End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1089 Talking nonsense with eyes open

Between the sea and the sky, three gods and a demigod confront each other in pairs.

Russell has the power of a god, but does not have the authority of a god, so he can just be regarded as a demigod.

"Zeus, when the credit was divided equally, the sky belongs to you, the sea belongs to me, and the underworld belongs to Hades. This is something we insisted on. Now, you have regretted it?"

Poseidon held the trident, with an aggrieved face, leaned towards Hades again while speaking.

Facing Zeus alone, Poseidon didn't say anything, but his body was still a little weak.

Hades is different. Poseidon thinks that the two of them are not the same. If they fight, Zeus will be stronger because of his authority, but it will be difficult to distinguish the winner in a short time. He can also take this opportunity to get rid of Russell. .

Poseidon has ideas, and Hades naturally has them too.

Since the division of power in Shenshan, the relationship between Poseidon and Zeus has become increasingly close. In addition, the two of them have many topics in common, and they exclude him as the big brother every day.

The reason is that Poseidon didn't want to go to the bitter cold place of the underworld, so he formed a team with Zeus, two-on-one to suppress him.

Zeus was happy to do so, so he won over the weaker Poseidon and suppressed the threatening Hades, so as to stabilize his ruling power as the king of the gods.

Today is a great opportunity, Hades decided to take the opportunity to win over Poseidon and regroup to put pressure on Zeus.

This is difficult, my brother is too familiar, he knows that Poseidon is a coward, and he quarrels fiercely, and when he really starts to fight, his back hurts and all kinds of physical discomfort immediately.

Therefore, it is best to win over Poseidon and let him break with Zeus. No matter how bad it is, there must be a gap between the two of them, unlike the past working together.

This is much simpler, Russell has the ability to control the sea, and is the illegitimate son of Zeus, which is enough to turn the two against each other.

"Brother, did you see that kid is dressed in black, he looks more like the master of the underworld than you."

Poseidon played tricks, and said loudly and generously: "This must be a conspiracy by Zeus. It's not enough for him to drive you to the underworld. He also wants to take away your authority as the king of the underworld, and...he also stole your wife."

Hades: "..."

"You fart!"

Zeus was furious immediately,

An electric arc exploded on his forehead, and he pointed at Poseidon with a lightning spear: "I caught you on the spot when you peeped at Hades taking a shower that day. It's clear at a glance who wanted to steal Hades' wife."

Hades: "..."

"That's right, I've also heard about this. It was Poseidon who did it. It's really worse than a beast."

Russell joined the team denouncing Poseidon, his face full of indignation: "Hades, Poseidon greedy your wife's body, and framed it to Zeus, I have never seen such a brazen person."

Zeus nodded again and again: "That's right, shameless villain."

Russell followed suit and nodded: "Right, I've never seen anything like this before, bah, I'm ashamed of him!"

"You two, don't spit blood at others. I said it last time. That person is not me."

Poseidon angrily reprimanded Russell and Zeus, turned his head and said, "Brother, you know me, I didn't peek at the queen taking a bath, and I didn't even think about it."

Hades: "..."

After all, he is also the overlord of the sky, the sea, and the underworld. Can you change the topic to something better?

Hades is very speechless, so many gods are watching, one or two are talking about the queen taking a bath, is he shameless?

"Brother, speak up!"

I say fart!

Hades rolled his eyes, and was about to turn the topic of running away back to the sea, when suddenly Zeus spoke again, pointing at Poseidon and scolding: "Shameless, don't think I don't know, you not only peeked at the queen bathed, and broke off golden branches from her garden while she was bathing."


Poseidon was shocked, and subconsciously looked at Hades: "Brother, the golden branch in your wife's garden was broken by Zeus, why haven't you heard about it?"

Hades: "..."

Everyone knew who broke the golden branch. Hades didn't want to mention it, but now that he was pointed out, he immediately glared at Zeus: "Do you think you can fool me by pretending to be Poseidon?"

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. To be fair, it is the golden branch broken by Poseidon."

Russell immediately supported Zeus. As the person involved, he has the right to speak: "On the bank of the Styx, Poseidon appeared and handed the golden branch into my hand. How can I be wrong when I see it with my own eyes?"

Zeus was taken aback for a moment, and then he became more confident: "Yes, that's it. I believe Russell, he can't lie."


Poseidon spit out one gulp, glaring and said: "You are extremely shameless, who are you two lying to?"

Just as he was talking, a hell butterfly flew out of the darkness and slowly landed on Hades' fingertips. He frowned slightly, and became even more angry after a while.

"Zeus, your son went in and out of the underworld without permission, and disturbed the divine and just judgment, what do you say about this?"

The hell butterfly flies up, phosphor powder falls, and the colored light turns into a colorful light curtain, recreating the scene of Russell opening the gate of hell, and before leaving, he even hacked Poseidon.

Zeus choked on his words, not knowing how to answer.

Just when Hades and Poseidon were sneering, Russell yelled angrily: "Good Poseidon, when you gave me the golden branch, I thought you were kind enough to help me, but I didn't expect you to count me here." .”


Zeus winked, it's all like this, can it still be round?

"Look, even though that man has my face, he claims to be Poseidon, the emperor of the sea, and that wave, it's clearly Poseidon pretending to be me."

Russell's eyes widened, and he looked at Zeus: "Yes, it's too fake, you can see through it at a glance."

"Yes, yes!"

Zeus widened his eyes instantly, pointed at Poseidon and said, "It's not like pretending, it was the same when I peeked at the Queen of the Underworld taking a bath last time, except you Poseidon, who else can do such a lame frame."

"Shameless! Shameless! You two are talking nonsense with your eyes open. It is clear that he framed me. Why did I pretend to be him..."

Poseidon was so angry that his eyelids twitched, and he turned to look at Hades: "Brother, you are being fair!"

Hades: "..."

My heart is too tired to speak.

"Oh, I see. It's you. Your abilities are similar to mine. You were the one who peeked at the queen of the underworld taking a bath that day."

Poseidon suddenly realized, woke up from the dream, pointed at Russell with a happy face, and said to Hades: "Brother, I am innocent, Zeus and his illegitimate son formed a group to peek at the Queen of the Underworld taking a bath, and if they were found out, they would frame it up." I did it."

Hades: "..."

Say change the subject!


Russell snorted coldly: "If I was walking with Zeus, why bother to expose my whereabouts? It was clear that you wanted to do something wrong, and you were caught by Zeus passing by. Push it to me."

"So that's the case, Poseidon is really shameless." Zeus nodded vigorously.


"Well, he's shameless!"

"not me!!"

Black is said to be white, and white is said to be black. Poseidon has already exploded, driving the golden chariot straight up. Seeing Russell and Zeus gripping their weapons, they slammed to a stop and returned to Hades. around.

"Brother, why don't you go up?"


Hades was so angry that he didn't want to talk anymore, some were shameless for Russell and Zeus, and some chose a pig teammate for himself.

Up to now, his goal has been achieved, and it is easy to go further.

I saw Hades snorted coldly, shook his sleeves, walked into the dark passage angrily, followed by the hell butterfly, and returned to the underworld.

According to the original plan, Hades should stand with Zeus and Russell at this time, and the three of them joined forces to beat Poseidon fat, and when Poseidon was helpless and desperate, he stretched out his brother's broad palm.

However, those two people were too shameless, and Hades didn't make up his mind to collude with them several times.

"Big brother!?"

In the same place, Poseidon opened his mouth wide open, and left without knowing what his good ally said.

"Poseidon, you have done so many scandals, and you have repeatedly framed me. Today I want you to give an explanation." Zeus's smile gradually became ferocious.

When Russell saw this, he also became terrified: "Say, the person who peeked at the Queen of the Underworld taking a bath that day, and the person who broke the golden branch, was it you?"

"not me!"

Poseidon gritted his teeth, held his trident horizontally, with a posture of not being afraid of the force of power: "You two, don't think that I will be afraid of you if Hades is gone. I am Poseidon, the king of the sea, really when……"

"Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

Russell took the words and said Poseidon's lines. To be honest, his ears were almost callused.


The thunder stirred up the sky, making the whole sky cloudy and uncertain.

With his back against the sky, Zeus whipped up boundless clouds with a strong wind, condensing black clouds to cover the sky, and the rampant purple lightning snake wandered between the dark scenes, bursting out with rumbling noises.

Seeing this, Russell stepped up his control of Thunder, and the cyclone danced wildly, wrapping him and Zeus tightly like a hurricane.

The two of them were bathed in rich lightning liquid, and the surrounding electric arcs flickered on and off. The incomparably powerful breath disturbed the cracks in the space, frightening the sea to prostrate and let out a wail.

"Say, is that you?"



Poseidon looked at this scene angrily, waiting for Hades not to appear, and took the pot in a rage with grief from his heart.

"That's right, it's me!"

"Poseidon, are you the one who peeked at the Empress taking a bath?"

"it's me."

"You broke the golden branch?"


"It was you who entered and exited the underworld without permission to disturb the fair trial?"


"Bah, I know you are, shameless."

After asking the question, Russell looked at Zeus with disdain on his face, "What other crimes does Poseidon have? Today, I let him admit it all at once."

"If you want to say that, that's too much."

Zeus immediately widened his eyes and glared at Poseidon: "Someone peeped at the goddesses taking a bath on Mount Olympus that day, and after being discovered, they rode the thunder and escaped. Afterwards, the goddesses said that I did it. Let me ask you, this unsolved case Did you do it?"

Don't bully me too much, you fellow!

Poseidon was furious, and shouted loudly: "That's right, it's me, it's all me, now you are satisfied!"

After speaking, Poseidon turned his chariot and returned to the sea in a panic.

"Hmph, I knew it was him."

Zeus turned his head to look at Russell, and the more he said, the more angry he said: "It made Hera look at me coldly, and Ares and Hermes haven't talked to me for many days."

The amount of information is a bit large!

Russell stroked it smoothly, feeling quite smooth, immediately nodded again and again, and said in unison with the enemy: "Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. Today, all the gods have seen Poseidon's ugly face and know that you are wronged." of."

"But I have been wronged a lot before."

Zeus was very angry: "Poseidon ran so fast, there are still so many injustices that have not been solved, it is really hateful."


Russell really didn't want to answer the conversation anymore, and stood upright. In terms of shamelessness, he would like to call Zeus the strongest.

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