The struggle between the low-level alchemy 傀儡 is to compete for this kind of site. Whose site is bigger, the more rust-eating insects in the site, the more advanced parts that may be found, and the faster the level advances ...

Gandalf took Lin Yun out of this part of the ruins that stretched more than ten kilometers. On the edge, he saw a dozen or more alchemy crickets fighting. Obviously, he was fighting for the site ...

Those alchemy urns are completely different from human-made alchemy urns. Their body surfaces are full of patches, and there are even a lot of places with parts that are not coordinated. The weapons and shields in their hands are also made of relatively large parts. It looks very humble.

The battle soon ended. The winning alchemist ignored his injury and quickly removed the defeated opponent. Then he removed the parts of the opponent. They were better than themselves, and all were replaced immediately ...

Lin Yun and Gandalf went through the ruins in stealth. What they saw was an endless black land. A large area of ​​exposed iron ore can be seen on the surface. In many places, the purity of the ore is already very high. The kilometer of ground is like a piece of pure black steel.

I walked along this black land. Every ten kilometers, you can see a large mountain of parts piled up in ruins, and even a mountain of parts that stretches for dozens of kilometers ...

Gandalf said it right, it is indeed the safest entry route here. It has been flying at low altitudes for dozens of kilometers. All you can see is the pure steel jungle. The alchemy cricket you saw is the most powerful one. It's just thirty-three ...

After flying for more than 70 kilometers, a huge steel tower with a height of 1,000 meters was seen. The horrible energy flashed on the top of the steel tower. The thunderbolt condensed into a tens of meters of spherical lightning and then launched into the sky.

"It's hard to see this kind of scene."

Gandalf sighed, and stood in place looking into the deep sky.

Twenty-three seconds later, Lin Yun saw a meteorite at least seven or eight kilometers in the sky falling at a terrible speed towards the ground, and the ball lightning with a diameter of several tens of meters hit this meteorite exactly.

Leiguang is like countless flashing sharp blades, instantly covering the entire meteorite, and then instantly cutting the meteorite into countless fragments ...

The myriad fragments exploded, falling towards a range of tens of kilometers, and this area, with the size of those fragments, could cause almost negligible damage to the earth ...

Gandalf looked at the exploded shard with a trace of regret in his tone.

"Looking at the color of the meteorite, it seems to be carrying some rare metal. It should be eternal dark gold. Unfortunately, the sky on the plane of the plane did not block the protection of the meteorite, or the plane of the plane was very weak in protecting the sky, so Meteorites often land.

Those lightning towers are built by the sky-level alchemy urn to protect meteorites. This should be the territory of the sky-level alchemy urn. When you see the lightning high-tower, it should be not far from the city of steel. We wait here Now, since there is a lightning-tall tower that is thousands of meters high, it means that the city of the iron and steel industry is not small, and there may be a lot of alchemists in the sky. "

Lin Yun didn't speak, but looked at the lightning tower. The tens of meters of spherical lightning just now had the same power as a spell released by a heavenly powerhouse, but the lightning tower was within a second. It has condensed in time and perfectly predicted the trajectory of the meteorite ...

Gandalf looked at Lin Yun's appearance, and couldn't help laughing and crying.

"Lord Mafa, I advise you not to fight the idea of ​​the Lightning Tower. If you move the Lightning Tower and greet us, it may be the alchemy corps. Maybe there will be a very scary alchemy corps ...

Well, here it comes! "

As soon as Gandalf's words fell, Lin Yun saw a seven-meter-high alchemy cormorant flying in the sky. In the air, he began to catch the falling meteorite, each of which was flashing metal. Luster, obviously contains high-purity metal ...

Gandalf disappeared, and floated quietly in the air. Instantly, the huge alchemist, which was more than seven meters high and had four arms, immediately turned around and looked at it. The blue crystal eyes flashed frequently. Immediately dropped the metal ore in his hand, and a giant sword with a length of more than five meters appeared in his hand and killed Gandalf.

Gandalf quietly floated in the air, watching the alchemy puppet of at least forty-three level, a blue ruled rune floating on his fingertips popped up, and a flash of blue light flashed between the moments, and the alchemy puppet was taken by Wrapped in a ten-meter blue water polo ball, no matter how the alchemy cricket struggled, it was like a little bug that had fallen into the glue ...

Gandalf floated over, his palms were stuck on the surface of the water polo, and the flashing light in the crystal eyes of the alchemy grate completely disappeared ...

Gandalf settled this alchemy cricket with utmost importance. Lin Yun was not too surprised. With Gandalf's strength, he killed one forty-three alchemy cricket, even the heavenly alchemy cricket with talented runes. It wo n’t be difficult, but that ’s it. Even Lin Yun did n’t understand how Gandalf killed this alchemy urn, which is a bit difficult ...

When he fell to the ground, Gandalf popped up a few runes of rules, and the surrounding area was completely covered by 100 meters. Everything here was completely sealed and no one would find them ...

Gandalf put his hand on the surface of the large water polo and slowly fell to the ground. Then, inside the water polo, dozens of smaller water flows began to appear. Those water flows constantly changed into the appearance of water jets or various tools. The continuous impact of itself, little by little, dissect this heavenly alchemy ...

However, the trembling frequency of each small water knife is incredibly high, shortening the original water-milling time to a few seconds, and using this method to dissect the alchemist, so that the parts of the alchemist will not be damaged in any way. Instead, it will grind away the rust on some parts, making the parts stronger ...

The limbs of the alchemist's alchemy were first disassembled into a pile of parts, and each part was intact. These parts floated in the water polo, separated by a very short distance from each other. It looks like the limbs of the alchemist's alchemy are not removed at all. Down the same ...

Gandalf's speed was very fast. The parts that the alchemy drove up began to be dismantled one by one, but seeing the inside of the alchemy carcass, Lin Yun could no longer remain calm and surprised ...

Gandalf's method of dissecting the alchemy 傀儡 looks nothing, but Lin Yun, as a top creator, saw the technical content, which is not based on Gandalf's strength.

This disassembly method can also be done by Lin Yun. Disassembling in a water polo will undoubtedly have many benefits. It will not damage the parts, and even the old parts will be enough.

But Lin Yun couldn't do it like Gandalf. There are dozens of tools in the water polo that turn into water every second, and often there are hundreds of them. And these tools are constantly changing. It is formed by water flow. This test is the understanding and alchemy of alchemy.

What kind of tool is suitable for this place? This basic thing has become the hardest thing here. The way of dismantling the alchemist like Lin Yun before is actually a kind of violent dismantling. The method of disassembling to obtain the parts of the alchemist's body is not advisable. Only in combat, the violent dismantling method of second disassembly can be used.

Because when the second is dismantled, some fragile parts will inevitably be destroyed. What really surprised Lin Yun is not the alchemy technology shown by Gandalf in dissecting this alchemist, but the alchemist is still intact. of!

All the parts and systems of Alchemy 傀儡 are all intact, which means that this alchemy 傀儡 is still alive. This is the true disassembly method that can keep all parts perfect!

Gandalf disassembled the alchemist's torso bit by bit. Every part inside was intact. The control system, power system, intelligent system, and weapon system were all intact, even the alchemist's After his head was dismantled into parts, Lin Yun did not find any of the parts damaged a little ...

This is the most terrible place. Without destroying all the parts of the alchemy 炼, let a living heaven-level alchemy 傀儡 be just disassembled into parts ...

Lin Yun was a little dazed. With his current strength, even if he dismantled a 30-level alchemy puppet, he couldn't do it without damaging any parts and any system. When he was alive, he would dismantle the alchemy puppet. Into parts ...

I was very proficient when I watched Gandalf's performance. Obviously, this is already a new mature technology in the Star Academy ...

After Gandalf completely disassembled each part of the alchemy 傀儡, the alchemy 傀儡 floated in the water polo. It looked like it was only a fat circle. If you look closely, you can see that each part maintains its original position, only But there is a thin gap between each brother's parts.

If Gandalf is willing, it may be possible to reassemble this alchemy urn in an instant, and resurrect this forty-three alchemy urn, and because all parts have been reprocessed, some old parts have been washed away. As the rust becomes smooth, the alchemist's strength may be stronger than before ...

After Gandalf dismantled, he shook his head, and the hand next to the water polo also loosened, the water polo collapsed, and even those parts fell down.

"Not this, let's go ..."

Then, without looking at the parts on the ground, he turned and prepared to continue to leave. Lin Yun opened his mouth, glanced at the parts on the ground, and put away all of them.

Gandalf didn't look down on the parts of this alchemist's body. He could see that there were several alchemy alchemists who had been killed before, but most of the parts of the alchemist's body were unusable after the battle. It can only be used as raw materials, especially some of the more fragile and critical parts. For so long, no one has been collected.

The idea of ​​upgrading the patch alchemy , has been unable to continue for so long, and now there is such a complete part of the alchemy 傀儡, many of which can be exchanged for the patch alchemy 绝对, which can definitely make the patch alchemy傀儡 Restored to the strength of Heavenly Order.

So Lin Yun put all the parts away without changing the color, and continued to follow Gandalf. As for what Gandalf wants to do, it is not important anymore. Just follow along. If there are several intact alchemists Parts, the transformation of the patch alchemy puppet, can start immediately.

After continuing to follow Gandalf, after flying more than 30 kilometers, they encountered an army of alchemists, including 3,425 to 39, and the leader was a forty-two. Level alchemy urns, these alchemy urns look strange.

The number of human-shaped alchemy crickets is the smallest, most of them are beast-shaped, and there are even many spiders, ants and other alchemy crickets that resemble various insects. The leading alchemy crickets grow like countless times. The beetle is more than ten meters long, and it is almost two meters high lying on the ground. There is a huge rune on the hòu's heavy carapace.

That is a rare rune of talents in the Alchemy of Alchemy, and it seems that it is still a relatively rare defensive rune, just do not know what the specific effect looks like, even if it is exactly the same , Will show different results on different alchemists.

The puppet floated in the air, and Gandalf personally released the shielding enchantment to protect them.

"There are no other heaven-level alchemists within thirty kilometers around, just let them."

Gandalf said casually, it seems that this army of alchemy 傀儡 that can absolutely sweep some of the Andalusian medium forces is just as easy to erase ...

Floating in the air, Gandalf looked at the sky, and a blue rune popped up. Rune culture flew into the sky as a blue light. In a moment, the thin atmosphere of the plane began to be driven. A few kilometers of black clouds began to condense in mid-air.

After a few seconds, a drop of black raindrops fell from the sky, and the rainwater fell on the ground. The exposed black ground began to emit some white smoke, as if the rainwater was strong acid.

This is also a characteristic of the plane. The atmosphere here is very thin. Even during the day, when you look up, you still see a round of hot sun hanging in the deep void. The rain here is all acid rain. , But the number is very small.

As the acid rain falls, the ore on those black soils will be slowly melted away. When the rain water dries up, the remaining things will form a large flat steel land with the accumulation of the days.

Acid rain is also the most annoying thing for alchemists, especially low-level alchemists. Many of their parts can be corroded by acid rain. After the rain, the parts will wear out and the time of damage will increase. Speed ​​up, even for some low-level alchemists, acid rain is deadly.

This army of alchemy 傀儡 suddenly encountered acid rain, just like a group of instinctual insects encountered a crisis, and immediately chaos ...

At this time, Gandalf once again stretched out his fingers to pop up a blue ruled rune. In a short time, the water vapor accumulated on the ground quickly condensed. Within three seconds, a number of suddenly appeared on the ground. Thousands of blue water balls, each of which is surrounded by an alchemy puppet.

From that alchemy urn to that level 25 to the lowest alchemy urn to level 25, all were wrapped in water polo. For a while, Lin Yun saw water polo spheres except the alchemy urn. With violent power, the water flow inside the water polo spins wildly.

Suddenly, there was no difference between the 25th and 39th levels. In less than a second, thousands of alchemy tinctures were all disassembled into a pile of parts by force, and most of them The parts have been distorted to the point where they can no longer be used.

Seeing Gandalf and Lin Yun float down, the beetle-like alchemy of the alchemy, the light in the eyes of the crystal flashed wildly, and a hissing sound broke out in the mouth, and the sound waves continued to impact in the water polo, even in reverse Shocked back towards the beetle.

The talented rune on the back of the beetle suddenly lights up. A layer of black and silver light covers the whole body of the beetle, completely protecting him. It seems that the overall color of the beetle has become black and silver, and the protection ability has suddenly increased by one level. .

Lin Linyun looked at the beetle flatly, but he didn't think that the poor beetle alchemy could prevent Gandalf's dismantling ...

Sure enough, Gandalf stretched out a hand and affixed it to the surface of a 20-meter-wide water polo ball. Similarly, in the blink of an eye, the light in the eyes of the UU reading book disappeared, and the magic fluctuations disappeared The talent runes on the back also faded ...

Lin Yun looked at Gandalf's movements, frowned slightly, and looked twice. He still wasn't sure how Gandalf did it. He didn't feel the fluctuation of extraordinary strength, nor did he feel any special magic fluctuation. Obviously not It will be the result of Gandalf's crushing on strength, but a powerful alchemy combination of strength. This is the core of the perfect dismantling of alchemy.

However, it is clear that Gandalf did not intend to give this core technology to Lin Yun in vain. It is the next dismantling step. It does not matter if Lin Yun sees it. After all, as long as there is a sufficiently powerful alchemy technology, it can almost be done ... ...

Gandalf once again performed the process of perfect dismantling of a heaven-level alchemist, which is still the same as a perfect artistic performance.

But this time, at the end of dismantling, Gandalf's face changed slightly, and then the huge blue water polo suddenly changed shape. The parts outside the core of the alchemy puppet were wrapped by the split water polo, as if lost. Tossed aside like garbage, even the carapace with talented runes, Gandalf did not look at it again.

In the end, the water polo was completely dispersed, leaving a section of more than one meter in the alchemy carcass. This place was placed on the ground. Gandalf took out a pair of gloves to isolate magic, and took out a dozen tools. Carefully disassemble this last part with both hands.

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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