End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1104 Eat Me Special Move Solar Storm

Between the mountains, a large piece of the earth is violently gouged out, thrown into the distance, and overlooked from a height, it is very visually stunning.

The rest of the area is full of cracks and abysses, and the peaks have collapsed and it is difficult to complete. A huge mountain range was bombarded into pieces.

Then there are high-temperature flames burning, making the entire area scorched black and completely reduced to a forbidden area for life.

This devastated battlefield is the place where Russell and Helios fought three days ago. Ares named him to fight Russell here, not out of the good intentions of waste utilization, but to prove that he can defeat Russell by defeating him. Stronger than the previous two.

From a psychological point of view, this is actually a lack of self-confidence. It is not difficult to understand Ares's invincible record.

Among the mountains, two figures stand on a hill respectively. Ares is fully armored, and the tall horse under his crotch is also fully armed.

Russell was wearing the royal robe of the sun god, with cool sleeves, which contrasted sharply with Ares.

"Boy, you have gained supreme glory here, and you will also fall here, and the world will surely remember my name, 'Sun God of War' Ares."

"The name of the god of good soil."

Russell curled his lips speechlessly. If it were him, he would never combine two irrelevant god names into one. He even felt that the lack of names would make him look less dignified when he declared himself a family.

There are more than a dozen prefixes on the stage, this kind is called a big brother, and the miscellaneous fish in the first class and the second class have already called it so scary before they have finished listening, and they are too scared to fight.

"Stop talking nonsense and keep your head!"

Ares exploded with blood-red arrogance all over his body, and the scarlet light wrapped the horse under his crotch, and the whole body ignited into a red fireball.

People and horses are like one, the aura stimulates each other, and it rises steadily, making the air of fighting and killing fill the sky and the earth.

Something to watch!

Russell narrowed his eyes slightly, and took out an epee from the portable space with his backhand.

He beat and beat, didn't sleep all night, he insisted on hammering the two sword molds into the Golden Snake Sword.

God is so pitiful, he wanted to forge the Coiling Dragon Sword, but the sword went slanted and failed.

Later, he thought that the golden snake did not match the elegant temperament of his sun god, so he fused the two swords together and beat them casually.

Hammer out an epee.

The epee has a front, and it only cuts one side.

Coincidentally, when it met Ares, it happened to be used as a saber.

Attached to the left side of the throne, the charcoal-like, featureless epee immediately exuded holy brilliance, and in the white light, it turned into a single-edged sword with gold patterns on a white background.

It looks good, like the VIP exclusive artifact in the Wumao page game.

It is said that there is no need to recharge krypton gold, you can get one when you register online, it is not permanent, it expires after 200 years, and you can hang it on the whole server if you hold it.

A red light beam shot up into the sky, and Ares rode the horse and walked through the air with a spear in his hand.

The war horse is not an ordinary thing, its speed is extremely fast, not weaker than the sun chariot, and it leaps between the two mountains in an instant.

Ares's eyes were fierce, and the spear in his hand was dotted with red light, tearing through the air, and piercing Russell's chest with a howl.

Russell lifted his feet to the ground, and his body disappeared, leaving a big pit with black water.

Black arms gushed out of the big pit like a blowout, hundreds of them went straight to the zenith, turned down in mid-air, stabbed a sharp sword from the palm, and the torrential rain fell straight towards Ares.

Regardless of Ares' disregard, the whole body erupted with flames, and no matter whether it was the black sword or his arm, he couldn't get half a step closer to him.

Clang! !

The red beam slashed horizontally, Ares swung his spear to cut off the mountain peak, raised the front hoof of the horse, trampled heavily on the ground, kicked the half of the mountain away, and looked for Russell's trace.

boom! Rumble!

Clouds swept across the sky, and in the blink of an eye, the clouds were so dense that it was impossible to see things.

Violent currents condensed from all directions, pulling out a series of winding light and shadows in the darkness, and the giant eyes of Thunder opened in the center, revealing Russell's figure.

His whole body was wrapped in a cloud of thick lightning plasma, and the electric arc buzzed, leaped and exploded, causing the surrounding cyclones to dance wildly.

Russell raised the single-edged sword and activated the skill Thunder. The blade wrapped around countless thunderbolts and slashed straight down at Ares below.

A flash of light!

The lightning energy that has been compressed for a long time is like a wolf that has not licked blood for a long time. After breaking the cage, it is extremely manic. It crosses layers of space in the blink of an eye and bombards Ares.

The beam of light bombarded the red light, and the ultra-high-density, high-heat energy smashed through it with a devastating force.

Ares shouted loudly, and at the moment the thunder beam fell, he raised his spear to meet him.

There was lightning and thunder, and the horse's four hooves were still in the air. Ares held the spear with both arms, and used brute force to lift the lightning and threw it into the distant forest.

Rumble! !

The ground shook for a while, and the dazzling white light suddenly flashed, piercing the sky for a long time, and burst into a roar that resounded through the sky and the earth.

Actually blocked?

On Mount Olympus, the gods whispered to each other, expressing disbelief that the thunder has always been the symbol of the god-king Zeus, but it was blocked by Ares. Among them...

The gods are all quick-witted people, and they secretly glanced at the expressionless Zeus and his wife on the seat, and probably understood the reason.

Obviously, in this battle, Russell's opponent is not only Ares, but also the queen Hera.


"What, how did this happen?"

Looking at Ares, who was unharmed and not even a hair curled up, Russell looked surprised.

"Hahaha, it's useless, no matter how fierce your thunder is, it can't hurt me a single bit, just die with your hands tied!"

After Ares pushed Thunder away, he laughed wildly. The more frightened Russell was, the more proud he was.

"Just kidding, you really think so."

Russell shook his head, put away the fear on his face, glanced in the direction of Mount Olympus, and said disdainfully: "It must be Hera who gave you some treasure, so that you can easily resist the thunder, how old are you, fight You actually called her mother, thank you for being able to do it."

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense."

Facing Russell's ridicule, Ares didn't change his face, and he wasn't ashamed by it.

Using mother's treasures would indeed damage the reputation of God of War, but then again, God of War didn't just pop out of a rock, his blood was all given by his parents, so what's wrong with using his mother's gift? It's very reasonable!

"It's a little sad to say that, although Hera gave you that treasure, but the source of it is still found in Zeus. You hold this treasure, and he can't see it."

Russell pressed the position of his heart: "My heart hurts so much, please comfort me. When this battle is over, that treasure will become my trophy. If Zeus dares to ask to go back, I will go to the underworld to be the second in command, and let Mount Olympus live forever." No peace."

The hall of the gods, all the gods look at me and I look at you, but they all keep silent.

The same is true for the older generation of gods. They are at odds with Zeus, which is a conflict between monarchs and ministers. When it comes to the power struggle between the gods and kings, they can't talk nonsense.

Sitting on the throne of God, Zeus twitched his mouth, transmitted a voice to Hera, and said angrily: "Look at what you have done, if Ares loses this battle, I will not help you get back our token of love."

"Aris will not lose!"

Hera vowed that what she gave Ares was far more than a treasure.


"Sun God, don't always think about fighting with thunder, your authority is the sun, show your true strength and fight me to the death."

Ares was very proud, without the power of thunder, Russell was a tiger with his teeth pulled out, and he was nothing to be afraid of.

"Don't be stupid, you little brat who calls mommy when you have nothing to do, what right do you have to see my sun?"

Russell sneered, his body fell to the ground from a high altitude, and he raised his hands and shouted: "Feel it, my darkness!"

Biu! Biu!

Two big black hands stretched out, blowing willows like noodles in the wind behind Russell.

A little less!

No, it is too little!

"Hahaha, this is your darkness, it's so pitifully small."

Ares finished laughing, showing the smile of a person with a high IQ: "During the decisive battle with Helios, you buried a black ocean in the leylines, do you really think I don't know?"

"What, did you discover all this?"

Russell's face turned pale with fright, and he was so frightened that he broke it with his hand, and his mouth was crooked.

"Don't be wishful thinking, I dare to take the initiative to fight with you here, and there will be a way to seal the dark ocean in the earth."

Speaking of this, Ares had lingering fears. That day in the Hall of the Gods, he spoke quickly and pointed out the location of the decisive battle without thinking about it at all.

If Hera hadn't reminded him and went down the mountain to seal it himself, what greeted him would be a dark forbidden area that even Helios could not avoid.

But again, there is nothing to be ashamed of relying on your mother.

"I don't believe it, you actually have such a calculation."

"Heh, what do you think God of War is?"

"A reckless man who has lost all his records."

Russell answered truthfully, put away the shock on his face, and said calmly: "If I guess correctly, this must be Hera's idea, tsk tsk, the old woman will never give up on me, and I will definitely not let it go with her in the future."

"Hey, why do you..."

"Why don't you continue to be surprised, do you?"

Russell laughed softly: "I knew when Hera sealed the darkness. If I don't let her succeed, how can I find an excuse to fight her to the end?"


Ares looked sullen, and stroked, but he didn't understand the sequence.

Who is plotting who? Why can't these people just use their fists to do it without using their brains?

He made an expression of sudden realization, and grinned grinningly: "So what if you know, your thunder is gone, and your darkness is gone, so what are you fighting against me with?"

"No, I have plenty of darkness, it's not a problem to settle you, but..."

The corner of Russell's mouth grinned, and an electric arc flickered on his forehead: "Since you want to see my sun, I will generously grant you and let you know what a celestial body is!"

Ares raised his spear when he heard the words, and took out a golden shield with complex inscriptions on it.

Hera collected a lot of information about Russell, but she knew little about the authority of the sun god. The only information was that Russell was the sun god.


"Ares, eat my sun god Russell's nirvana - solar storm!"

Russell let out a low cry, his body suspended in the air, and his hands raised to the sky.

A blinding white light shone, and scattered Thunder Snakes sprang out of his body, swirling around in a manic hurricane, causing ripples in mid-air.

After a while, the thunder light gathered and turned into a mass of thunder liquid full of destructive aura.

The energy is so strong that the aftermath of the stars spreads densely, tearing apart the surrounding space and distorting the winding black lines.

Russell raised his hands high, compressed it into a huge thunderball with a diameter of 100 meters, threw it vigorously, and smashed it towards Ares.

Ares doesn't know why, something is a solar storm, isn't this still thunder?

Just when he raised his hand to pick it up, a strange feeling came over him. There was indeed something different in the air from before.

He carefully chose to dodge, dodged the slowly falling thunderbolt, and watched it fall to the ground.

Buzz buzz———

Noises and hummings spread across the earth, the thunder ball sank into the ground and scattered, and the vast mountain range was ups and downs, as if some living thing in the seal was about to break out of the ground.

Russell was condescending, his five fingers traced a strange arc, and then he clenched his fist violently.

In an instant, the shaking of the earth stopped, but this space was completely different and became his private territory.

"Silent and silent, can you call this a solar storm?"

Ares blinked, the strange thunderball neither exploded, nor exploded, nor exploded, completely sorry for its size and the terrifying power contained in it.

"Hehe, you are a god of war without a brain, and you know nothing about solar storms."

Russell said that he did not take the wrong name. A mass of plasma with a magnetic field was thrown out by him, the sun god. It wasn't a solar storm, what else could it be?

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