End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1114 Suddenly thought of a funny thing

"Hephaestus, do you know the zodiac?"

"heard about it."

Russell's question did not bother Hephaestus. In the mural carvings of his temple, there are records about the sun, moon and stars: "The sun moves on the background of the starry sky, moves once a year, and finally returns to its original position. This route It’s called Huangdao.”

From the point of view of the center of the earth, or looking up at the night sky from the perspective of the earth, Hephaestus is right.

Russell does not intend to point out that in the world of mythological backgrounds, it is meaningless to entangle these.

Moreover, the celestial bodies in this world are indeed somewhat weird, and it would be wrong to substitute what Russell knew.

He said bluntly: "On the zodiac, every equally divided area has a constellation nearby, which adds up to exactly twelve."

"You mean the zoo?"


Now it was Russell's turn to look sullen. He didn't understand what the zoo meant. If it meant it literally, he wanted to apply to become the director of the zoo.

Under the explanation of Hephaestus, Russell knew that in Olympus, the gods believed that the constellations in the sky were composed of various animals, so they called the sky full of stars a zoo.

A group of gods headed by the Goddess of Fate, including the "God of Light" Apollo, built a large and complex set of "astrology" through the position of the stars in the sky, the way they meet, and so on.

There is also Zeus, who is so idle that he has nothing to do and wanders around all day long. He likes to combine wonderful stories with constellations, rename them, and give them different meanings.

No bragging, before Zeus lifted his trousers, apart from changing around, he was quite artistic a few times.

People are not good now, they only like literature and art when they are young, and when they grow up, they lie flat in front of the society and only like money.

Closer to home, Russell learned that Mount Olympus has paid attention to the constellations of the sky, but it is far from paying attention to them. Naming or placing meanings on constellations is a pastime in leisure time.

To put it bluntly, it's just for fun.

What's more, this world is not prehistoric, and naming constellations does not earn merits.

The zodiac has already been defined by several constellations,

Most of the rest have been ignored so far, such as Cancer, Lion, Sagittarius, etc., there is only one name and a rough star map, and there is no record of related legends.

Russell touched his chin, expressing that it is understandable, the real attention of constellations starts from the heroic age of human beings.

For example, Hercules, the most famous hero in Greek mythology, before he made his fortune, the legend of constellations was basically blank.

Looking into the reason, it can only be said that Hercules killed so-and-so, and there is another story in the constellations in the sky.

The latecomers follow the gourd and paint the ladle, and the sky is full of stories.

As for when Hercules was born, it depends on why Russell's silly brother Perseus has a granddaughter.

Because of Zeus' hard work, Perseus is not only Hercules' brother, but also Hercules' great-grandfather.

If Heracles is the center, Zeus would have to call his son, that is, Perseus, grandpa.

To be honest, if you don’t take a good look at it, the genealogy of Mount Olympus is just a messy logic test.

"Russell, what are you thinking, smiling so...so..."

Hephaestus didn't know how to speak, and changed several derogatory words, all of which were a bit unsavory.

"It's nothing, I suddenly thought of a funny thing."

"tell me the story."

"I passed by the beach last time and saw Poseidon practicing splits on the beach."


"Okay, don't talk about the extra nonsense, I want to forge ten...three holy clothes, because they are forged at the same time, and my strength is limited, you must help me."

As Russell said, he waved out thirteen figurines. He modeled them on the gold suit in [Saint Seiya]. There may be some differences in appearance, but they are all first-class in appearance.

"It's this kind of armor that pursues a gorgeous appearance..."

Hephaestus shook his head, wanting to say that good-looking doesn't mean practical. Thinking of Russell's Sun God suit, he decisively retracted the second half of the sentence.

"Hephaestus, use dim sum. If we can forge it successfully, it will change the aesthetics of the entire Mount Olympus, and by extension, it will affect the trend of the entire world."

Russell earnestly induced him, subconsciously substituting his hidden identity, and whispered softly: "Isn't it very exciting to change the whole world with your own hands, to become a big man standing at the top, and a pioneer admired by future generations?"


The honest man shook his head: "Whether it is me or Athena, there are skills taught to mortal craftsmen. We have already stood at the top and are admired by the world."

"That's different..."

Russell smiled, squinted his eyes and leaned next to Hephaestus: "Think about these beautiful and practical holy clothes. After they come to this world, they will be crazily sought after by the gods. Among them are those who used to treat you coldly." goddess."

"So what?"

"Idiot, you can take this opportunity to avenge your shame. You forge armor for them. They...hehehe...don't agree to let them go. If you figure it out, continue to line up."

Hearing Russell's words, Hephaestus blushed immediately and faltered: "This, this... I'm not that kind of person, no, I mean I didn't understand."

"you sure?"

"I'm very sure, I don't know what you're talking about, hurry up and start forging armor!"


Hephaestus was visibly excited, and Russell rolled his eyes, thinking he was trying to get a fart.

Because there was a sentence that Russell didn't say.

There are two people who can make holy clothes, one is the handsome Sun God and God of War, and the other is a lame old blacksmith. When the goddesses see this multiple-choice question, they will definitely run to the Temple of the Sun. The old blacksmith will give it away for nothing. take care of.


In the forging room, thirteen balls of liquid alloy were imprisoned in the air by electromagnetic force, and during the cooling process, they split into hundreds of pieces of different sizes.

The material of the holy clothing was personally configured by Hephaestus. In addition to the rare Kobelco, it was also mixed with other precious metals, or natural treasures.

For example, the Silver Star Sand, which is not available in the Temple of the Sun. Although the ratio of use is small, it is indispensable.

Russell half-closed his eyes, his forehead flickered with electric arcs, and before all the firmware was completely cooled, he finalized it at the fastest speed.

Hephaestus looked solemn, holding black hammers in each hand, one big and one small, and at the moment the firmware cooled down, he jumped up, waving his arms, and dropped the hammer on the surface of the armor.

The two had a clear division of labor, Russell made the rough model, Hephaestus was in charge of rough machining, and then handed over to Russell to carve the corners and other detailed parts.

On the volcanic pontoon, two figures alternated back and forth, and the sound of ping-pong-pong knocking was endless. Every time a blow fell, it was accompanied by a hurricane, which forced the magma below to stop rolling.

Rumble! !

According to legend, whenever the "God of Vulcan" Hephaestus forges, it will be accompanied by volcanic eruptions or vibrations.

This time was no exception. When the hammer fell, the buzzing sound trembled back and forth, echoing nine times in a row in the crater. Under the resonance, the whole volcano trembled slightly.

The squeezed magma rose up to resist, and the high temperature and heat filled the cave, making the thirteen unformed Saint Cloths show signs of melting again.

Russell didn't think about it, and recalled the feeling when he forged the Sun God's battle suit last time, his eyes were golden and red, and the sledgehammer in his hand was raised high and struck down heavily.


After a crisp sound, Hephaestus on the side trembled slightly. His talent was as powerful as him. He was instantly brought into the opportunity by Russell, and he realized the wonderful feeling of heaven and earth forging gods.

High in the sky, lightning and thunderclouds gathered again, but just as the thunder formed a climate, it was scattered by several beams of light from the crater.

Those are cloud clusters dotted with starlight, corresponding to the constellations of the thirteen holy garments, radiant and divine.

Outside the void, dots of stars suddenly brightened, and thirteen pillars of light rushed straight down, like the nine-day Milky Way rewinding the world.

When Guanghua fell to the ground, the strange light beam converged, hit the constellation pattern, and fell into the crater together.

Buzz buzz———

Russell and Hephaestus, who were obsessed with blacksmithing, didn't notice it, and fixed the light and shadow of the falling constellation with solemn expressions, and then punched into the corresponding holy clothes.

The constellations entered the body, and the thirteen holy clothes took shape rapidly, and star maps unfolded behind them, shining one by one according to the order of the zodiac.

Every time it shines, a piece of holy clothing is transformed, from the armored state, it is combined into a person or thing on the nebula.

Shine bright!

Both Russell and Hephaestus stopped to watch the Saint Cloth forging itself. Their eyes were demented, and they forced their minds to keep up with the forging steps, comprehending the mystery.

Russell entered this realm for the second time, and Hephaestus was the first time. The obsessive look on his face was stronger than when he peeked at Athena's back.

The star charts competed for splendor, and after each one of them shone, the holy light of the holy clothes converged, descended from mid-air, and were arranged in a circle around the big iron box.

After a long time, Hephaestus woke up, rubbed his hands and stepped forward, stroking each piece of holy clothing fondly, expressing admiration in his mouth.

"Russell, we made it, we made it..."

Hephaestus was so excited that he subconsciously turned into a repeater, chanting a sentence back and forth.

Russell frowned. Although the holy garment was successfully forged, he was very dissatisfied with the color. There were all kinds of colors[ ], and it looked like a motley crew, without grandeur at all.

For example, Cancer and Pisces, the aquatic combination is covered in gray and gray, and people believe that it is a bronze holy garment.

As Party A, Russell was very dissatisfied. He scolded Party B bloody and refused to accept the goods;

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and his authority unfolded, and he was dressed in the sun god's battle clothes.

The edges and surface of the battle suit lit up with golden vertical lines, and the radiance spread all over the place. The thirteen holy clothes were bathed in it, absorbing the dazzling sunlight like a bottomless pit.

After a while, the divine light was fully absorbed, and Russell put away the Sun God's battle suit, surrounded by thirteen holy garments.

Dazzling golden light bloomed one by one, forming a continuous film, illuminating the entire volcanic cavity and filling the room with brilliance, and the bright red scorching sea was covered with a layer of golden brilliance.

"It's done!"

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