End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1083: As expected of you

Zeus left, leaving behind a golden branch obtained by 'fair and fair', and the cheerful Perseus.

Perseus didn't like the identity of the son of Zeus, it could even be said to be repulsive, but he liked his eldest brother, and knowing that he and Russell were real brothers, the previous depression was swept away.

The silly boy didn't think about it at all, it was no different from admitting that he was the son of Zeus.


"I'm not!"

On the Styx ferry, Perseus wanted to get close to Russell, but was slapped away and fell into the cabin.

The golden cabin is full of gold and silver coins, like a golden mountain.

There are many rivers in the underworld, and the living will never be able to pass through them. For example, the swift black river under everyone's feet is called the Klon River, leading to the vast gray plain of the "Truth Garden".

There, the dead souls will be judged by the three judges of the underworld, and the next stop will be determined according to their crimes.

Russell and others don't need to enter the Field of Truth, they have the golden branches in the garden of Hades, and they can disembark by letting Charon take a short distance.

It is also fortunate to have this golden branch, otherwise mortals would really not be able to get on the boat of the Styx. This is a token and a passport.

It is not easy for ordinary dead souls to get on this boat. The ferryman Charon will charge a boat fee, which is not expensive, just one yuan.

But without this one dollar, Charon will strictly refuse to board, and he will be free to board the ship after one year.

Money in the world is worthless in the underworld. After all, Hades is a rich man, and Charon collects money from the dead.

"Russell, where did you get the golden branch?"

Ai'o didn't want to talk to Russell at first, but she was so curious that she couldn't help it.

"I met Zeus with Perseus, he gave it."

Russell told the truth, seeing that Ai'e's face was not very good-looking, he shrugged and said: "Don't panic, there are many beauties in Olympus and the world, and like you, Zeus has probably forgotten."

When the familiar chest pain came, Ai'e rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Thank you for your comfort, I feel much better."

"and also……"

Russell struggled with how to speak,

Organized the language and said: "What do you think of the character of Zeus, it must be very hard to be his son?"

Pretending to be the illegitimate son of Zeus to infiltrate Mount Olympus is the fastest and most effective way, without sacrificing beauty and making compromises to a certain goddess, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

But he was afraid of being implicated by Zeus, which would lead to Feng Dian being killed.

"I think it's a bit inappropriate for you to use the word 'character' on Zeus."

Ai'o made no secret of her dislike for Zeus, and continued: "As for how hard it is to be his son, you can tell by looking at Perseus, even a fool would not."

Russell: "..."

When did your mouth become so eloquent?

"Why are you asking this question, why, you still want to hug Zeus' thigh?"

Ai O looked at Russell with contempt: "I know you are jealous of the treasures that Perseus picked up along the way, but you said it yourself, we are all ordinary people, and we are incomparable to Perseus. You are old, stop thinking about it."

A narrow-minded woman is really troublesome!

Russell cursed, and snorted coldly: "That's really embarrassing, I just found out that 'I', like Perseus, is the illegitimate son of Zeus."


Ai'e dodged a long distance in an instant, her eyes were more alert: "You're lying to me, aren't you?"

"With your IQ, I want to lie to you with absolute certainty. Do you need to discredit yourself?"

Russell shook his head and continued: "I probably understand your fate. You were cursed by Zeus. If you want to break the curse, you can only find the answer from Zeus. If it's not him, then it's his child."

"Like you or Perseus?"

"As far as it is concerned, it is indeed the case, but Perseus is more likely, after all, you are his nanny."

"Damn fate!"

Ai'e gritted her teeth and walked into the cabin sullenly. The woman tortured by fate didn't want anything but to be alone.


Chirp! !

The dilapidated and rotten wooden ship docked on the river bank, and Charon took the golden branch as agreed, and sent Russell and his party to the other side of the Styx.

If you want to return, just wait for a day at the same place, and at this time tomorrow, he will come again.

Calculating the time, Russell found that it was too a coincidence. Tomorrow was the deadline for the sea monster to attack Argos, just enough for Perseus to cut off Medusa's head and bring it back with his feather shoes.

Russell was very puzzled. How did Zeus, a rotten person who thinks about digging holes all day long, calm down and plan the layout?

"Remember, Medusa's eyes have the ability to petrify everything. You must not look at her with your eyes down. Use her feet to judge the movement trajectory, understand?"

Drago shook the fat on his cheeks, and warned the players not to be careless, lest they lose their lives.

"Captain, I've heard the legend of the Gorgon. Medusa has no legs, but only one tail, which is enough to crush rocks."

"Then watch her tail!"

Drago said anxiously, in just ten days, the belief and honor of the soldiers were disintegrated by the food, and they walked around one by one, without the fearlessness of the Argos soldiers.

When encountering a battle, I hand it over to Perseus. When encountering a small river, I just think about riding a Pegasus horse.

A bunch of embarrassing things!

The more Draco thought about it, the more angry he took out a piece of barbecue from his backpack, and he ate a few mouthfuls before suppressing his anger.


The barren land was lifeless, and everyone walked for half a day, and came to a canyon with black rocks.

The stone thorns erected everywhere are extremely sharp, even the refined armor will be torn in half with a slight touch.

Drago's face was extremely solemn, and he warned everyone that this is the edge of the underworld, and it is no longer the world.

In the depths of the canyon, buried the ruins of a dilapidated temple, which is Medusa's prison.

The temple is located on top of the underground magma, with cracks all over the place, spewing red scorching streams from time to time, causing the air to be extremely hot. Ordinary people would die due to lack of water after walking for a while.

As a matter of course, the fat guys in the team were all lying on the ground panting like dead dogs.

Drago looked at this scene with grief and indignation, and sat up with his hands up with difficulty. He was unwilling to join forces with the trash.

Ai'o watched this scene speechlessly, and said to the culprit: "I will stay and take care of them, in case they are taken away by the passing underworld monsters. You and Perseus go early and return early, time is running out."

"It should be. These meat buns are fat and oily. They really look delicious."

Russell made an OK gesture with his hands up, and walked into the collapsed temple gate with Perseus.

Regarding the legendary story of Medusa, Russell knows many versions, in addition to Greek mythology and Roman mythology, there are also various folk versions.

Because the adapted and rumored versions are more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, she usually appears as an innocent person, which is a tragedy.

In the original version, Medusa is a born monster, one of the three Gorgon sisters, and when she had an affair with Poseidon, in order to avoid the sea queen Amphitrite, she chose to stay in Athena's temple, thus offending Athens Na.

As a result, her head was embedded in Athena's shield!

The temple is steaming with steam, and the ground is full of cracks. When you look down, you can see the magma river rushing endlessly, and the distorted air is dazzling red.

"Brother, Medusa's eyes have the ability to petrify, what should I do if I accidentally see it?"

"Shout loudly before dying, and scare her as revenge."

Russell held a long sword and followed Perseus. He was fully armed and had feather shoes for running, but when he heard the petrified eye, he immediately froze.

"Brother, you are the smartest, there must be a way to prevent me from seeing her eyes."


Ten seconds later, Perseus's pants were gone, his head was tightly wrapped, and it was difficult for him to speak, let alone read.

"Brother, in this case, I can't even see the road."

"It's okay, you have feather shoes, you can fly even if you can't see the road."

Russell patted Perseus on the shoulder: "Besides, there is still me here, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

sand! rustle————

The sound of scales rubbing against the ground sounded, and Russell opened his heart to respond. From a distance, he saw the Gorgon dormant in the ruins of the broken wall, setting up a bow and aiming at him and Perseus, as if intending to kill two birds with one stone.

Russell said that only Perseus is a sand sculpture, and this arrow is destined not to hit two.


The air exploded, and metal arrows burst out.

Russell stuffed the long sword behind his buttocks, stood behind Perseus like a ghost, grabbed his arm, and blocked it with a shield.

Sparks shot out, and Perseus' hand holding the shield trembled slightly. The arrow was so powerful that it could penetrate gold and crack rocks.

Medusa has the demeanor of a sniper, failed to shoot an arrow, judged that Russell and Perseus were not ordinary people, changed positions with a long tail, lurked for three to five seconds, and took the bow again.

People are gone!

The positions where Russell and Perseus were were empty, and they had gone somewhere for a long time.

Medusa loosened her bowstring slightly, her head full of snakes and her hair vomited letters, looking for the traces of the two.


The screams came from far to near, and a snake head hissed as a warning. Without thinking about it, Medusa turned around and drew the bowstring fully, and shot an arrow in the direction of the afterimage in one go.

The arrow failed to hit the target, and Medusa looked at Perseus flying in the air, screaming with snake hair, and radiating beams of light from her eyes, intending to petrify him.

Then, with a puzzled look on her face, she watched Perseus put the trousers on his head.


Head to head, Medusa was hit hard, seeing Venus shaking in place.

When she came back to her senses suddenly, she saw Perseus being swung by someone's feet. The wind was horrific, coupled with howling ghosts and wolves, her face turned pale.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang————

Russell picked up Perseus and smashed at Medusa with a mad stick, until all the snakes on his head were unconscious.

"Perseus, as expected of you, I knew you could defeat her!"


Perseus didn't speak, probably because he was too excited to defeat Medusa, so he lay there obediently without making a sound.

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