End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1087 Is This Your Plan?

Outside the city of Argos, the altar built against the mountain hangs high above the inner port.

There were sparkling waves on the surface of the sea, and the people gathered here, begging the gods for forgiveness, while watching the princess being sent to the altar.

Perseus rides a magical Pegasus, drags Medusa wrapped in chains, and hangs it on the towering bracket of the altar.

Medusa knew all about the cause and effect, and Russell promised in the name of Zeus that the moment the sea monster died was the moment when she regained her freedom.

Of course, if Medusa doesn't want to hang with the sea, she can also call her concubine Poseidon, or her father "Father of Monsters" Forcus to help.

Medusa didn't speak, the chains were tightly wrapped around her body, and she couldn't speak even if she wanted to.

When Tianma struggled to reach the altar, the four chains shot out by themselves, weaving into a spider web and imprisoning Medusa in the very center.

She herself was also wrapped into a cocoon by white chains, and outsiders could not see her real appearance at all, and thought that the person hanging in the air was Princess Andromeda.

"Is this really okay?"

Far away from the palace, King Kepus pointed to the hanging Medusa, slightly worried: "It looks fake, can it fool the people and the sea monster?"

"You think it's fake because you already knew it was Medusa, but the public didn't know, so they would think that the princess was wrapped tightly, similar to the packaging when giving gifts, in order to surprise the sea monster."

Russell calmly explained that it was the same as opening a courier package. Even though he knew what was inside, he still couldn't help being a little excited.

"But the sea monster is not blind..."

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Russell said nonchalantly, "It's said to be a sea monster. Judging by its size, humans and Medusa are both small, so I won't be suspicious of it."


Kepus still felt that it was not safe. In his opinion, the safest way was to cut off Medusa's head, let a strong soldier carry it, and hide it in the dark of the altar.

Then a beautiful woman is used to pretend to be a princess. When the sea monster approaches and enjoys the delicious food, soldiers appear with Medusa's head and turn the sea monster into a stone statue.


The soldier has become a great hero of the country, and that beautiful woman can't chill the hearts of the meritorious ministers, and Kepus will make up for it, and if it's appropriate, arrange her to be a queen or something.

"Brother, it's done."

Perseus pressed the pegasus and landed beside Russell.

"Go to the princess and protect her personally. If someone wants to take her away, beat her if you can, and shout if you can't."

Russell ordered, be careful, there is no big mistake, the three brothers Kukaimei are as treacherous as foxes, they seem to be funny characters on the surface, but in fact they are good at calculating, so we have to guard against them.


Perseus originally wanted to stay and watch the sea monster, but when he heard that he was personally protecting the princess, he immediately felt that the sea monster was not good.

Kepps watched Russell make the arrangement, with a complicated expression, hesitating to speak, and finally said nothing.

Between Russell and Perseus, he prefers Perseus to be his son-in-law. In the royal family, and there is only one daughter, it is better for the son-in-law to be stupid.

For about half an hour or so, more and more people gathered on the coast to pray, the vision of heaven and earth suddenly appeared, the clear sky dimmed, and on the golden sun, a speck of black ink magnified, dyeing the entire Golden Crow black.

Darkness enveloped the land, but fortunately there was a halo of the outline of the sun, avoiding the fear of not seeing your fingers.

From the depths of the ocean, a dull roar rolled in, and the sound waves shook the sea surface, setting off turbulent waves, crazily beating against the port of the city-state of Argos, and the cliffs on both sides.


Russell narrowed his eyes slightly, and his pupils turned into dark swirls. In the middle of the vast sea, he saw a huge monster.

Perhaps it was because Hades made it with his own flesh and blood. The sea monster named Setus exudes a strong atmosphere of the underworld, but it is far inferior to the hell three-headed dog.

"It just looks big, but it's really vulnerable. If it doesn't have the immortal body of the hell three-headed dog, it may be even better."

This is Russell's view, and it is different for ordinary people. Setes is black, big and hard, and is a natural disaster monster that destroys the world.


The huge waves rolled, and the irregular thorns on Setus's back protruded out. Like sharp arrows, they slashed across the sea at high speed, stirring up countless vortex sea eyes.

Four huge octopus tentacles exploded, slapping the stormy sea, frightening the praying people at the port to flee.

Screams resounded throughout the city-state of Argos, and with a tyrannical roar, Setus' huge body stood upright from the sea.

It has a human-like upper body, strong limbs, covered with thick horny armor, a face full of blood, razor-like clusters of sharp fangs, and three pairs of fierce eyes full of desire for destruction.

The lower body is similar to a scorpion of the class Arachnida, with four stocky and strong jointed lower limbs, which can support a huge body and can walk upright.

At the tail, there are four huge tentacles of more than a kilometer, shaped like octopus tentacles, covered with slippery mucus, and at the end are sharp thorns that break mountains and crack rocks.

"What a big man!"

Russell pursed his lips. Although he had never seen a titan in this world, he could imagine one or two with reference to Setus' figure.

He didn't think that Hades created Setus to wrestle with the Titan gods. He had a flamboyant physique and no power, and if he put it into a group of Titans, he could imagine the fate.

Russell made up his mind, and threw a Erha into the pack of wolves, with a serious face.

Shaking his head to dispel the boring thoughts in his mind, Russell couldn't see many things in Setes. From a psychological point of view, there was Hades' fear of the Titans and his desire to conquer them.

It can be seen from this that the titans in this world must be extremely powerful, and even if the Zeus family successfully overthrows them, they still have fear of them.

Russell rubbed his chin. If he remembered correctly, the underworld is independent of the human world where Olympus resides, so Poseidon, as the emperor of the sea, is one of the twelve main gods, but Hades, as the king of the underworld, is not.

Tartarus, located in the underworld, this place called "hell", imprisoned many Titans including the second-generation god-king Cronus.

Therefore, although Hades is the King of Pluto, he is actually a warden.

This is also what Hades is most dissatisfied with. Every day when he sleeps, he can hear the roar of his dead father, who can bear it.

And his two younger brothers, one enjoys himself in the sky, and the other dominates the sea, happily breeding offspring.

There is no harm without comparison. No matter how good-tempered Hades is, he can't stand this kind of treatment.

Thinking of Titans and Hades, Russell couldn't help squinting his eyes, and wrote A in his heart—seven-eleven.

"Ho Ho Ho—"

The loud sound of the Hong sound made people's eardrums hurt, and their brains buzzed.

I saw Setus opening his bloody mouth and leaning towards the 'princess' on the rope. Just like Russell said, he didn't realize that the princess was too big.

Crash! !

The white chains spread out like branches, and Medusa, the gorgon, looked at the big mouth that was blowing in the wind, her eyes widened immediately, her snake hair danced with the wind, and she neighed like a snake.

Medusa's charming face turned demonic, her mouth expanded like a snake's kiss, and two beams of light bloomed from her pupils, which were breathtaking but extremely seductive.

The petrified magic eye is open!


The altar was empty, only two chains dangling.

The whole city cheered, and the sea monster Setus enjoyed the sacrifice, so they didn't have to die.

Kepus: (˙灬˙)

Russell: ( ̄□ ̄;)

"This this……"

Kepus pointed tremblingly at the sea monster, looked at Russell with a stiff neck, and tremblingly said: "Using Medusa to replace the princess and complete the sacrifice ceremony, is this your plan?"

True or false, completely clueless, and concealed from everyone, Kepus felt that Russell had a deep mind, and he never trusted anyone from the beginning to the end.

The sand sculpture also seemed to know that when the sea monster poked its head, it ate with its eyes closed.

Russell rolled his eyes, coughed lightly, and said, "Very well, the plan was executed perfectly. Not only did the princess and Argos be saved, but a Gorgon was also eliminated by the way."

After enjoying the sacrifice, the sea monster Setus raised his head and roared, turned his huge body and moved towards the deep sea, his long tail swayed, setting off waves that washed over the port of Argos time and time again.

When most of its body sank into the deep sea, it suddenly stopped and stood there in a daze, as if communicating with someone.

"It was still discovered..."

Russell pursed his lips slightly, and suddenly there was wind in his ears. The violent sea wind wrapped the white shadow and rushed away, followed by Perseus who was wearing feather shoes.

Another gust of wind blew away Kepus, who was standing unsteadily, and Ai'o came to Russell and said anxiously: "We are in trouble, someone took away Princess Andromeda, claiming to be Posei the Sea King Dong, it looks like Poseidon and Hades joined forces."

"No, that's not Poseidon, it's Hades."

Russell covered his face speechlessly, and mourned for Poseidon for three seconds: "Don't ask why, I just know."

"you sure?"


Russell didn't speak, so he would talk nonsense about things like substitution law?

Without answering Ai'o's doubts, Russell's body was suspended, and he went straight to the middle of the sea.

When she arrived, the sea breeze threw down Princess Andromeda, and below was Setus with her mouth wide open.

"Don't be afraid, Andromeda, I'll save you."

Perseus kicked on his feather shoes, his speed was astonishingly fast, like a flash of lightning, he accelerated his sprint, and firmly caught the falling Princess Andromeda.



Seeing Setus who closed his mouth again, Russell felt bad, waved his hand and punched him, the black wind roared at the front of the fist, and it turned into a huge fist, hitting his chest and abdomen.

"Ho Ho Ho—"

The horny armor shattered, Setus roared in pain, and suddenly a black light flashed, forcing his face to close his mouth in bewilderment.

He felt... as if he had eaten something meaty.

In any case, the ceremony of sacrificing the princess is over.

The black sky cleared up, and Setus swam towards the deep sea, leaving behind the cheering crowd of the city, as well as the wide-eyed Kepus and Aio.


The two looked at each other in silence, and after a long while, they did not accept the fact that Russell, Perseus, and Andromeda were eaten by the sea monster.

Rumble! !

At this moment, the cloudless sky suddenly darkened, exuding a terrifying aura of destruction.

The thunder surged and roared, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and countless lightning bolts gathered in the clouds, and the electric light burst into boundless heat.

With the invisible shattering sound, the pillar of thunder with a diameter of 1000 meters suddenly landed on the sea surface, and the strong light was overwhelming, enough to tear the space, making people unable to look directly at it.

The Thunder Pillar will envelop Setes, and the shock wave will devour everything mercilessly. The sea will continue to oscillate, and with the powerful energy storm, thousands of hectares of seawater will rise into the sky.

The ocean shook and calmed down after a long time. People looked from a distance and saw a circular gap with a diameter of one thousand meters in the middle of the ocean.

Surrounded by mist, the seawater evaporated completely, the dry and cracked seabed was exposed, and the aftermath of the surrounding energy did not dissipate. Although the tide was surging, it could not be calmed down for a while.

The sea monster Setus stood silently in the open space of the ocean, his black body exuded the smell of meat, as if he had been roasted.

Kaka! Kachacha————

Two pairs of big black hands protruded from the back of Setes, tearing open the gap, like a parasitic monster bursting out of its chest.

In the center of the four arms is a huge black ball, looking from a distance, it looks like a four-legged spider with human arms.

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