End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1072 I'm Behind You

King Kepus finished his orders in a low voice, and five minutes later, a group of dusty soldiers entered the palace.

All of them were wounded and disabled, their hair was disheveled, their faces were covered with thick black ash, and their bodies smelled like they hadn't showered in ten days.

Here I want to say that the front is full of makeup, and it is true that he did not take a shower, and he acted in his true colors.

"Brother, who are they? Aren't all the soldiers on the cliff dead?"

Perseus approached Russell in a low voice, and asked if he didn't understand. In his heart, his eldest brother knew astronomy and geography, and he would definitely be able to answer his questions.

"You will care about this, the barbecue is not delicious?"

Russell looked at Perseus, who was starting to look concave, in surprise. He didn't understand which muscle of this silly boy was wrong again. Seeing that his eyes were erratic, drifting towards Princess Andromeda from time to time, he immediately understood the reason.

I've been fed too much these days, and I'm starting to miss women!

Well, it is indeed the seed of Zeus. Toads don't grow hairs, so they follow the one.

Russell was slandering, and suddenly his face changed slightly, revealing an expression of interest, and his figure disappeared behind Perseus' latissimus dorsi.

"Gentlemen, raise a glass to our heroes who dared to pierce the heart of Zeus! Warriors of Argos!"

Kepus raised his golden wine glass and shouted: "The temple is burning, the idols have collapsed, we don't need to pray and worship them. After today, the sun will never set, and the era will no longer belong to the gods, but to us , for the age of man has come."

Although the soldiers were fake and the speech was prepared in advance, the atmosphere in the banquet hall was heated up instantly after Kepus's cadence and affectionate processing.

Everyone toasted and shouted "the king's power will not fall", sent blessings to the brave warriors, and praised the courage of the king and queen for daring to resist the gods.

It seems to be losing their minds, but from the power struggle, the occurrence of this scene is easy to understand. The kingship and theocracy are incompatible, and they choose one of the two. Both Kepus and these aristocratic classes chose the kingship that is related to their interests.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Princess Andromeda turned pale, with a complicated expression and she didn't know how to react.

From the perspective of interests, as the heir to the royal family, she should stand on the side of her parents, but from a long-term perspective, Argos should not rebel against the gods.

I don't even have the strength to protect myself.

What about resistance?

At times, Andromeda despises her parents, and the aristocracy, for protesting against the gods to consolidate their power at the expense of the poor.

"Andromeda, your complexion is very bad, drink some wine, this will make you sober."

Queen Siopaya's complexion was not good, and she knew her daughter, Mo Ruomu, and her daughter began to overflow with sympathy again.


On the other side, in the corner of the banquet hall, a woman dressed in white was watching Perseus cautiously behind the golden pillar.

The woman wears simple hair accessories and no makeup, which is incompatible with the gorgeously dressed ladies in the hall, but her face is pretty, without any embellishments, and her temperament alone can overwhelm the crowd.

Just like a white swan strayed into a domestic duck pen, it shines with a goddess-like halo, dazzling and dazzling.


The woman's name is Ao, a demigod, immortal human being.

"Ma'am, can I buy you a drink?"

A sudden sound came from behind, Ai'e's whole body tensed up, and she saw a big hand handing a golden wine glass from behind her.

It was Russell who came. From the time he woke up, he noticed that someone was secretly observing Perseus.

Considering that Perseus is the son of Zeus, it's not surprising that there are three or five elves around him, so he didn't take it seriously, but today, this elf was uncharacteristically, getting a little too close.

Then Russell discovered that Perseus was lucky. The female elf in charge of taking care of him was protruding. In terms of appearance, in the entire banquet hall, only Princess Andromeda could compete.

"Thanks, but I don't want to drink."

"Don't do this, it hurts your self-esteem."


Ai'o didn't respond, her figure faded away like a bubble, and she reappeared behind Russell, holding a long dagger in her hand against his neck, and said coldly: "It's very strange, since you fell into a coma, your behavior is completely different from usual Different, what happened to you?"

"Beauty, I just want to buy you a drink, you don't need to touch me, do you?"

Russell shrugged, ignored the dagger on his neck, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and then smacked his lips: "You should try it, it's really terrible."

"answer my question!"

Ai'e narrowed her eyes slightly, and suddenly found that the outline of Russell, who was restrained by her, was blurred and transformed into a black sticky substance. A pair of red eyes opened at the back of her head, and a scarlet jagged mouth opened below, silently grinning.

Ai'e was startled, retracted her long dagger and backed away.


Hitting a hard wall behind her, Ai'e was shocked again. She remembered clearly that there should be nothing behind her.

Before she could move, the big jet-black hand grabbed the slender neck, and the strength from the fingertips seemed to break it easily at any time.

Ai'e didn't dare to move rashly, and stood still. The golden wine glass was passed from behind, and the annoying voice sounded again: "Beauty, can I buy you a drink?"

"Thanks, as long as you take your hands away."

Ai'o didn't refuse, and couldn't refuse. After the big black hand sank down her body into the shadow of her feet, she took the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.


After drinking the drink, the empty golden cup fell to the ground, and Ai'o disappeared without a trace. This time, she did not continue to appear behind Russell, playing the infinite loop game of "I am behind you" with him.

"It's interesting, you run away and I chase after you. If you catch up, then...hehehe!"

Russell turned and walked into the darkness, hiding in the shadows, tracking Ai who escaped from the palace.

At this time, in the main hall, the speech against the gods reached its peak, and the crowd was furious, raising their arms and shouting with wine glasses.

Some people are like this, after two cups of horse pee, they don't know their last name.

"We don't need to tremble, and we don't need to humiliate ourselves in fear! The gods need us, they need us to worship, and we don't need them, no gods above us."

Queen Siopaya raised her wine glass, pointed to Andromeda and said to the crowd: "Look at my daughter, she is more beautiful than anyone else, and her face is holier than the gods, Olympus should be jealous of her , for she is more beautiful than Aphrodite."

Apparently, Queen Siopaia had never heard the story of the golden apple, and did not know the specific meaning of jealousy in Olympus.

The narrow-minded goddesses don't care if she talks nonsense after drinking, they only know that there is a woman more beautiful than them in the world.

A beauty is a disaster, and it should be a disaster.

But this time is different, there are no tens of thousands of muscle guys fighting to the death for a woman, and finally relying on a Trojan horse virus to break through the firewall.

A thick and gloomy darkness rose slowly from all around the hall, and the cold wind blew across the border, mimicking transparent skeletons with teeth and claws, causing repeated screams, and the lame wounded soldiers immediately lost their lameness, and walked like flying fast.

Black light bloomed and condensed into a jet-black vortex channel in the midair.

A middle-aged man in a black robe with a white face and long hair draped over his shoulders stepped out, condescendingly looking down at the embarrassing queen and a flock of trembling quail.

"My name is Hades!"


Outside the city of Argos, Ai rolled up a strong wind and landed on the plain, looking towards the direction of the palace, frowning and thinking about Russell's origin.

"Mysterious guy, no matter who you are or where you come from, you shouldn't stay with Perseus."

"Beauty, a friendly reminder, don't be curious about me, or you will pay for it, and you will lose money and money in the end."

While Ai'o was talking to himself, Russell stepped out from behind a boulder, and the shadow ignored the sun in front, stretching and extending to Ai'e's feet.

Ai'e was startled, she touched the ground with her toes, and wanted to turn into a strong wind and leave.

too late!

Several black arms sprang out from her shadow, as if spitting out a poisonous tongue, quickly wrapped around the upper limbs, imprisoning them in place.

The posture is very indecent. Ai'e's hands are cut behind her back, her long straight legs are tightly bound together, supported by four black arms protruding from the ground, and she is held horizontally in mid-air.

Russell walked forward slowly, looking down at Ai'o from a high position, his eyes passed over his pale face, and stopped at the two protruding centers.


Ai'e gritted her teeth and cursed, whether it was Russell's condescending eyes or the pose she was forced to put on, it made her extremely insecure.

The psychological defense line was broken in an instant!

When Russell heard Ai'e's scolding, he didn't take it seriously. The two had just met and didn't say a few words. It's normal for Ai'e to have a prejudice against him.

After getting along for a long time, Ai'e would never say that, because she was used to it by then.

"First, let me check where you hid your weapon."

There was a sinister smile on the corner of Russell's mouth, and more than a dozen black arms stretched out from behind, surrounding Ai'o from all directions, and the two of them joined together to keep the fly rubbing their hands together.

"How dare you! I will definitely kill you!!"

Ai'e's eyes burst into flames, her face flushed with anger.

"Hmph, I'm not afraid, if only one of me falls, there will be tens of thousands of me."

Russell snorted coldly. As the saying goes, the poor cannot be moved, and the mighty cannot be subdued. A man who behaves like a man and sits upright should not be afraid of any threats.

If he was frightened by Ai'e today, even if he frowned, he would write his name upside down.


Ai'o glared at Russell, she had never seen such a shameless person.

"Keep talking, and I'll take it as a compliment."

Russell's gaze flicked over Ai'e's body, and he commented with his mouth from time to time. His big black hands were about to pounce, which made Ai'e's face turn pale with fright, and her back was covered in cold sweat.

"Don't say I'm unreasonable, I'll give you a chance now, and I'll ask you to answer, or today next year, our family of three will come here for an outing."

Russell snorted coldly, and warned: "Be honest, don't think about playing tricks, or you will regret it."


Ai'e felt grief and indignation, weighed the pros and cons, and decided to give up for the time being.


"Ai, Ai'o."

"Ai Ai'e? It doesn't mean anything else. Your name is really ugly. If I were you, I would have wiped my neck and died."

Russell disgusted, and continued: "The next question is a bit sensitive, how old is this year?"


"Are you deaf? Let me ask your age."

"I'm still counting."

"Hehe, seeing that you are as weak as a chicken, you are actually a long-lived species!"


Ai Ai'e didn't want to talk, the situation was stronger than others, Russell took her like catching a chicken, he wanted to die.


Russell was business-like, with no color in his eyes.


"I asked your gender, answer quickly!"

Russell sneered, without concealing his contempt: "Don't think that you can pass off as a woman with two balls of cotton stuffed on your chest. Let me tell you, there are too many boys like you."

"You...you kill me!"

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