End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1123 The Wisdom of the Fool

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: [New] The fastest update! No ads!

The big-breasted younger brother at the foot of the mountain to the east of the sanctuary is Perseus, the husband of the current queen of Argos, Andromeda, referred to as the king's man.

After Russell left, the family of four lived a prosperous life without worrying about food and clothing.

Except Perseus.

As the son of Zeus, the younger brother of the sun god and the god of war, he has a prominent background. In Argos, he is the only one who bullies others, and others are bullied by him with a smile.

The days of eating and waiting to die are very boring. After experiencing an exciting adventure, Perseus can't adapt to the comfortable life of stretching out his clothes to eat and opening his mouth.

Also, I don't know if it's because the marriage spoiled the love, or because of Zeus's blood. It's only been about a month, and the honeymoon period hasn't passed yet, so Perseus feels that his wife is not good.

The world was so big, he wanted to go out for a walk, preferably with Russell.

That's right, the kid misses his brother.

As soon as Russell's voice spread across the world, Perseus put on his feather shoes and wanted to go straight to the sanctuary to meet his elder brother.

Failed, blocked by Queen Andromeda.

The queen's meaning is simple. The sun god is the belief of the city-state of Argos. Perseus can go to the sanctuary, but he must bring a guard of honor to show respect for the belief.

Perseus rejected this arrangement, fearing that his relationship with Russell would become estranged. Due to his limited IQ, he was unable to express his potential thoughts, covered his ears and shook his head, and kept talking without listening or listening.

In desperation, the queen resorted to the ultimate move against the blood of Zeus, and pulled Perseus Xiaozhi to reason with his emotions, and the location was in the bedroom.

The effect is outstanding, but it lasts too short, and the end result is that the queen is silent and Perseus walks out of the bedroom alone.

Because of this, Perseus was delayed for some time and failed to arrive at the sanctuary as soon as possible.

It can't be said that he is slow, he has feather shoes that can fly, and he is the first person to rush to the sanctuary.

Looking at the endless stone steps, Perseus narrowed his eyes slightly, remembering Russell's teaching, and flew straight into the sky with his feather shoes.

Russell: Perseus, you have to remember, don’t use your brains if you can solve it with money, and don’t use your brains if you can solve it with muscle.

What Russell meant was that he was not afraid of others using his brains, but he was afraid of Perseus using his brains.

Perseus shook his head, and referring to Russell's daily life, he understood that he could lie down but never sit, and he could sit and never stand.

He has feather shoes, why use his feet to climb the steps?


With a muffled sound, Perseus lay down on the ground in a figure-shaped shape, his body heavy as if he was pressing down on a boulder.

The feather shoes couldn't bear Perseus's current weight, which made him very regretful. After struggling to stand up, he missed the black Pegasus that was raised in the palace garden.

He thought about Tianma's speed not losing to Yuxie, and its talent is extremely strong in resisting pressure. If it was it, it would definitely be able to bear this unbearable weight.

It was too late to say this now, Perseus looked at the end of the mountain, gritted his teeth and took the first step.

During the walk, the steps were difficult, and sweat flowed down the cheeks, hitting the steps like falling stones.

An honest man has one advantage or disadvantage. He is stubborn, single-minded, and has a stubborn temper that can't be pulled back. Under great pressure, he lifts his feet again and again, and slowly moves to the first house of the zodiac—— Aries.


In the Temple of the Sun,

Ai'o waved away a water mirror, looked at Perseus who was gasping for breath but didn't know what to give up, with a little admiration on his face.

It felt like she had tried before, let alone advancing under pressure, most people couldn't do it with patience.

"Russell, is the difficulty of the trial too high?"

Ai'o was quite worried: "Perseus is half-human, half-god, and his physical talent far exceeds that of ordinary people. He is struggling. Can others pass the test?"

"No, the pressure on everyone is different. What I want is unyielding belief and will, not a strong body."

After Russell finished speaking, he added: "Also, the pressure on Perseus is ten times that I put on you."

"ten times!?"

Ai'o was even more surprised: "What do you mean, is Perseus's physical fitness too strong, and the pressure is not enough to test his perseverance, or are you simply trying to make things difficult for him?"

"Purely make things difficult for him!"

Russell sighed: "Saint fighters are high-risk jobs. They might be gone one day. I don't want to make that princess a widow. It's okay to be a widow. If she gives birth to a demigod, it will still be Perseus's." Man, that's really bad."

Really, why don't I believe it!

Ai'o automatically ignored the dirty jokes, thinking that Russell didn't want Perseus because of his limited IQ, and becoming a golden saint would create a lot of jokes, causing the collective reputation of the saints to be harmed.

"So, it's possible he didn't at all?"

"I didn't say that, as long as he can climb up and be recognized by a holy cloth, he can become a holy warrior fighting for love and justice."


Looking at Russell, who was covered in black air, Ai'o felt uncomfortable all over.

While the two were talking, Perseus in the water mirror staggered and fell to the ground, his body fell heavily. He struggled several times but failed to get up.

"it's over……"

Russell shook his head slightly, raised his hand and pointed in the air, trying to pull the paralyzed Perseus directly from the Palace of Aries to the Temple of the Sun.

In the water mirror, Perseus let out an unexplained growl, his muscles tensed, the blood vessels in his neck dilated, his arms swelled in a circle, and he climbed up abruptly with brute force.

Russell paused with his hand in mid-air, slowly put it back to its original position, and whispered: "If you can't bear it, you can hang it up... As expected of a descendant of Titan, the blood talent is really amazing."

Ai'o didn't hear Russell's words, watched Perseus who got up again in the water mirror, and silently cheered for him, hoping that he would prove himself and defeat the suppression of the dark forces.

In sight, after Perseus climbed up, he seemed to have adapted to the strong pressure. First he staggered and moved slowly on the stone steps, then picked up the steps and walked faster and faster, and finally he walked like flying.

His body is as light as nothing, and he can cross more than ten steps with one lift of his feet. He ran across the Taurus Palace like a fly, and moved quickly towards the Gemini Palace.

As long as Russell stopped making things difficult, Perseus would arrive at the Temple of the Sun in just a few minutes.

"How is this going?"

Ai'e turned her head in surprise, and asked, "Is it because of his half-human, half-god bloodline's amazing potential, and he broke through his own limit in the face of pressure?"

"No, this is the power of the small universe."



"Brother, I'm here to see you."


Five minutes later, Perseus rushed into the Sun Temple, trotted all the way and rushed towards Russell.


He slammed on the brakes with both feet, stopped halfway, turned around and ran towards Ai'o.

"Goddess Ai'o, I'm here to see you."

"..." x2

Russell: He is worthy of being the son of Zeus, just like him.

Ai O: As expected of Russell's younger brother, just like him.

"Goddess Ai'o, this golden armor on your body is so beautiful. Where did you find the treasure? I really want one."

Perseus widened his eyes, the pupils were golden, and swallowed enviously.

"This is the golden holy cloth, right on top of your head."

Ai'e pointed to the twelve golden holy clothes floating above the main hall, and couldn't help but wondered: "About the golden holy clothes and the holy fighters, everyone has heard the sound transmission from your elder brother, why don't you know?"

Perseus looked up at the ceiling, his mouth was wide open, surrounded by twelve golden holy garments, his blood boiled, and Ai'o lost his fragrance in an instant.

After a while, Perseus swished in front of Russell and swooped down on him.

A big black hand sprang out from the ground, grabbed Perseus' ankle in the air, swung it into a hammer and smashed it more than ten times in a row before throwing him on the ground.

Perseus has a strong body, wiped off the nosebleed after getting up, and moved to Russell's side: "Brother, you have so many beautiful armors, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I said that!"


"I said it when the sanctuary was established, but you didn't hear it."

Russell pouted, guessing that the sentence was too long, Perseus only heard the first part, and ignored the rest.

At the same time, I was a little moved in my heart. The silly brother went up the mountain not for the holy clothes, but to see him.

Although when he saw Ai'o, his big brother was thrown out of the sky, but this can't be blamed on Perseus, after all, the starting point is good.

It's all Zeus' fault. If he hadn't engraved his lust into his genes, Perseus wouldn't be unable to walk when he saw a beautiful woman.

"Brother, I want a piece of armor."

"Don't you have one yourself?"

Russell remembered that during the adventure, Perseus picked up treasures for five consecutive days, including a silver scale breastplate.

Perseus nodded when he heard this, took out the magic pocket from his waist, and in front of Russell, took out the breastplate and threw it far outside the Temple of the Sun.

"It's gone now."

"..." x2

What is this, the wisdom of fools?

Russell was speechless. If he didn't know that Perseus had no brains, he would definitely think that he was as shameless as Zeus.

Ao was speechless, if she didn't know that Perseus had no brains, she would definitely think that he was as shameless as Russell.

"Brother, I want a piece of armor, can you please talk to me!"

"There is no armor here, only twelve golden holy clothes." Russell corrected.

"Then I want a golden holy cloth..."

Facing Russell, Perseus was never polite. He looked up for a long time and found that everyone wanted it. Finally, he pointed to Leo's golden holy cloth: "This lion is so mighty, I want him."

"No, you are the son of Zeus, you should choose a bull, Taurus is more suitable for you."

As soon as Russell finished speaking, the Leo Golden Saint Cloth suddenly radiated light, fell from mid-air, and hovered quietly in front of Perseus.

This is a golden lion with a whole body composed of parts of holy clothes, majestic yet gorgeous.

Russell: (?_?)

Too bad, if he hadn't pressed it, the Leo Golden Saint Cloth would have automatically disintegrated and worn on Perseus.

At a certain moment, Russell felt that Zeus not only engraved lust into his genes, but also his fate as the dragon Zeus Aotian.

"Brother, you are so kind."

Perseus was teary-eyed, holding the Leo Golden Cloth, wiping his snot and tears up, according to biological habits, this is dividing the territory.

The picture is too eye-catching, and when Russell thinks that this thing is his own saint, he can't look directly at it for a while.

"Don't get too excited, the real test has just begun..."

Russell raised his hand and hooked it slightly, Perseus' cheek was cut with blood, a drop of blood floated in mid-air, and quickly grew and swelled into a meat ball.

While Perseus was stunned, the meat ball shrank and turned into his own appearance, with no difference in the whole face.

The golden lion disintegrated, and the holy clothing firmware turned into a golden beam of light and rushed towards the clone of Perseus, wearing it neatly on its body.

The golden light converged, and the replica was tightly wrapped by the golden holy garment. The shadow under the helmet was thick, covering most of the face, and only the part below the nose could be seen clearly on the whole face.

"This is your test. If you want to wear Leo's golden holy clothes, the method is very simple, just conquer it."

Russell crossed his legs and put his hands in front of him, as if he was a master behind the scenes.

"Brother, that's not right!"

Perseus looked away in astonishment, pointed at the duplicate body and said, "This man...he doesn't have a penis!"

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