The flames of the elements outside the Torrent of Flame were stripped, revealing a giant hand burning a golden flame inside. The giant hand was covered with clearly visible flame patterns, as if carved from pure flame crystals.

出现 When this giant hand appeared, the huge pressure suddenly became greater, and the extraordinary power seemed to explode, soaring several times in an instant ...

The storm of fire and fire released by Theodorus and the storm of elements released by Anderfa were instantly crushed by this giant hand ...

Then the giant hand pressed fiercely on Lin Yun's body. A hundred meters away, Lin Yun's fusion shield began to fluctuate violently. If he was hit, it would definitely be blown ...

Zhe Linyun frowned, and the rune of flames on her forehead began to change. The strong flame of the body surface immediately added three other regular breaths.

The rules of ground fire, water and wind are floating, and the rune on Lin Yun's forehead has also become a rune with four colors of light, which is even more terrifying than before. The power of the surrounding elements began to cheer, countless elements. The forces gathered independently towards Lin Yun's side.

After fully exerting the incarnation of the Elemental Elf King, he immediately stirred up the elemental forces within a range of several kilometers. All the uncontrolled earth fire water wind elements in this range began to converge towards this place.

And this collapse-like convergence caused a chain reaction in the surrounding area of ​​more than ten kilometers. The concentration of the elements dropped sharply, and the surrounding elemental forces would automatically supplement Kulai.

A vortex of four-color elements with a height of thousands of meters is formed in mid-air, but this huge elemental power is converging in the hands of Lin Yun, as if it was crazy ...

Zhe Linyun's face was a bit pale, and the incarnation of the Elemental Elven King was not so easy to use. Without the almost wireless magic reserve of the natural half-plane, he could drain all his magic in one second ...

But even so, the speed of magic replenishment in the natural half plane is not as fast as the speed of the incarnation of the elemental elven king. According to this trend, Lin Yunding can use up to ten seconds more, and the magic will be completely exhausted. , Even if there is a continuous supply of half-planes can not keep up ...

So at this time, the best way to cast a spell is to directly release the most powerful Super Four series of regular explosive bombs, using the power of the rule rune and the elemental elven avatar to forcibly accumulate power beyond his level and limit. This power explodes and loses With the obstruction of the previous enchantment, it can absolutely destroy everything with a diameter of one or two kilometers here, and even the scope of the shock wave may be farther ...

The horrors gathered here, and suddenly attracted a large number of strong men coming to this side, and Grim also had a big head. He did not expect Lin Yun to be so strong, and Lefort was pale. He arrived At present, cāo control of body and magic has not been restored. The instruction in the head is to raise the foot, but the hand is moved ...

的 The command in his head was to mobilize the magic to release the shield, but the magic was in a mess, and a first-level spell could not be released ...

Looking at Lin Yun, who was incredibly powerful in the air, Lyft had a look of despair in his eyes. Where would I think that Lin Yun could hold on under Grim's hands. Damn, shouldn't he be killed in seconds ...

A guy who was a titled wizard for a year and a half ago, even if he breaks through to the sky order, how can he survive a spell under the power of a strong order of the fourth level peak?

中间 The gap in the middle is so big that it can't be calculated at all. Why shouldn't the spikes appear? How could it be like this ...

He couldn't escape, he couldn't protect himself, he could only look at it like this, without even thinking about it, the next spell collision, just the wave can kill him ...

格里格 is also difficult to ride a tiger, I do not know what to do, such a trouble, it must be a big trouble ...

Just when Lin Yun ’s Super Four Series regular bombs were about to condense successfully, when the flame giant was torn by the huge pressure and resisted, a silver light flickered, and a door of space was right in the middle of the battlefield. Yang condensed out.

An old man with silver and white hair came out of the door of space. As the old man appeared, the magic wave around him was instantly healed, and the old man raised a hand to the flame near him. He waved his hand, and for a short time, the flame giant's hand collapsed into a flame, and then the flame disappeared ...

And his other hand waved to Lin Yun's side, and for a while, Lin Yun felt a horrible power that appeared to be irresistible, like an invisible giant hand, gently Passing by, Lin Yun's huge vortex of elements gathered instantly collapsed, and the super four series of regular explosive bombs condensed in front of Lin Yun also turned into a huge elemental force and rushed into the sky, as those scattered Elemental power dissipates together ...

The terrible power that is totally irresistible is like the will of the world itself. Even if Lin Yun casts the incarnation of the elemental elven king, he cannot stop this dispel ...


The old man stood calmly in the air, and the white robe with gold thread embossed did not fluctuate at all. In a word, the turbulent magic fluctuations all around disappeared.

Seeing this old man appeared, and even ended the fight with a posture that was too strong to resist, Lin Yun decisively dispersed the incarnation of the Elemental Elf King. The magical consumption of this thing, even Lin Yun, was a bit unbearable. A little careless, the magical supplement of the half plane is a little sluggish, and it may start to consume his vitality and even the power of the soul ...

Seeing this old man with silver hair appear, Grim's face showed a horrified look, and he immediately stopped casting, dissipating his magical power, and performed a mage ceremony respectfully.

"Dean Gandalf."

Gandalf looked kind-hearted, and in a white robe, he could not feel any strong breath, but just standing there, Lin Yun felt that there seemed to be a calm sea in front of him, and he only needed to set off a wave to crush him. broken……

Dean Gandalf is one of the three priests of the Starry Academy. When he first saw the alchemist of the priesthood, Lin Yun's eyes were also horrified. It was not something that the pure Heavenly Order might have. Breath is not violent, nor powerful, but unfathomable. This is the most terrible ...

The mere opening of the door of space by Zhongyang Yang who was in the battlefield just now is enough to show that Gandalf's strength is much stronger than him and Grim, which is completely rolling, otherwise it would not be possible In the battlefield, Wu Yang opened the door to space ...

Gandalf was calm, even with a mild smile, but he didn't think so. Looking at Grim and Lin Yun, he felt a little bit embarrassed ...

As one of the dean of Xingkong Academy, Zeiss has previously reported to him the details of this meeting. Each creator can probably understand how many runes of truth, and almost have a general understanding.

Now waiting for Lin Yun to transcribe the mysteries of the truth runes, even if the price to pay this time is not small, but then again, it can not be compared with the mysteries contained in the truth runes, as long as there are these mysteries, For a long time, the Starry Academy may have maintained its status as an alchemy holy place, and it may even spawn a sanctified alchemist ...

It is possible that an alchemist may be added, so that even if it is exchanged with ten resource-rich planes, it will not suffer, even if it is only possible ...

But now it is like this. The battles there before, the fluctuations of the battle definitely made the mages tens of kilometers away can see the feeling clearly. If the creator of the Star Academy was robbed of the research results, the sky Don't do it after the college party ...

But now it has developed to the deputy dean of Xingkong Academy to personally participate in this matter, which is tricky. Standing on the side of the academy, do the faces of Xingkong Academy need to be gone?

I stand on the side of Lin Yun? Those who deal with the college impartially, and those who offend the Jackson family, for the creator of the Andalusian kingdom, offend their family and cause internal contradictions, which is not cost-effective ...

And anyway, the mysteries of the truth rune transcripts will definitely be obtained by the Star Academy. In this case, it ’s better to take care of things, and make small things small, and pay a little more for it ...

If you hadn't seen it already, Gandalf wouldn't have appeared in person. The internal affairs of the Star Academy, but you can see clearly ...

With a smile on his face, Gandalf decided to be a peacemaker and suppress it ...

Leifold was afraid to speak when he saw Gandalf appear. Gandalf is a legend in the Kingdom of Odin. One of the three deans of the Starry College, and the alchemist of the Holy Saint, his strength is even stronger. It ’s terrible. I have n’t shot it for at least a few hundred years. No one knows how strong Gandalf is now, but looking at the scene just now, I know that at least they are all powerful men in the sixth rank of the sky ...

When Grim saw Gandalf's appearance, he felt calm and pointed at Lin Yun with a cold face.

"Dean Gandalf, I received a call for help. This guy is going to **** the research results of others, and he murdered inside Star Academy, even did not cooperate with my investigation, even dare to attack me.

According to the rules of Xingkong Academy, you must be punished severely! Do n’t make everyone think that we are bullied! "

Grim accused loudly, but gave up accusing Lin Yun of robbing Lefort's truth rune transcript, but accusing Lin Yun of breaking the rules of Star Academy in his eyes ...

Lin Yun squinted his eyes, his eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and the natural half-plane began to be mobilized by Lin Yun. As long as the dean dared to be like the idiot Grim, then don't blame it, really, This Gandalf was terrible, almost completely without resistance, but he wanted to do something, but he couldn't sit still ...

"Dean Gandalf, I only ask one point, this idiot said that I robbed him of the mystery transcript of 1,600 truth runes, but can he study 1,600? No, five hundred, Can he work it out? "

I heard Lin Yun's question, Grim's face was blue, but Gandalf's eyes flashed awkwardly ...

As a sanctified alchemist, I lie on alchemy, and I can't get through this level, let alone for a creator of other families, say this lie ...

僵 Against stalemate here, Gandalf smiled on his face, ignored Grim and Lefort, but began to persuade Lin Yun with a calm tone ...

"Her Mafia Merlin, this matter will definitely be investigated by the Academy of Starry Sky. I promise with my name that I will never wrong anyone ..."

Gandalf's words were not finished, but he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance. His face was full of horror. He could not say what was going to be persuaded. His mouth closed for several seconds. Gandalf's face was closed. The horror of the queen subsided, but became a kind of seriousness.

"Her Mafia Merlin, rest assured, we have already investigated this matter and will definitely give you a satisfactory account!"

After saying so, Gandalf turned to look at Grim and Lefort.

"His Excelsior Grim, as the dean of the Starry Academy, is responsible for protecting the tranquility of the Starry Academy and ensuring the purity of alchemy, but you are too disappointed. This time, what the truth is, we all It has been investigated clearly.

You violated the rules of the Star Academy, don't remind me, go to the Lava Well and accept the punishment. You can come out from there a hundred years later! "

Grim's face became pale with a brush, and as soon as he was about to speak, he saw several regular runes flying to him, and then turned into a chain and printed it in his body.

Then in the void, there seemed to be an illusive chain link in the depths of the Academy of Starry Sky. One end was inserted into Grim's body, and when he saw the chain, Grim swallowed it. I dare not refute the words ...

Outsiders may not know what the lava well is, but none of the people at the Star Academy knows that place. The city of no winter is located on a huge and huge underground lava sea. If these lavas erupt, at least they will The 100-kilometer range is affected, and it will even affect the climate and environment in the north of the entire Odin Kingdom ...

The Lava Well is the place that guides the lava sea power below, and also the source of power to support the huge alchemy circle of Xingkong Academy, but there need to be many mages working there, keeping the guiding power at all times without problems, And the environment there is very bad, and the mage with low strength is there, even if there is no problem, it may fall ...

Only the titled wizard can guarantee the normal operation there, but in that kind of place, there must not be a mage willing to go, let alone the starry academy is the alchemy shrine, where alchemy experiments ca n’t be done at all ... ...

Only those who are punished will be sent there ...

Grim didn't wait for the illusory chain that didn't know how long it was to tear him, and took the initiative to follow the illusory chain to fly away.

Then Gandalf looked at Lyft, it was difficult to hide a trace of disgust, and even his face was a little black, and the sound that rang in the ear just now made Gandalf's face even darker ...

"Lord Ford, from now on, you have become one of the members of the Starry Academy's unwelcome list, and you are not allowed to approach the Neverwinter City again!"

After saying a word, Gandalf waved his hand without waiting for Lefford to speak. A palm of more than two meters was sent to Leffort's body, but there was a touch of magic on the palm of the body. Ford was photographed and flew without any resistance. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared in the sky and disappeared. Even with Lin Yun's eyesight, he couldn't find how far Lefort had flew, at least he flew out. It's Neverwinter City ...

成员 Unwelcome members of Xingkong Academy, this Lin Yun knows that the limit is within ten kilometers of Neverwinter City, even including all the industries, shops, members of Xingkong Academy ...

As long as it is within ten kilometers of the city of Neverwinter, you will be evicted immediately. If you enter it forcibly, you may be killed by it. The industries and shops of the Starry Academy are refused and are not welcome. Members of the Starry Academy, Do not allow contact with unwelcome personnel ...

This is a more severe punishment than being killed by 对于, especially for a creator, as long as he is an alchemist playing with Star Academy in the future, he will never pay attention to Lefort ...

Even those alchemy shops will give the Star Academy a face, and they wo n’t do business in Lyft ...

This kind of blocking effect is very terrible. In the future, if you want to purchase any material, do n’t want to buy it from a larger alchemy store or a slightly larger force. I am afraid that you need to find someone to help you. Secret purchase ...

He finished this, and Gandalf summoned a team of Gryphon knights, and ordered seriously.

"In the name of Xingkong Academy, a notice was passed down, informing the Jackson family that members had used violent methods to commit acts of assault within Xingyuankong Academy and **** the research results of others. Within 300 years, no, within 500 years, no Members of the quasi-Jackson family are again attending the Decade. "

After I finished this, Gandalf was secretly relieved, and it wasn't just curiosity to look at Lin Yun.

I got a report from Zeiss before ~ ​​ ~ It is speculated that this little guy may have studied the mystery of 1,700 to 1,800 truth runes, which is already very scary. I did not expect that the adult also I spoke for this little guy ...

Grim's idiot has the same eyes as the stinky mouse in the ground. He can only see in front of him. Doesn't he know what the creator who has studied 1,800 truth runes once and for all?

Allowing him to accept a hundred years of punishment in the Lava Well is considered to take care of him, as well as the fools of the Jackson family, who dared to take the bold step in the Starry Academy, really did not take our Starry Academy into consideration at all, three hundred There are still too few years, at least five hundred years will not allow the creators of their family to attend the party ...

And still have to inform, the cooperation with the Jackson family must also be stopped, and the college's alchemists can not go to the Jackson family, we cannot say clearly, but we must also express an attitude ...

"Mr. Mafa, we will handle everything you encounter in the Star Academy, and we will never let you get a little wronged. Are you satisfied with this method of treatment?"

What else can Yun Yun say? This punishment is already very serious. At least on the bright side, it is difficult to say that Lefort is in the Kingdom of Odin. Although no one can get through with the gold coins, what Leford wants to do, it may still be done. To, but like some large places, they will definitely be a little bit faced by Star Academy, rejecting Lefort ...

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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