End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1095 The essence of a mage is to make soldiers have nowhere to go

Helios was holding a war gun, and his speed was as fast as a streamer. In an instant, the four war horses passed by Russell.

The brilliance of the golden war gun circulated, piercing through the ground with a mighty momentum, bombarding a cone-shaped pit, and shattering the surrounding mountains.

It can be seen from this that although Helios is the sun god and also drives the sun chariot, his speed really did not reach the speed of light, otherwise the blow would have shattered the continental plate.

In the same way, with a single blow penetrating the mainland and reaching the center of the earth, Olympus has long since had nothing to do with the three brothers.

In mid-air, Russell, who had been severed at the waist, softened into black mud. Between the mountains, black hands shot up into the sky, black ink stained the ground, and the twisted black forest reminded people of evil thoughts that could not be seen directly.

Swish! !

The golden radiance swept across the audience, and Helios drove the sun chariot through it. The mighty radiance of the sun dispelled the darkness and could not get closer.

In the dark, his light is even more dazzling.

At this time, silver moonlight rose from the east, covering the earth with a layer of haze.

Helios took the sun chariot to fight, resulting in the extremely short daylight hours today, which has an ominous implication of dying halfway.

"Hide your head and show your tail, where is your bravery when you fought Hades?"

Helios shouted loudly, and the sun chariot sprinkled golden-red flames, scorching the earth, clearing away all the darkness, leaving behind a mountain full of flames that burned the sky and boiled the sea.

Rumble! !

The earth shook continuously, cracks in the abyss opened one after another, the peaks collapsed and shattered, and dense black mist swarmed up, rolling up into the sky.

Accompanied by the strange chirping, countless red-eyed bats flapped their wings and flocked to Helios from all directions.

Wu Mo renders between the heaven and the earth, only the area where Helios is located is golden, and when the bat approaches slightly, it turns into black mist and dissolves.

"How can a little darkness cover up the light?"

Helios snorted coldly, and raised his hand to press on the sun chariot. In an instant, the strong light penetrated the darkness, shining like a star in the world, making the darkness disappear.

After a successful blow, Helios showed a cautious face, Russell did not show up for a long time, he must be holding back some bad moves.

Suddenly, the mountain range that was first burned by flames and then mottled with cracks suddenly collapsed, exposing the dark and lightless veins like an abyss.

quiet! indifferent!

The dense darkness is as quiet as stagnant water, and it is as silent as liquid. The collapsed rocks fell into it, and not even a trace of water splashed out.

Helios stared at the underground world in horror, unable to understand how a demigod without divine power could create such a terrifying dark space in such a short period of time.

He brandished his battle gun and projected several golden rays of light, but there was no response when he entered the dark world.

I was more cautious in my heart, and drove the sun chariot soaring all the way, far away from the forbidden land of death that could not be discerned.

The black current flowed, and a big black hand stretched out from it, heading straight for the sun chariot high in the sky.

Huge sharp claws shaped like monsters, with sharp fingertips like knives, and squirming arms in the palms, soaring into the sky, leaving a long black smoke along the way.

Helios frowned slightly, and his huge palm looked ominous. He didn't want to take it hard, and drove the car into the sky again.

Suddenly, a strong light flickered, and the dazzling thunder streaked across the sky. The rolling thunder turned into a big hand in mid-air, suppressing Helios.

Lightning and darkness, two big hands pinching back and forth, did not give Helios the slightest retreat.

At the critical moment, Helios' eyes flashed fiercely. He turned the car and rushed towards the big dark hand below. The four flaming horses spit out golden and red light beams, and the solar chariot turned into a huge fireball, hit the dark palm, and quickly sank into it.

Like cold water poured into boiling oil, when Haoran's strong light touches the cold darkness, it immediately triggers a strong reaction.

The black tentacles in the palm evaporated and melted, and the sun chariot submerged in the palm continued to glow and heat, emptying the darkness all the way down, releasing infinite light.

The fine beams of light penetrated, and the black arm was cracked all over, and it was actually disintegrated little by little under the expulsion of the strong light.

On the holy mountain, the old group of gods showed joy. Helios is worthy of the name of the sun god. Even if there is infinite darkness, it can't cover up his light.

In this regard, Apollo held a different view.

Putting himself in the situation, if he were Helios, he would rather bite the bullet and meet Thunder than touch that black ocean easily.

boom! Rumble———

The scorching white thunder came down, chasing the chariot of the sun that was stuck in the mud, and the thunder surged, pressing the chariot of the sun and falling into the darkness.

The sun chariot burned into a star, and Helios was covered in flames. He raised his war gun against Thunder's big hand, but despite his great strength, he still couldn't resist the destructive power of Thunder.

Almost powerless to resist, the sun chariot fell into darkness, and the radiance disappeared.

The giant thunder palm retracted, and Russell stood on the dark water curtain, transforming the tyrannical thunder light into calm, and restrained it in the body.

His eyes turned black and he looked down at his feet, triggering the dark power to consume Helios' divine power.

The black sea, which seems to be stagnant water, is actually undercurrents and turbulent. Round after round of big black hands impact, constantly stripping away the light, making it shattered and withered little by little.

Suddenly, Russell frowned slightly, leaned over and knelt down on one knee, pressed his hands against the Black Sea, poured into the darkness, and strengthened the blockade against Helios.


Rumble! ! !

The mountains shifted, cracks spread all over the ground, and beams of dazzling light shot out from the cracks, as if the vast mountains were surrounded by a group of shining light sources.

With a bang that resounded throughout the world, countless mountains rose into the sky.

Below, Helios turned into a thousand-meter-tall giant, with the golden battle spear as the rod and the sun chariot as the tip of the spear, combining them into a large gun with pure golden light source, turning the tide and forcibly propping up the boundless shady scene.

The Black Sea and the mountains were picked at the tip of the gun by Helios. The muscles of his arms were tightly bound, majestic and full of strength, as if he had endless power.

Helios yelled angrily, the blood in his neck was throbbing, he picked up the mountains and threw them into the distance.

Crash! !

Although the mountains flew away, the black ocean split into several strands, turning into giant arms like chains, which descended from the sky and entangled Helios' limbs and torso. During the contraction, the pillar-like spear was imprisoned, making it impossible to move a step. .

The gods watched the battle, all so nervous that they forgot to comment. The older generation of gods began to worry about Helios. As far as the current situation is concerned, he is already at a disadvantage.

Russell doesn't have theocratic power, so he can't kill him, but if he continues, he can be exhausted to death.


Helios yelled, and the body of the thousand-meter-high Titan released a strong light. The burst of light spread like a golden ocean. The thick and pure light beams built a field, and shattered the big black hands that wrapped around the body.

The remaining momentum continued, and the strong light surged for a few seconds, shocking the dark forbidden zone to nothing.

Although the momentum was fierce, it also consumed a lot of energy. Helios' body shrank from a kilometer, and he stood on the sun chariot with his gun in his hand, his face showing an unnatural paleness.

Rumble! !

Several thunderbolts struck, peeling off the flames on the sun chariot.

The four war horses neighed and howled, unable to withstand the power of the thunder and under the control of Helios, they stomped on the ground and charged straight between the broken mountains and rivers.

Helios took a deep breath, raised his gun and shot the thunder and lightning, and then he was able to stabilize the sun chariot.

The cold wind hit, and the murderous intent was heavy.

Helios raised his head suddenly, and found that the sun chariot was standing on a piece of black land, front, back, left, and right were all the bodies of demon gods with six arms.

Half of the bodies of the four demon gods protruded from the ground, and a huge black flame sword swung like a hurricane, slashing down heavily like a wheel.

Helios wanted to drive the chariot to dodge, but there were no dead ends in the four directions, and the only way out was blocked by the impenetrable black sword net.

Clang! Clang! Clang———

Sparks flashed, and Helios brandished his war gun, and met him with streamers of light, firmly protecting his body, and was able to survive the siege of the four demon gods with ease.

Just looking at his posture, he knew that apart from his blood, divine power, and sun chariot, his personal bravery was also enough to have a place on the mountain.

At least, it should be no problem to fight Ares in close combat.

All the gods who were watching the battle from the temple could see that Helios was in danger, and he himself knew better than anyone else. He sensed the regular attacks of the Demon God's body, and instantly found out where he was.

To say it was a flaw, it would be better to say that Helios used his powerful hand speed to break the deadlock for himself.

He swung his long spear, and the tip of the spear swept down several beams of light to resist the continuous chopping of the epee, and aimed at the body of a demon god directly in front of him and stabbed six times in a row.

Momentum like streamer, fast as lightning!

Six pure light beams exploded, smashing the sword-holding arm of the Demon God's body. Before it could heal itself, Helios rushed out in the chariot.


The people came out, but the chariot was still in the encirclement.

Helios fell into a disfigured face, and as soon as he got up, he was hit in the face by a big foot coming towards him, rolled in mid-air more than ten times, and fell to the ground with a snap.

what's the situation?

Up to now, Helios has been in a daze, unable to figure out what happened.

The camera turned back to the position of the sun chariot. The ground was soaked in black mud, and the horseshoes and wheels were blocked by the mud, and they were deeply stuck in it and could not move.

Before Helios recalled it, the bodies of the four demon gods swarmed up and turned into a pitch-black ball, suspended in mid-air, imprisoning the shining sun chariot inside.

Here, Russell kicked Helios with a scud. He picked up the golden gun that fell on the ground, and threw it into the black ball.

He raised his fingertips together, and stretched out a big hand from the sunken hole in the ground, dragging the ball to sink into the ground.

After doing this, Russell turned around slowly, with a fighting spirit on his face: "Helios, use your weapons, today you will die or I will live."

there is a difference?

Helios shook his drowsy head. He didn't know if it was because Russell's words were too difficult to pronounce, or because he didn't get rid of the dizziness himself. It sounded like something was wrong.

Hearing the weapon, and seeing Russell pull out the black flame sword, with a posture of fighting to the death, he didn't think too much, and stretched out his hand to move towards the golden gun.

There was nothing in the palm, Helios lowered his head in astonishment, the ground was empty, except for black, there was nothing.

Fuck, where is my gun?

"Okay, if you're brave enough, then I won't be polite to you!"

With a sound of admiration, Russell raised his sword and rushed towards Helios.

The sword edge slashed across the ground, and the sharp sword energy broke through the mountain and crushed rocks, rolled up, and cut obliquely towards Helios' ribs.

In the nick of time, Helios pulled out a golden shield from the void. He failed to accumulate power in a haste, and was swept away by a heavy blow a hundred meters away, sinking into the foot of the mountain.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

Russell didn't give Helios a chance to wake up, raised his sword above his head with both hands, and slashed down the black crescent-shaped shock wave.

Seizing chariots and weapons is a bit lacking in the honor of warriors, but Russell is not ashamed. As we all know, he is a mage whose essence is to make warriors have nowhere to go.

Besides, now that everyone has no cars and no guns, this is called a fair fight.


I remember sending it, but it didn't.

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