End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1100 Why does a family need to see outside?

Russell really wanted to use a few pieces of Kobelco to practice his hands, so he created a golden holy garment on the spot, wore it to duel with Ares, and played a wave of advertisements by the way to arouse the interest of the gods.

After all, he has the Big Big Wolf tattoo, so it's easy to hammer out a pair of armor.

But then I thought about it, Kobelco was extremely valuable, and Helios didn't have much in stock, so it would be a big loss if it missed.

After pondering for a moment, he decided to discuss it later. After he finished fighting Ares, the second-five boy who had occupied his sister-in-law for a long time, and then learned the excellent kneading skills from Hephaestus, he began to forge the holy cloth.

"As the newly promoted Sun God, I must raise my profile..."

Russell stroked his chin and returned to the bedroom. The house was too big, and he walked for several minutes to get there. While changing into the Sun God robe, he was thinking about the operation of manifesting before others.

He is such a big god, the scene should be bigger, isn't it too much?

"Master, there is a goddess of gardening in the hall who wants to see you."

A servant stepped forward and bowed to report to Russell. It was a maid, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, and she was still very beautiful.

Nymph Goddess!

They are said to be goddesses, but they are actually elves in the water, collectively called "Nymphs", and daffodils are their symbols.

Nymphs are naturally transformed elves, and can also be regarded as goblins, haunting areas with fresh water sources such as mountains, forests, fields, seas and rivers.

They will not age or get sick, but will die. They are generally beautiful girls who like to sing and dance.

Most nymphs yearn for freedom, and a small number will serve the gods, and they can also give birth to immortal offspring when they combine with the gods.

It's cruel to say, they are consumables on the mountain.

Zeus gave Russell a total of ten nymph goddesses. Considering his character, the good-looking ones must have been secretly hidden.

Considering Hera's character, I am afraid that the bones of the goddess Nymph have piled up into a mountain.

"Garden goddess?"

Russell blinked, there is such a goddess in Mount Olympus, how could he not know?

Also, why don't you go to the Sun Temple without sleeping at night? Is it possible that he is single?

So you want to recommend yourself a pillow seat?

Think about it and get a little excited!

Russell couldn't wait to turn on the telepathy, and found that the goddess of gardening in the main hall was Ai'o, so he was not excited immediately.

It's not that Ai'e is not beautiful, compared with the ten nymph goddesses, she is also an existence that stands out from the crowd.

But human nature loves new things... Ahem, but human nature is too curious, especially likes to accept new things, so Russell wants to meet some new friends.

He waved his hand to Nymph to make the bed and folded the quilt, threw Helios' bedroll out of the window, replaced it with a new one, and walked towards the hall by himself.

The ten-minute journey took fifteen minutes.

At the side door of the main hall, Russell straightened his robes, making sure that he looked dignified. Then he walked out quickly, and said happily: "I said that there is no acquaintance on the mountain, so how could there be a goddess of gardening? It turned out to be you."

As he said that, he warmly gave Ai'e a bear hug, hugged Ai'e and turned it around three times, and only let go after her struggling in every possible way.

"It doesn't mean anything else, I just think that everyone has become a god, so they should be happier."

Russell explained: "If you said you were not happy, I would never hug you."

Then you should let go of your hands!

Io rolled her eyes and struggled to pull her hand out of Russell's hand. She did this every time, and she was almost used to it.

Bad habit!

"The goddess is here, I don't know why?"

"Your Excellency the Sun God, can you speak properly?"

"Okay, my fault..."

Russell shrugged his shoulders and returned to his unruly manner: "It's late at night, why don't you rest in your own bedroom and run to the Sun Temple? A friendly reminder, I just got the authority of the sun today, and I have a strong masculinity. You don't want to be Take it out, and flash it quickly."


Ai'e was speechless and covered her face. This familiar way of speaking made her both speechless and nostalgic.

In the Hall of the Gods, Russell provoked Helios, the former sun god, and she was taken away by the attendants just after the battle started.

Unlike Russell, she was treated as a standard passer-by, no one cared about her, and she was not remembered until Russell became the new sun god, and she was assigned a 'gardening' authority.

Dispensable, third-rate is not counted.

Don't look at it as a minor authority, it's her turn to look at Russell's face, otherwise she is just a demigod with a false name, and her status is only higher than that of the servants.

To be honest, Ai'e got the divine power in a daze, and became a third-rate god. She still doesn't know who is her superior leader, and which god's authority 'gardening' is diverted from.

Gardening is a category of art, and according to this algorithm, her superior may be a muse or Athena.

Muse is the goddess of literature and art who is in charge of art. "Muse" is a subject name, and there is not only one person.

As one of the twelve main gods, Athena, apart from the most famous wisdom and war, also has the power of arts and crafts. Skills such as textiles, gardening, pottery, animal husbandry, painting, sculpture, music and other arts are all within her duties. .

As a newcomer, she was unaccompanied on the mountain, and Ai'e's eyes were darkened. She was not as arrogant and domineering as Russell, and she dared not ask or speak.

Immediately afterwards, she was taken to a hall by the attendants.

The sun god lives in a mansion, occupies a mountain top exclusively, and enjoys a private maid serving tea and water, while she is assigned to a collective apartment, where there are forty or fifty third-rate goddesses like her.

That's fine, the sad thing is that the relationship on the mountain is chaotic, these goddesses are not fuel-efficient lamps, and the newcomers will inevitably suffer a lot of trouble when they arrive for the first time.

Although Ai'e's authority is useless, she has been away from the world for many years and has learned a lot of miscellaneous abilities. She can casually hit ten of those goddesses who can only talk.

Out of arrogance, she didn't want to swallow her anger and be treated like a monkey, and she didn't want to use force, so she came to Russell.

Although this guy is always talkative and takes advantage of it, Ai'e has no choice. On the mountain, she only has this one friend.

"So you want to stay with me?"

Russell rubbed his chin, nodded and said, "It's not a big problem, anyway, there are so many palaces, I can't sleep all by myself."


Ai'e's heart fell, and her feelings were very complicated. On the sacred mountain, only Russell could give her a sense of security.

"The truth can't be fake, even if you don't come, I will go to you."

Russell looked at Ai'e with a strange expression, marveling at her good luck: "Dare to walk the night road on the sacred mountain, and still walk to the Temple of the Sun intact. I have to re-evaluate your force value."

"How can you be so exaggerated."

"Of course, if you don't believe me, let's make a bet."

Russell said confidently: "I walked from the main hall to the foot of the mountain. For such a short distance, there must be more than three groups of people ambushing me."

"Don't bet, I believe."

Ai'e sighed and looked at Russell, hesitant to speak, and finally said: "As soon as you go up the mountain, you make enemies everywhere, and you don't even have a heart-to-heart friend. Are you not afraid of offending too many people and being attacked by groups?"

"It's just a bunch of trash, I won't even frown."

Russell was very disdainful, the strong self-confidence made Ai'e envious and worried, and then her hand was grabbed again.

"You came too timely. The Sun God's palace is too big, especially the bedroom. It's such a big bed. I'm afraid I'll get lost if I sleep alone. Now that you're here, I won't panic."

Aio: (?_?)

Sure enough, it still smells familiar!

"No, I'm just looking for a place to live. Whether I sleep or not is not important to me." Ai'o pulled out her hand again.

"That said, who is not!"

Russell snorted, making him want to sleep.

And this Mount Olympus, how many gods need to sleep, and how many use the bed as a sleep aid?

He invited Ai'o for no other reason than to do as the Romans do.

Ai'e rolled her eyes when she heard that, and pointed to the garden outside the main hall: "My authority is very interesting, do you want to see it?"

"I'm not interested. I have an appointment with Aphrodite tonight. Watching her is much more interesting than watching flowers and plants."


Ai'e shook her head again and again, got up and walked out of the hall, preparing to try her authority in the garden. Although it was only a third-rate authority for viewing, she was still like a child who just got a toy, and she couldn't wait.

Ten seconds later, Ai'o quickly walked back to the main hall, bypassing Russell and heading straight for his bedroom.

"Have you figured it out?"

Sure enough, a woman can turn her face faster than a book.

Russell looked at Ai'e's back in surprise, stroked it, but didn't fully understand, and with the sound of hehehe laughter, he realized it.

Zeus is here!

Compared to Zeus, Russell is a pure little flower, and Ai'o naturally knows how to choose.

Russell was so ashamed. With his character, he could only be compared with Zeus. God really didn't open his eyes.

"Sun God, I'm here to see you."

Seeing Zeus enter the palace, Russell couldn't help filling in the picture. Zeus broke into the palace of the goddesses at night, which should start with this sentence.

"It turns out that she is the queen's husband. I have lost my way, so I won't see you off!"

Russell dodges and is about to leave, but Zeus grabs the sleeve robe, just like the scene when he just grabbed Ai'o.

"Russell, don't mess around, I have something important to do with you."

"I also have important things to do, so I don't have time to chat with you."

Russell struggled to pull out the sleeve robe, and said disdainfully: "Ai'e is waiting for me in the bedroom. After I've dealt with her, I have to go to the grove. There's Artemis waiting there. I'm going to be very busy."

"Hiss hiss!"

Zeus took a deep breath. This boy really has his demeanor, and his expression immediately changed: "Don't panic, I'm here, I'm not afraid of hardship, I'll help you."


Russell didn't know what to say, so... let Poseidon split his fork!

"How is it? Yes or no, you should say something!"

Zeus scratched his head, which made him anxious.

"You think too much. I, Russell, have been upright all my life. I have never pretended to others. I appreciate your kindness, but I only accept spiritual support."

"You're not right, why should the whole family see each other?"


Russell spat out a mouthful of saliva with arcs, and Zeus dodged swiftly.

"Russell, don't think too much, I'm purely out of kindness."

"Bah, Shameless, tell me what's the matter, or I'll be late."

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up, let's talk slowly on the way."


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