder from the sky. Then they would roll these stinky things into the already stinking air, hovering in the air for a long time before falling again.

Wind, where is the wind? This is the corpse of everyone in the past seventy years, and it is also the wail of countless souls who will never be reincarnated.


Qinglong crossed the train, with closed doors on both sides. It never stopped and walked forward. After a while, the wooden doors on both sides gradually disappeared, and there were only endless walls in front of it.

After walking for a long time, he finally came to the end of the "train".

At the end is a half-open iron door.

Qinglong gently opened the door and looked around. There was a large round table in the room. There were several people sitting near the round table. Some of them were lying on the table, and some were sitting on chairs. They were all asleep at the moment.

In the center of the round table is a clock with complicated patterns, which is ticking.

Qinglong frowned and looked around at these people, and then at the empty seats, feeling a little strange.

Where has the "Sky Snake" gone?

He cleared his throat and found that these people had been sleeping and ignored him, so he crossed the room with a straight face and came to the other iron door on the opposite side.

This iron door was larger than the previous iron door, but it was not ajar, but instead closed tightly.

Qinglong moved toward the iron gate and disappeared from the spot in just a blink of an eye, arriving on the other side of the iron gate.

This is an unusually vast pure white room, like a golden palace that has lost its color.

The first thing that catches the eye is an unexpected tree in the center of the hall. This tree looks to be decades old, and its green leaves are completely out of place in the entire "Land of Ending".

Qinglong walked around the tree in front of him and walked a few steps forward. In front of him were the steps leading up, and the two thrones on the left and right above the steps. ΟиЪōΓG

Tianlong is sitting lazily on the throne on the right, his body slightly tilted, his eyes slightly closed, and his right hand is holding the side of his face, still sleeping.

It was as quiet as if there was no living thing in this huge room.

Qinglong stood under the steps and looked at Tianlong coldly.

Their faces were exactly the same, with only a slight mark on their foreheads being slightly different.

"Did you bring a message to the Heavenly Snake?" Qinglong asked softly.

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