End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1080 God's Authority

The addition of Ai'o made the battle one-sided. Holding a long dagger, she turned into a gust of wind and moved quickly among the giant scorpions. It was more like dancing than fighting.

This cursed person between man and god can't do more than three or five tricks under Russell's hands, but for ordinary life, she has powerful abilities comparable to gods.

Ai'o has no divine power, nor does she have the authority of a god. All her strength is learned from traveling around the world. It is very messy, but it can also help her deal with many unfavorable situations.

Generally speaking, it is more than inferior than superior, because he has a little understanding of all aspects, and his efficiency in killing the enemy is far stronger than that of Perseus.

Russell watched the battle from a distance, and silently praised this era.

Without safety pants and mosaics, there is more trust between people, closer distance, and less suspicion.

Ten minutes later, the movement in the forest faded away.

Swish! !

Li Mang flicked across, bringing up a piece of thick mucus.

The long sword chopped off the tail, and Perseus kicked away the swinging pincers, jumped on the back of the giant scorpion, raised the sword and penetrated its skull, and solved the last giant scorpion.

The mountains are in a mess, and if you look down from the sky, you can see that big trees have been violently broken, and there are layers of giant scorpion corpses everywhere.

The poisonous slurry flows, withered tree trunks and bushes, and purple poisonous smoke rises from the corroded ground.

Perseus' face was pale, and he leaned against the pincers. Seeing Ai's white clothes dancing in the wind, he took two deep breaths, puffed up his chest, and signaled that it would be no problem to hit a hundred more.

The pure little white flower didn't understand the purpose of her actions, she was acting on instinct, and her intuition told him that she should be tough at this time.

"You're poisoned, you'd better be honest."

Ai'o waved her hands and rolled up a gust of wind, which dispersed the poisonous smoke around Perseus and cleared a safe area for him.

"Thank you, but my body is fine, this bit of poisonous gas is completely..."

Perseus grinned, his body swayed, and he fell straight to the ground before he could finish speaking.

Ai'e frowned, stepped forward and turned over Perseus, seeing his lips were black and blue, her expression changed drastically.

not poisoned,

The toxin of the giant scorpion can't do anything to a demigod.

She took off Perseus's breastplate, saw the black poisonous thread extending from his heart, and immediately understood the reason.

It's a curse!

When Perseus cut off Acres' arm, the blood splashed on his face, and a lot of it splashed into his mouth. In addition, when the giant scorpion attacked and fought hard, the poison had already spread to the whole body.

"Russell, Perseus, he..."

"Ah, I see it."

As soon as Ai'o turned her head, she saw Russell who had appeared quietly. The next second, her waist tightened, her body flew through the clouds, and she and Perseus were brought to the edge of the pool.

Russell raised his hand and threw Perseus into the pool, then took out the cauldron, threw in the messy condiments, filled it with water, and added a piece of fresh meat taken from the giant scorpion's pincers.

"Russell, if you are making an antidote, Perseus is not poisoned, but cursed." Looking at Perseus floating on the water pool, Ai'o hastily reminded.

"No, I'm cooking. After this fight, Perseus must be hungry."


Ai'e was stunned, not sure if she didn't explain clearly, or Russell's brain was broken.

Suddenly, a white light flashed, and the hot soup in the cauldron was boiling. The glare of the strong light made her subconsciously raise her hands to cover her face.

When the white light dissipated, Ai'e's vision was blurred, and afterimages lingered, a strong fragrance was inhaled into the nasal cavity, turned into a warm current and flowed through the whole body, making her feel indescribably comfortable.

Ai'e's eyes were filled with amazement, and she asked in surprise, "What is this, what have you done?"

"White phosphorus, I added white phosphorus."

With a serious face, Russell said inscrutablely: "Don't spread it, this is the untold secret of a super chef. The secret is to add fluorescent agents. Master this trick, and you can also cook dishes that will glow."


Ai'e was stunned again, and said dumbfounded: "No, I'm not asking why it glows, I mean this power... It's the first time I've seen this kind of power."

It was a wonderful energy, warmer than the sun, more mellow than fine wine, she didn't know how to describe it.

"If that's what you mean..."

Russell's fingertips lit up with a holy light, and he said truthfully, "This is the positive energy in my body. It exorcises evil and avoids disasters. It is best at breaking curses."


This is the first time Ai'e has heard of positive energy. If "positive" means justice, she personally refuses to admit it.

The fragrance filled the air, and Perseus in the pool trembled his nostrils. He paddled ashore in a coma, and came to the cauldron with his eyes closed. He picked it up skillfully, and then drank it in one gulp.

Every time he saw Perseus drinking meat and food, Russell felt a burst of disbelief, since he could drink anything, why did he grow teeth?


"Ah~~ Cool!"

The white light traveled all over the body, dispelling the black poisonous lines on the surface of the body. Perseus opened his eyes, looked at the empty cauldron in front of him, was stunned for three seconds, and then began to beat his chest and stamp his feet.

He didn't know anything, and the meal was over, which was worse than killing him.

"Brother, my chest hurts..." Perseus looked aggrieved.

"to be frank."

"I'm so hungry!"


"Go and call everyone over. They have all inhaled the poisonous gas more or less. I will cook another pot so that they can dispel the toxins in their bodies."

"Here we go..."

Seeing Perseus, who was in excellent health and fully recovered from running all the way, Ai'e felt incredible. She looked Russell up and down, and said in a deep voice: "To be honest, who are you, which god?"

"No, I'm just an ordinary person, and at most I use fluorescent agents for cooking."


Seeing that Russell didn't say anything, Ai'e couldn't ask him any more, so he looked at him suspiciously, looking for a god who could match him.

After thinking for a long time, I only got a little bit of Apollo, the god of light, and Helios, the sun god.

But this is obviously impossible. It's not that the two male gods are tall, burly, handsome and beardless, but that the two are very busy recently, arguing about the divine right, and have no time to come to the world to accompany Perseus hang out.

Apollo emphasized that he is the god of light, and that the theocracy in charge includes the sun, which is also one of his symbols in the world, so he asked Helios for the sun chariot and took back the relevant authority.

Helios naturally disagreed, the sun was his only authority, and if he lost this authority, he would have no place on the mountain.

Moreover, if he handed over his authority, Artemis could use this as an excuse to openly snatch the authority of his sister, the moon goddess Selene.

Because although Artemis is the goddess of hunting, she is also in charge of the theocracy of the moon.

Helios believed that this was a conspiracy by the Apollo siblings, so he resolutely resisted, and the older generation of gods also strongly supported them. The hands of the Twelve Lord Gods stretched a bit too long.

Russell didn't know this at all, and he would only be happier if he knew it. The contradictions of Mount Olympus are extremely sharp, and it only takes one fuse to blow it up.

Perseus led the crowd to the pool, detoxifying and gaining weight at the same time. While Draco missed his abdominal muscles, he drank the broth and secretly hated his stomach for not living up to it.

If it endures no matter how hard it is, its hands and feet will not disobey.

Looking at Draco who was remorseful and gorging, Russell's eyes flashed a smile of success. When he first formed the team, he noticed something wrong.

There are no fat people in the squad!

This is a dangerous signal. Without mellowness, there will be no auspiciousness, which means that there is no mascot in the team to suppress luck.

Since there was none, he created one himself.

Now it seems that the plan is still very successful. Except for him and Perseus, the remaining eight people are marching towards the fat world. The eight mascots suppressed them, and they couldn't squeeze out even if they were exhausted.

By the way, there is a fat man next to each protagonist. This is a very old setting. As far as Russell knows, it should start from "Journey to the West".

After the reorganization was completed, the team continued to march towards the edge of the Styx. It was meaningless to continue hiding after Ai'e appeared, and she easily joined the team with her beauty.

Captain Drago strongly objected, thinking that Ai'o's origin was unknown, so she should be able to avoid it whenever she could, and she must not stay in the team.

He made a good point and was left alone.

The reasons for the team members are simple and powerful. They have muscles, muscles and fat all day long, and now they feel good-looking when they look at their teammates. If they continue, they may not know what will happen. Will they dare to sleep at night?


After another four days of marching, with the help of the black Pegasus, the team successfully jumped over dangerous places such as big rivers, wastelands, snow-capped mountains, and deserts, and arrived at the northern mountain range, a land that the Argos had never set foot on.

Except for Tianma who was depressed and lost two rows of ribs, everyone else was happy, and the fat on his face was shaking when he smiled.

The boy group disbanded seven days ago, and Russell kicked out the two handsome guys, Aixes and Eusebis, from the high-value group because they were too mellow.

During the period, Perseus picked up two treasures on the fourth and fifth days respectively, feather shoes that can walk in the air, and a magic pocket similar to a space bag.

There is nothing to say about the first one. Wearing feather shoes, people can walk on the ground in the air. The black celestial horse is getting thinner and thinner, which is directly related to this pair of feather shoes.

The magic pocket is very magical. Russell used it to study it and found that it can store dead objects such as weapons and equipment, and can also store smaller living objects. What kind of creatures such as scorpions, rats, and poisonous snakes are put in, and what is taken out Sample.

Looking at this attribute alone, it is far from being as simple as a space bag.

For a while, Russell's interest in the forging technology of Mount Olympus increased greatly. If I remember correctly, Hephaestus, the god of fire, is the number one blacksmith in Olympus.

In addition to the authority of the God of Earth Fire, its strength lies in forging.

Hephaestus is good at building temples and making all kinds of weapons and metal products with superb skills. He is known as the ancestor of craftsmen and the patron saint of forging.

It is said that Zeus' lightning spear, Poseidon's trident, and Hades' double fork were all made by him.

Also, Hephaestus made Pandora out of clay...

Based on this alone, Russell must meet him.

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