End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 991 Answering the question head-on

"Come in, sit down and talk!"

Russell let the two unlucky guys into the room to talk, and took out two bottles of soda from the refrigerator by the way. When he turned around, Max saw the T-1000 napping on the sofa.

Beautiful short form!

"Officer Russell, I didn't even know you had a cat, and it's so cute..."

Max had zero resistance in front of the cat, so he picked up Mei Tuan and started to masturbate, but the result was terrible. She was skilled and worked hard, but Mei Tuan just remained unmoved and didn't bother to snort.

It is understandable that although it looks like a cat, it is actually a robot.

He tried to scratch Meishort's chin twice in a row, but was slapped away with his paws. Max was deeply shocked, and his whole body was not well.

"Max, you can tell by the temperament, this is a well-bred noble cat, you should be more polite."

Could it be that Caroline was very happy to see Max deflated, and mocked her a few words by the way.

"You mean, this upper-class cat has seen through my poor nature, so he just ignores me?"

Max refused to admit defeat, and immediately mocked back: "Don't be complacent, you are just like me, a penniless poor ghost."

While the two were talking, Mei Short jumped up and lay down on the other single sofa with her eyes closed.

"You're right, it really dislikes us."

"Two beauties, besides borrowing the bathroom, what else can you do?"

Russell put the soda on the coffee table: "If you are borrowing money, you can just say it, don't be embarrassed, I know you are poor ghosts."

"..." x2

Caroline rolled her eyes straight away. The two venomous tongues of a man and a woman made her deeply uncomfortable. Thinking of the main purpose of this trip, she said it in concise language.

Winter is about to enter, and Caroline's pet, the former champion racehorse named 'Li Bao' has nowhere to go. If left alone, it is very likely that she will not be able to survive the cold winter.

"So, you want to ask me for help, contact a horse farm, and let Li Bao spend the winter there?"

"No, we would like to ask you to ask, is the New York Mounted Police still recruiting horses?"

Caroline talked about Chestnut's glorious achievements, and concluded: "It has won three awards in the equestrian show, it is very good, and it has pure British blood. Most importantly, it does not need money."

Russell was silent when he heard the words, two unlucky bastards who couldn't even afford to support themselves, raising horses in New York was indeed a headache.

The more troublesome problem is that the New York Mounted Police has more than one hundred police horses. Maybe they will lack a few alternates, but they will never give up a former handsome horse in the stables.

"Caroline, answer me directly, how old is Li Bao?"


Caroline lowered her head, Li Bao looked old and out of shape, and was no longer young.

"Officer Russell, you may have misunderstood what Caroline meant. We gave Chestnut to the New York Police Department for free, not to be ridden by someone."

Max said with a serious face: "It has British blood, and its offspring will be very good. It is a stallion, and it is going to ride other girls."

Russell: (?_?)

As expected of Max, she drives when she disagrees with her. It's really long to listen to her talk.

"Officer, what do you think, did you make a lot of money?"

"No, I think you're thinking too much. The New York Mounted Police has a dedicated racecourse to provide fresh blood. Where Li Bao goes, it might not even be a relationship..."

Russell curled his lips: "I'll show you a clear way to build a stable in the yard, which can help Li Bao survive the winter, and you won't lose it.

Then I can also open the windows to feel the fresh air. "

"Max, Officer Russell is right, we can build a stable in the yard, so we don't have to send Li Bao away." Caroline's eyes lit up, she liked the idea.

"Shut up, you penniless wretch!"

Max glared at Caroline, pondered for a moment and then lowered the zipper a few centimeters: "Okay, Officer Russell, we are here to borrow money."

"But you said that you only have the ability to borrow money, not the ability to repay the debt."

"Yeah, I also said that I have other ways to pay off the debt!"

Max held his chest up, planning not to leave tonight, no, planning to move in directly, and never leaving again.

"You are amazing..."

Russell is convinced, he has to have a thick skin like Max, and he has already taken down Miss Satan.


He took out a stack of beautiful knives from his wallet, and slapped them on the coffee table without counting them: "Build a better horse stable, the one with an air filter, understand?"

Caroline picked up a stack of hundred-dollar bills and hurriedly counted them: "Officer, thank you for your generous assistance, but... there are too many, so much money is not needed."

"Shut up, Caroline!"

Max got up and stood up: "Officer Russell, where is your bedroom, let's start paying off the debt!"

Russell: (?_?)

"No, I'm also here to improve the quality of life."

Russell waved his hand: "If you can't accept it, just pretend that I bought Chestnut with money and put it in the yard on the first floor. Is that okay?"

"Officer, don't you really need to think about it again?"

Max bit his lower lip, threw a wink, and leaned over to show off his career line.

Russell: (?_?)


When the two girls returned home, Caroline rushed into the yard holding a stack of banknotes and told Li Bao that she was about to have a new home.

Back in the house, she found Max with his hands on his hips, with an angry look on his face, as if he was very unconvinced.

"Max, what's wrong with you?"

"That damned police officer, what the hell is he thinking, don't I smell good?"

"He hurt my self-esteem as badly as his cat," Max said angrily.

"Calm down, this only shows that Officer Russell is a good police officer, and we should be thankful to have such a reliable neighbor."

"No, my old lady is very restless now, I can't take it anymore, I'm going to force him!"

"Max, Officer Russell has an arsenal with him, you will be killed by him."

Caroline persuaded him with good words and put the facts into reason. Even if Max would not be killed on the spot, he would spend a period of time in prison.

"Okay, let him go for now...just this once." After Max finished speaking, he opened the door and walked towards the third floor.

"Max, where are you going?"

"I've just been blinded by his money stalking, dove on the love of my life, the jacuzzi, and now I'm going to apologize to it."

"Wait for me, I forgot too."


Early the next morning, Russell drove to the police station and caught a gangster who was robbing in the street. He didn't want the gangster to sit in his Camaro, handcuffed him in place, and then drove the police car to take him away.

After he had been busy all morning, he sorted out the case and made a simple and clear report by the way, when the system's notification sounded in his ears.


[World Mission: 1, Major Case 0/5]

[World mission: 2, normal cases 1/50]


"As I imagined, the case can only be considered as a real solution if the bastard who commits crimes is arrested and brought to justice."

Russell nodded thoughtfully, judging that this world mission would not last for too long. On the surface, the total number of fifty-five cases is exaggerated, and it is very likely to be a long-term mission.

But in fact, this is New York in dire straits, or an enhanced version of chaos, full of villains big and small.

As long as he tries not to be lazy and works overtime 24 hours a day, he can finish it in a month.

"Why try not to be lazy?"

Russell asked himself, the world is chaotic enough, and there are enough characters in the plot, of course, it is slowly dawdling in order to trigger a few more lottery draws.

"Russell, come in, I have something to see you."

The chief pushed open the office door, saw Russell who was making tea in An Yi, and waved to him.

Russell walked into the office quickly. Before that, he had planted spiritual hints in the chief's mind and successfully erected the image of an omnipotent elite. Once a major case came up, the chief would immediately think of him as the "top expert of the New York Police Department". .

He is indeed a master. Among all the police in New York, he is the fastest and most accurate with his pistol.

What's more, the T-1000 incident is still in the process of fermentation. The bureau has been short of manpower recently. The bureau chief asked his superiors for help, but there are really not many people who can use it.

"Director, what's the matter?" Russell sat down on the chair with a teacup in his hand.

"See for yourself."

The chief threw an encrypted document on the desk, and sighed: "This is a secret mission, involving the internal personnel of the police station. I don't want you to make too much noise and cause storms all over the city."


Russell opened the file, and the first thing he saw was a photo of a white middle-aged policeman, about forty years old, with a fake smile.

Seeing this photo, Russell felt Gordon in his heart... no, it was a click, very familiar, with a little more beard, it was Harry Potter's godfather Sirius.

"Chief, what did this Sergeant Stan Phil commit, and why should he be investigated privately?"

Russell scanned the documents at a glance. There was an anti-drug case involving Stanfield. The informant reported that he used his position to sell washing powder and formed a large-scale gang. It was a shame for the police and a social cancer.

"Some time ago, Sergeant Stan was still a rising star, the backbone of the police department, and his superiors trusted him a lot, and planned to promote him to be the squadron leader (supervisor), but this kind of scandal was exposed in the blink of an eye. …The crisis of public opinion is very bad for our reputation, and the public will question us, understand?"

Russell nodded: "Understood, I will blow his dog's head from ten kilometers away, and then fake the scene, saying that the killer did it."

"Don't play tricks, no one told you to do this."

The director gave Russell a speechless look, and continued: "With regard to the investigation of Sergeant Stan, there is no important evidence at hand, and his identity cannot be followed by routine procedures. This is your task to collect evidence to prove his guilt or innocence. "

"I understand, collect witnesses and physical evidence, and then hand it over to the big bosses above, so that they can have a headache."

"That's right, that's it."

The director nodded in satisfaction, and then added: "Do it better, and I will consider promoting you to a police detective."

"Director, please don't say that. I work hard not for power and money, but because I have a heart of justice."



There was a reward from the lord's 'Ash of Fire', but I missed it yesterday.

According to preliminary calculations, I owe the bosses 6 chapters, and I still have 4 chapters left after I asked for leave before, which just makes up a whole number.

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